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Results for "90010인증업체⇞<텔그𝕓𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜𝕦𝕤𝕚𝕞>아가씨유심판매◭내국인유심팝니다⇎내국인유심판매⤒여권사본업자▧"

(2 results)
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Incorrect EU storage levels
In reply to: Seller_Ol3hHwr5nQZoj’s postby Seller_Ol3hHwr5nQZoj

Just to update - the figures change every time we refresh - they swing between 4000 to 9000 items - is anyone else seeing this?

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Has anyone else seen massive changes to inventory today?
In reply to: Seller_RAXEWLxQ2dbmN’s postby Seller_FZJiyCoTnOJZs

Hi George

If you think about it, you know who I am and I have told you this before elsewhere.

At the worst point over 9000 of my listings out of 25000 were closed.

Since the 2996 were reopened - barely 6000 listings remain closed - and 1500 odd are brands that Amz will no longer permit to be sold for one reason or another.

Obviously sales have increased a bit with all the extra stock.

(Which is nice).

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