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Results for "39윈조이칩┝<ㅌㄹ𝙆𝙆8465} ⇻피망포커머니구매◬"

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Results for "39윈조이칩┝<ㅌㄹ𝙆𝙆8465} ⇻피망포커머니구매◬"

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Delivery Date Policy
by Seller_7pTs15IYXmTOB

Hello everyone

I am a tiny seller with just two sales I think this month or at best in the past few weeks. I have a wee £31 in my account and even that is under "deferred"

It says "Delivery Date Policy"

What is this all about please.

One of my fulfillment is with amazon and one was seller fulfilled.

I have opened a case but predictably a most long-winded response copy and paste of amazon website which I am struggling to figure out what applies to me.

Any similar experience? And what steps do I take to have this issue fixed, please?

Many thanks for your time

Case ID 10304957492


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We invite you all to our upcoming Ask Amazon Event. This time, we'll be addressing your questions about the new Manage All Inventory experience.

Do you have any queries or feedback regarding the New Manage All Inventory Interface? Join our Ask Amazon event on 1st October 2024, from 9 am to 5 pm (BST), and post your questions and comments in the dedicated Manage All Inventory Ask Amazon thread. We'll collaborate closely with our Manage Your Inventory Team to provide answers.

Please note: This event is intended for general questions and we cannot provide advice or feedback on individual claims.

We look forward to addressing your queries!

If you're not yet familiar with the Manage All Inventory interface updates, here's a list of the new features:

  • Customise your table view to suit your business needs. Click the gear icon to navigate to the Preferences page and set your default view.
  • Find your product variations organised as a single expandable group within your product list.
  • Sort listings by product performance metrics (Last 30-day sales, units, page views, and sales rank).
  • Easily access pricing and inventory details via updated pop-ups with comprehensive information in a single place.
  • Search for multiple products simultaneously.


Have a great day, and see you at the New Manage All Inventory Experience Ask Amazon Event!

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DD +7 - what a con!
by Seller_58y2FhNkywdyp

well, gone onto this new system and its amazing how long they intend to hold onto my money.

firstly i seem to have lost daily disbursements so when the amounts finally get cleared (normal 2nd class so just over a week plus 7 days) i have to wait in some cases for another fortnight for the fortnightly payout.

plus the 4 to 5 days the bank transfer takes!

also although the individual transaction for each order appears on the list within 30 minutes, its taking a further 2 days to update the deferred balance!

what a con!

rant done



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I am writing regarding the deactivation of my Seller account, which occurred on May 23, 2024. The deactivation notice referenced Section 3 of Amazon’s Business Solutions Agreement, but I have not been informed of any specific violations, and I can confirm that I operate only one account. I have been trying to resolve this issue for months, but I have yet to receive meaningful support or clarity.

Timeline of Events:

08-20-2024 (11:09): I emailed disbursement-appeals to appeal the deactivation and request disbursement of my funds, which have been held for over 90 days. No response was received.

08-22-2024 (14:46): I received an email stating that to release my funds, Amazon needs to verify my identity and supply chain.

08-23-2024 (08:31): I received a link to upload documents and join a video call. I promptly uploaded my documents by 12:17:11 on the same day and joined the video call as instructed, but no Amazon associate joined the call.

08-23-2024 (19:22): I requested a scheduled video call via email, but received no meaningful response.

08-26-2024: I received an automated response asking me to complete the steps I had already fulfilled, including uploading documents and joining a call.

08-26 to 08-29: I sent multiple emails stating that I had been waiting for days, with evidence that I had joined the call. Again, no Amazon associate joined the call.

08-30-2024 (16:12): I received another automated response, again asking me to complete steps I had already done. I replied immediately, requesting assistance to schedule the call, but again, no resolution.

09-09-2024 (14:30): I contacted Amazon Account Health by phone and was advised to send evidence to the same email address, which I did at 15:04. No response was received.

09-10-2024: I received another automated email, ignoring my previous attempts and simply asking me to verify my identity once again.

09-20-2024 (22:53): I received an email stating that my funds could not be disbursed because I failed to schedule an appointment. This statement is inaccurate and unfair, as I have made every effort to comply with the process but have been repeatedly ignored.

My Request:

I have followed all the instructions provided by Amazon, uploaded my documents on time, and waited on multiple occasions for a representative to join the video call. Despite this, I have received no assistance and have been subjected to repeated delays and automated responses. The stress and frustration caused by this situation have been overwhelming.

I kindly ask for immediate intervention to:

Schedule the virtual identity verification video call at a specific, confirmed time.

Ensure that my account is reviewed fairly and that my funds are disbursed without further delay.

If this issue is not resolved promptly, I will have no choice but to seek legal advice to pursue this matter further.

Please treat this matter with urgency. I am happy to provide any additional evidence or clarification if needed.

Thank you for your attention to this issue. I look forward to your prompt response and resolution.

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OUCH, Doubled
by Seller_FhfzIInmoIaYS

I’ve been expecting some form of attack as I beat similar products on price, quality and transparency. I had to go I suppose. Four negatives in less than a week. All in quick succession and over the previous months 31 successive nearly all fives, and the product hasn’t changed.

What’s going on ??

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Hi all, i would like to know if anyone has dealt with this issue before (email below).

I only sell 4 products which are all private label hair products, i design them and my manufacturer in china makes and ships them to me. I cant see how i have violated section 3 based on this.

For info i have had the video verification call for which the person has asked me to send additional info which i will when i get tomorrow

I would like to believe that justice will prevail and i wont be deactivated as my livelihood and ability to provide for my family rests on this business!



Your Amazon selling account will be deactivated on September 4, 2024 in accordance with Section 3 of the "Amazon Business Solutions Agreement". Funds will not be transferred to you but will stay in your account while we work with you to address this issue. Continue to ship any open orders to avoid further impact to your account.

Why is this happening?

We believe or our controls identify that your account has been used for deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity in accordance with Section 3 of the "Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement". In order to protect our customers, we verify the identity of our sellers through a virtual identity verification process on a video interview.

How do I register for virtual identity verification?

1. Access the following link:

2. Follow the on-screen instructions to upload the required documents and connect with an associate.

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Effective September 30, 2024, if Amazon requires you to submit product compliance documents, these must be submitted and approved before you can list the product.

To ensure that the products sold on Amazon are held to the highest standards and are safe for customers to use, you must be able to demonstrate through appropriate compliance documentation that all the products you offer on Amazon meet regulatory and policy requirements.

This update does not make changes to existing compliance requirements, and existing product listings will not be impacted. New products won’t be listed until all required compliance documentation has been submitted and approved. You can do this through the Manage All Inventory dashboard. Customer safety is our top priority and we may ask for additional information to verify product safety and compliance at any time.

For more information about this change, go to Creating new selection with compliance requirements.

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Amazon replied

Hi @Simon_Amazon

Please can you help me,

We delivered 1020 units on 31 July 2024 to LBA9, Shipment ref FBA15J15Y4FX.

The status of this shipment on the dashboard is still 'in transit', despite the stock being delivered on 31 July 2024.

We have been out of stock since 31 July, which has heavily impacted the business throughout Aug and September.

Please can you support me with getting these recieved into inventory asap.

Case ID 10124768562

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Hi @Seller_hnDMgUKxMh1V4

Yes the goods were delivered on 31 July, I have the stamped proof of delivery.

The shipment dashboard is still showing 'in transit'

I've had no luck so far with seller support

Thank you!

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A-Z Claim opened after refund processed
by Seller_s9KNnxjDTYNS4
Amazon replied

We had a customer request a return and a refund, we sent a UPS prepaid collection to the house which they were aware of (tracking details supplied etc) and the customer missed the collection.

Customer opened an A-Z claim and then withdrew the claim after agreeing to drop off the packages with the new prepaid labels detailed below

We then said we can send pre paid postage labels so they could drop off the items, they requested post office labels due to the drop off point being closest so we supplied another 2x labels to return the packages to us, again free of charge.

The packages arrived today 04/09/2024 (9:35am to be precise) and we issued a full refund today at 11:59am 04/09/2024.

Customer replied to us stating we had only refunded 291.64 of the 349.97 order stating they would like the 58.37 missing to be reimbursed, I kindly stated to them to wait for the confirmation email from Amazon to state the final confirmed refund balance and that the order status would update once the final balance had been settled, the difference in what you are is seeing and the total refund is the VAT amount and that this would be reimbursed in full once the refund had settled. I detailed all of this to the customer, even with the math to work out 291.64 * 1.2 (20% VAT) makes up the total 349.97 rounded to the nearest pence.

Despite this, it looks like the customer has opened an A-Z claim to recover their 'missing' VAT balance, but due to us refunding the order we have now had an email stating We have closed an A-to-z Guarantee claim of £349.97 on order 'X' because you issued a refund to the customer. No further action is required from you at this time but we have counted the claim against your Order Defect Rate.

Anyone had experience with this refund pattern in the past and any luck on getting the ODR reversed? In my past history I've known despite the information you throw at the A-Z team once the claim is in it's not getting overturned.

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