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Results for "86홀덤머니업체█<ㅌㄹ@𝙆𝙆8465⦌➘홀덤머니판매↭"

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Results for "86홀덤머니업체█<ㅌㄹ@𝙆𝙆8465⦌➘홀덤머니판매↭"

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Not winning buy box as a new seller
by Seller_fkCx49hQJ7ZWl

Hi everyone,

Not sure how to say this but I am a new seller on amazon, the cheapest on all my listings but not won buy box at all. 0%. I sent 84 units to the coventry depot, inventory was then sent out to other depots around the UK currently 74 is available to sell. But like I said, nothing is selling. At all. Other sellers on the products are still making sales & winning buy box. Super confused. Has anyone experienced this before? Will my sales come after shipment is closed?

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I am writing regarding the deactivation of my Seller account, which occurred on May 23, 2024. The deactivation notice referenced Section 3 of Amazon’s Business Solutions Agreement, but I have not been informed of any specific violations, and I can confirm that I operate only one account. I have been trying to resolve this issue for months, but I have yet to receive meaningful support or clarity.

Timeline of Events:

08-20-2024 (11:09): I emailed disbursement-appeals to appeal the deactivation and request disbursement of my funds, which have been held for over 90 days. No response was received.

08-22-2024 (14:46): I received an email stating that to release my funds, Amazon needs to verify my identity and supply chain.

08-23-2024 (08:31): I received a link to upload documents and join a video call. I promptly uploaded my documents by 12:17:11 on the same day and joined the video call as instructed, but no Amazon associate joined the call.

08-23-2024 (19:22): I requested a scheduled video call via email, but received no meaningful response.

08-26-2024: I received an automated response asking me to complete the steps I had already fulfilled, including uploading documents and joining a call.

08-26 to 08-29: I sent multiple emails stating that I had been waiting for days, with evidence that I had joined the call. Again, no Amazon associate joined the call.

08-30-2024 (16:12): I received another automated response, again asking me to complete steps I had already done. I replied immediately, requesting assistance to schedule the call, but again, no resolution.

09-09-2024 (14:30): I contacted Amazon Account Health by phone and was advised to send evidence to the same email address, which I did at 15:04. No response was received.

09-10-2024: I received another automated email, ignoring my previous attempts and simply asking me to verify my identity once again.

09-20-2024 (22:53): I received an email stating that my funds could not be disbursed because I failed to schedule an appointment. This statement is inaccurate and unfair, as I have made every effort to comply with the process but have been repeatedly ignored.

My Request:

I have followed all the instructions provided by Amazon, uploaded my documents on time, and waited on multiple occasions for a representative to join the video call. Despite this, I have received no assistance and have been subjected to repeated delays and automated responses. The stress and frustration caused by this situation have been overwhelming.

I kindly ask for immediate intervention to:

Schedule the virtual identity verification video call at a specific, confirmed time.

Ensure that my account is reviewed fairly and that my funds are disbursed without further delay.

If this issue is not resolved promptly, I will have no choice but to seek legal advice to pursue this matter further.

Please treat this matter with urgency. I am happy to provide any additional evidence or clarification if needed.

Thank you for your attention to this issue. I look forward to your prompt response and resolution.

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Has anyone been able to locate the VAT seller fee report for August? Since we now have to reclaim these fees ourselves, it's crucial that we have an accurate report, including fees and returns.

I've searched everywhere, including the Tax Library, but haven't had any luck. It's been 26 days since end of Aug, and we still don't have access to a proper report, which is frustrating. I'm unable to complete my VAT return without the August VAT report on Amazon seller fees.

I submitted a support case [10320202612] three days ago but haven’t received a response yet. Is anyone else seeing this report, or experiencing the same issue? Does anyone have this report showing up?

Thank you.

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Hi Sakura,

This "new" reserve DD+7 policy has taken effect for us in the past week across several of the Amazon marketplaces we sell through. The amount that we cannot access currently stands at approximately £40,000 and is growing by about £7000 per day. I understand the reasons behind Amazon's policy however it is completely unclear as to how much will get released and when which makes it impossible for us to forecast cashflow with any accuracy.

For example, when I checked one of the EU marketplaces yesterday, it said that there was a "Transfer of €xxxx.xx scheduled to initiate on 26/09/2024". I've checked this morning to see that no transfer has been initiated and all that is happened is that the date has been pushed forward by 14 days and now says that a "Transfer of €xxxx.xx scheduled to initiate on 10/10/2024".

This highlights another aspect to this change that means we will now only be able to receive a funds transfer every two weeks? Surely this will result in certain transactions now being subject to a DD+7+14 extension!

For more years than I can remember we have been able to initiate daily funds withdrawals. This is crucial in order to have cash in our bank account at certain points during the month such as today when we need to meet payroll for the 43 staff that work here!

I'm unaware of receiving an email with an extension proposition although it may have been missed by another member of staff. Is there a way of looking back at old emails to see whether we were offered the chance?

Either way, I have now (yesterday) emailed the suggested email address to request a DD7 Policy Exclusion. Like many others I am concerned to know that my email has reached the correct department. If you're able to check that would be fantastic.



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Amazon refusing to pay out a settlement
by Seller_qRRMpuTlQnNKo
Amazon replied

A disbursement payment was due on the 10/06/2024, however it was cancelled. The reason given for the cancellation was that our seller account was under review. Apart from this message we have had no other notifications of our account being under review and the health page that it links to shows no issues. We have also received disbursements since then without issue.

Case 9901508692 was raised on the 19/06/2024.

We were told that the payment would be made on the 02/07/2024. However this did not happen.

Case 9960607042 was raised on the 08/07/2024

We chased the missing payment date but the contents of this case was deleted by a seller associate.

Case 9971674942 was raised on the 10/07/2024

Here we were told that the case had been transferred and that an answer would be provided in “3-5 days” and that it is normal for transferred cases to have all details deleted from them.

Case 10024562962 was raised on the 24/07/2024

After 14 days with no contact or updates regarding this issue we made contact again. We were informed that because the case had been transferred there was no way for a seller associate to see if the issue had even been looked at.

It has now been 26 days since we were told we would have an update in 3-5 days. We have had no contact from anyone and every time we reach out, we have been met with apathy.

Does anyone know of a way to reach out to the team involved in resolving this?

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by Seller_59o5ETIO82YM7

Dear Amazon Seller Support,

I am writing regarding the deactivation of my Seller account (under the name Coral Beauty UK), which occurred on May 23, 2024. The deactivation notice referenced Section 3 of Amazon’s Business Solutions Agreement, but I have not been informed of any specific violations, and I can confirm that I operate only one account. I have been trying to resolve this issue for months, but I have yet to receive meaningful support or clarity.

Timeline of Events:

08-20-2024 (11:09): I emailed disbursement-appeals to appeal the deactivation and request disbursement of my funds, which have been held for over 90 days. No response was received.

08-22-2024 (14:46): I received an email stating that to release my funds, Amazon needs to verify my identity and supply chain.

08-23-2024 (08:31): I uplouded docs it by 12:17:11 on the same day and joined the video call as instructed, but no amazon joined the call.

08-23-2024 (19:22): I requested a scheduled video call via email, but received no meaningful response.

08-26-2024: automated response from amazon asking me to complete the steps again.

08-26 to 08-29: I sent multiple emails stating that I had been waiting for days, with evidence that I had joined the call. Again, no Amazon associate joined the call.

08-30-2024 (16:12): I received another automated response, again asking me to complete steps I had already done. I replied immediately, requesting assistance to schedule the call, but again, no resolution.

09-09-2024 (14:30): I contacted Amazon Account Health by phone and was advised to send evidence to the same email address, which I did at 15:04. No response was received.

09-10-2024: I received another automated email, ignoring my previous attempts and simply asking me to verify my identity once again.

09-20-2024 (22:53): I received an email stating that my funds could not be disbursed because I failed to schedule an appointment. This statement is inaccurate and unfair, as I have made every effort to comply with the process but have been repeatedly ignored.

My Request to Amazon:

I have followed all the instructions provided by Amazon, uploaded my documents on time, and waited on multiple occasions for a representative to join the video call. Despite this, I have received no assistance and have been subjected to repeated delays and automated responses.

I kindly ask for immediate intervention to:

Schedule the virtual identity verification video call at a specific, confirmed time.

Ensure that my account is reviewed fairly and that my funds are disbursed without further delay.

If this issue is not resolved promptly, I will have no choice but to seek legal advice to pursue this matter further. Please treat this matter with urgency.

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Dear Amazon Seller Support,

I am writing regarding the deactivation of my Seller account (under the name Coral Beauty UK), which occurred on May 23, 2024. The deactivation notice referenced Section 3 of Amazon’s Business Solutions Agreement, but I have not been informed of any specific violations, and I can confirm that I operate only one account. I have been trying to resolve this issue for months, but I have yet to receive meaningful support or clarity.

Timeline of Events:

08-20-2024 (11:09): I emailed disbursement-appeals to appeal the deactivation and request disbursement of my funds, which have been held for over 90 days. No response was received.

08-22-2024 (14:46): I received an email stating that to release my funds, Amazon needs to verify my identity and supply chain.

08-23-2024 (08:31): I uplouded docs it by 12:17:11 on the same day and joined the video call as instructed, but no amazon joined the call.

08-23-2024 (19:22): I requested a scheduled video call via email, but received no meaningful response.

08-26-2024: automated response from amazon asking me to complete the steps again.

08-26 to 08-29: I sent multiple emails stating that I had been waiting for days, with evidence that I had joined the call. Again, no Amazon associate joined the call.

08-30-2024 (16:12): I received another automated response, again asking me to complete steps I had already done. I replied immediately, requesting assistance to schedule the call, but again, no resolution.

09-09-2024 (14:30): I contacted Amazon Account Health by phone and was advised to send evidence to the same email address, which I did at 15:04. No response was received.

09-10-2024: I received another automated email, ignoring my previous attempts and simply asking me to verify my identity once again.

09-20-2024 (22:53): I received an email stating that my funds could not be disbursed because I failed to schedule an appointment. This statement is inaccurate and unfair, as I have made every effort to comply with the process but have been repeatedly ignored.

My Request to Amazon:

I have followed all the instructions provided by Amazon, uploaded my documents on time, and waited on multiple occasions for a representative to join the video call. Despite this, I have received no assistance and have been subjected to repeated delays and automated responses.

I kindly ask for immediate intervention to:

Schedule the virtual identity verification video call at a specific, confirmed time.

Ensure that my account is reviewed fairly and that my funds are disbursed without further delay.

If this issue is not resolved promptly, I will have no choice but to seek legal advice to pursue this matter further. Please treat this matter with urgency.

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Lost Buy Box (Featured Offer) MEGATHREAD
by Seller_RguKGMHvWFmo3

How come my Buy Box is now 16%?

Previously it was always around 70-80%

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I'm new to Amazon and have found the process of listing second hand books to be an absolute pain. First my accounts got deactivated then deactivated in the US which deactivated my UK shop.

Listing the books is horrendous - put in the isbn - then trawl through reams of info for each book, assuming you dont have to apply for permissions which then simply refuses me unless I can prove orders of 10 from the publisher ( I cant they're second hand books).

then when Ive finally listed 6 (after a couple of hours!) I am stuck without knowing if the actual books have been listed. Yes I can use other software to list but in the same time frame I listed these 6 on amazon I managed to list 85 books on eBay - so simple.

If anyone can help with this please let me know - maybe im just not meant to be on amazon!

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Fraudulent Financial Statements
by Seller_OuLedB7v6gZRN

My account statements have reported that I made an £81 loss in the last 2 weeks despite making over £600 in profit. I have been charged for this loss straight from my bank account. Since contacting Amazon yesterday my statement now says that I have made over £300 in the last day which is completely false. My reserves have also gone up to £900. I don’t believe that Amazon would provide false statements. I have only been on Amazon a month and made over £900 profit yet have lost £30 according to my bank account. Is this a scam?

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