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Results for "68원조이머니시세╋[까똑₭₭8465>◑바둑이환전업체⋰"

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Results for "68원조이머니시세╋[까똑₭₭8465>◑바둑이환전업체⋰"

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I am writing regarding the deactivation of my Seller account, which occurred on May 23, 2024. The deactivation notice referenced Section 3 of Amazon’s Business Solutions Agreement, but I have not been informed of any specific violations, and I can confirm that I operate only one account. I have been trying to resolve this issue for months, but I have yet to receive meaningful support or clarity.

Timeline of Events:

08-20-2024 (11:09): I emailed disbursement-appeals to appeal the deactivation and request disbursement of my funds, which have been held for over 90 days. No response was received.

08-22-2024 (14:46): I received an email stating that to release my funds, Amazon needs to verify my identity and supply chain.

08-23-2024 (08:31): I received a link to upload documents and join a video call. I promptly uploaded my documents by 12:17:11 on the same day and joined the video call as instructed, but no Amazon associate joined the call.

08-23-2024 (19:22): I requested a scheduled video call via email, but received no meaningful response.

08-26-2024: I received an automated response asking me to complete the steps I had already fulfilled, including uploading documents and joining a call.

08-26 to 08-29: I sent multiple emails stating that I had been waiting for days, with evidence that I had joined the call. Again, no Amazon associate joined the call.

08-30-2024 (16:12): I received another automated response, again asking me to complete steps I had already done. I replied immediately, requesting assistance to schedule the call, but again, no resolution.

09-09-2024 (14:30): I contacted Amazon Account Health by phone and was advised to send evidence to the same email address, which I did at 15:04. No response was received.

09-10-2024: I received another automated email, ignoring my previous attempts and simply asking me to verify my identity once again.

09-20-2024 (22:53): I received an email stating that my funds could not be disbursed because I failed to schedule an appointment. This statement is inaccurate and unfair, as I have made every effort to comply with the process but have been repeatedly ignored.

My Request:

I have followed all the instructions provided by Amazon, uploaded my documents on time, and waited on multiple occasions for a representative to join the video call. Despite this, I have received no assistance and have been subjected to repeated delays and automated responses. The stress and frustration caused by this situation have been overwhelming.

I kindly ask for immediate intervention to:

Schedule the virtual identity verification video call at a specific, confirmed time.

Ensure that my account is reviewed fairly and that my funds are disbursed without further delay.

If this issue is not resolved promptly, I will have no choice but to seek legal advice to pursue this matter further.

Please treat this matter with urgency. I am happy to provide any additional evidence or clarification if needed.

Thank you for your attention to this issue. I look forward to your prompt response and resolution.

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I would advise everyone who has just had this applied to their seller accounts to email Amazon and request an extension:

We did this and within 48 hours we received a reply and an extension to Sept 2025 and this is after the policy had been applied to our account, this suggest the legality of the policy is questionable at least.

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OK so customer has gone through returns process and as it was an item of clothing Amazon issued a pre-paid returns label (Royal Mail Tracked 48)

Customer returned item on 2nd September, and tracking confirms this and so Amazon issued a refund.

However, I have not received item back - tracking says 'in transit'

What is the procedure now? Do I contact Royal Mail (but I did not buy the returns label, it was Amazon even though they charged me for it) or is it a Safe-T claim? Reading help it implies I have to contact Royal Mail - is that correct?

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Amazon refusing to pay out a settlement
by Seller_qRRMpuTlQnNKo
Amazon replied

A disbursement payment was due on the 10/06/2024, however it was cancelled. The reason given for the cancellation was that our seller account was under review. Apart from this message we have had no other notifications of our account being under review and the health page that it links to shows no issues. We have also received disbursements since then without issue.

Case 9901508692 was raised on the 19/06/2024.

We were told that the payment would be made on the 02/07/2024. However this did not happen.

Case 9960607042 was raised on the 08/07/2024

We chased the missing payment date but the contents of this case was deleted by a seller associate.

Case 9971674942 was raised on the 10/07/2024

Here we were told that the case had been transferred and that an answer would be provided in “3-5 days” and that it is normal for transferred cases to have all details deleted from them.

Case 10024562962 was raised on the 24/07/2024

After 14 days with no contact or updates regarding this issue we made contact again. We were informed that because the case had been transferred there was no way for a seller associate to see if the issue had even been looked at.

It has now been 26 days since we were told we would have an update in 3-5 days. We have had no contact from anyone and every time we reach out, we have been met with apathy.

Does anyone know of a way to reach out to the team involved in resolving this?

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It has now been 48 hours since our listing was removed.

Over the last two years, we have invested significant time and capital to grow our brand on Amazon.

We have over £20,000 worth of stock stranded and are losing sales and rank every day.

Can anyone at all help?

@Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM@Seller_pcsb5w54JugEA @Seller_hnDMgUKxMh1V4

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Order Number: 206-0489901-4368319

Merchandise amount: GBP 531.14

Date of claim: 28 August 2024

[Moderator Edit (Sarah_Amz): personal data removed]

Proof of delivery:

Delivery Date: 2024/8/22

Delivery date as specified by Amazon: 2024/8/22

From the logistics website, the order was delivered on the specified delivery date.

And now the buyer just filed an A-to-Z claim to get an easy refund, costing us £531.14. The buyer got the item for free.

I have contacted the buyer to ask him to return the parcel but he has not responded in any way.

This is a scammer and so is Amazon, not scrutinised at all. I submitted a complaint and the response from Amazon was ‘We reviewed all the information and decided that the evidence you provided was not sufficient to prove that the order was delivered.’ However in the previous response, ‘In this case, the tracking information showed delivery, but the buyer did not receive the package. Since you provided sufficient information to prove that the buyer actually received the order, we will not count this claim against your order defect rate.’

Obviously both Amazon and the buyer know that the parcel was indeed delivered, but with neither of them acknowledging it, what confidence do we have in continuing to sell on Amazon Mall?

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Are you using the Seller Fulfilled Prime (SFP) program, Customer Service By Amazon (CSBA) program, or Amazon Prepaid Return Labels (APRL) for seller-fulfilled orders? Has

Amazon issued a refund to a Buyer on your behalf but there was an issue with the returned item? Was that refund issued within the last 60 days? Then you might be eligible to file a SAFE-T reimbursement claim!

As we have seen questions about SAFE-T claims in the Forums, we want to shed some light on: when you can file a SAFE-T claim, which scenarios are not eligible for SAFE-T and what to do if a SAFE-T claim is denied.

Examples of scenarios that are eligible for SAFE-T:

1. Issue with a returned product: A Buyer returns a damaged, incomplete or different product.

Note: When filing a claim, please upload photos of the returned item and the returned package with the return label clearly visible on the package.

2. Buyer received a replacement: The Buyer agreed to a replacement before Amazon issued the refund and you provided the replacement. Note: For such cases, the Buyer’s agreement to the replacement needs to be visible in Buyer-Seller-Messages and you must provide the tracking ID of the replacement shipment when filing a claim. Please note that we only consider claims for replacements that have been successfully delivered to the Buyer’s address.

3. Out of return window: The return was made outside of the return window. Note: There is an extended holiday return window for orders placed between November 1st to December 31st.

4. Buyer responsible for shipping costs: If the return shipping cost was refunded even though the Buyer was responsible for return shipping as per theReturn Reason codes for Prepaid Returns tables, you can file a SAFE-T claim to recover those costs. Note: There are several scenarios in which you must pay the cost of return shipping regardless of the return reason and are therefore not eligible for reimbursement of return shipping cost. This includes:

• Fashion items (see Free returns for fashion items).

• Items below 22.6 kg which are listed in the Seller Fulfilled Prime program (see Returns policy for Seller Fulfilled Prime).

• International returns (see Customer returns for international sales).

Examples of scenarios that are not eligible for SAFE-T:

1. Refund issued by the seller: Only refunds issued by Amazon are eligible for SAFE-T. If there is no Amazon-issued refund and the buyer returned an item in different condition, you may deduct (up to 100%) from the refund (please seepartial refund).

2. Orders falling under a different Amazon policy: You cannot file a SAFE-T claim for FBA orders or orders with AtoZ Guarantee claims or Chargeback claims.

3. Loss/damage in transit: Loss or damage caused by shipping carriers is not eligible for reimbursement from Amazon. Those claims must be filed directly with the carrier.

4. Return refused: If you have refused a return shipment, you are not eligible for SAFE-T.

What to do if a claim was denied:

Step 1: Understand why the claim was denied by going to the Manage SAFE-T Claims page and clicking View message on the respective claim. The message(s) from the investigator will highlight the denial reason and the corresponding policy.

Step 2: If your claim was denied even though it meets the eligibility requirements as per policy, you can appeal the decision within 7 calendar days by providing additional supporting evidence. To submit this evidence, simply reply on the claim and upload the relevant documents. Please note that you can only appeal a claim decision once and that we may stop responding to repeated appeal attempts.

Please make sure to review the respective SAFE-T policies for additional information:

SAFE-T reimbursements for APRL returns

SAFE-T reimbursements for CSBA orders

SAFE-T reimbursements for SFP orders

Any other open questions? If there are any other areas of SAFE-T claims that are still unclear to you, feel free to ask questions below.

Let us know if you find contributions like this helpful by giving a thumbs up 👍 or down 👎, or leaving a comment. 😊

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Hi Simon, I certainly can. Please see ID 10101300652

Almost 60 email exchanges, all irrelevant copy-paste Amazon's side. We need the product reinstated/account health resolved but also how can a team operate in this way, with multiple reps daily over a month?

I have replied again today with documents, showing this product for sale dozens of times on Amazon UK, 100's of shops in Google UK, Amazon even has a product category for it. Also attached is the M list from the UK Government MHRA where it is not listed as a pharmaceutical.

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LBA4 Partially Received
by Seller_uJilHs5qDJ9EF

The shipment is still showing the same status.

But what is worrying is that the 'Future supply buyable' was 60 units, but is now showing 6 units (of which these 6 units are from another separate shipment).

Are the other 47 other units now missing/disappeared from the system?

@Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM @Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH @Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN @Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR @Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP Can you offer any guidance or look into this?

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I'm having similar issues. I used to do 2nd class track and sign, but I changed it to track 48, but now it is coming up invalid track number. Does anyone know if track 48 is recognised.

Kind regards


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