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Results for "O5향남오피㏏{오피가자.ᴄᴏᴍ}㉫아산오피"

(1040 results)
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Error when editing a listing
by Seller_cKY3qrMo5t89S
Amazon replied

I am getting an error message "An error occurred when we tried to process your request. We apologise for the inconvenience." when I submit my changes to my listing in UK, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Netherlands marketplaces. This error persists for 2 months already.

I can add / edit listing with flat file without any issues.

I've contacted support multiple times and tried all their suggestions (listed below) and it still doesn't work:

a. Clear the cache, cookies, and history within the internet browser the seller is using.

• Clearing the browser's cache can force recently changed web pages to show up properly.

• Each browser handles caching differently; the correct steps for the particular browser must be followed.

○ Cache

○ Cookies

○ History

•You can also try holding Ctrl+F5 on their keyboard to hard-refresh the page.

b. Log out of Amazon completely, including buyer accounts, and close the browser.

c. Use an alternate browser. Mozilla Firefox is the preferred browser for Seller Central. I've tried: Chrome 125.0.6422.142, Safari: Version 17.5 (19618., Firefox: 126.0.1

d. Verify whether McAfee or another antivirus software is running on their computer, and confirm that no anti virus software is running. I understand that I might be required to update the antivirus settings to allow cookies and access.

e. Used a different computer with different operating system (Windows and Mac)

Can you please investigate? @Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH

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Letter Of Authorization problem
In reply to: Seller_PREQozqQgesAC’s postby Seller_tRuvBEHDedp4q

For non-UK established businesses, it is now the law that Amazon have to collect the VAT on any sales. This will happen regardless of your VAT registration.

I think you are maybe caught in a verification problem and to be honest I do not know the way to get out of it. Amazon are probably asking for your VAT registration so they can collect the VAT on your sales. But you have no need to register for UK VAT as you are not physically storing goods in the UK.

Maybe (on Amazon at least) for non-UK established businesses they all have to register for UK VAT even when they are not physically storing goods in the UK. I cant say for sure but you need to see some specialist on the subject (and by that I do not mean anyone at Amazon).

Oh - and just to add you will find the same situation applies across all the EU sites now. Amazon have to collect the VAT for any business not registered in the country of the site.

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Fair Pricing Violation
by Seller_zP4mEc2uI42Ja

I have just had an argument with Account Health over a listing that we have been given a violation on.

The item is a foil balloon, that we buy from Amscan for 37p

We was selling this for £2.79 which means that after fees and shipping, we make around 20p profit.


We are overpriced as amazon are selling this for 30p !!!!!

The account health specialist states they stand by amazons decision and we need to reduce our price to meet market place expectations.

Oh and to top it off, amazon Usually dispatched within 6 to 7 months so we could get these in time for Christmas. Didn't know 6-7 months was an acceptable delivery time frame?

These policies are becoming a joke...

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Missing Inventory
In reply to: Seller_ctBKj5XBruGft’s postby Seller_Nprc5XWvdLYk9

If you go to the FBA inventory report,

does it show the original 59 items received on a particular depot on a date.

and then a negative/adjustment on a different date at the same or another fba centre?

and was this shipment only 59 items or are there other sku/quantities that were received ok?

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Getting ungated for some brands and not others
In reply to: Seller_tzKmyWZtX9f6B’s postby Seller_8jvDsRwMEdLKW

Have you had any luck with any of this as I seem to have got gated in so much beauty all of a sudden , was wondering if Stylevana is ok for ungating ?

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Low sales for almost two weeks,
by Seller_81XUS3q50Vn1M

Low sales for almost two weeks, any suggestions on what I can do? contacted support and was confirmed all my listings are active and ok. Dont know why sales reduced. I got a mail about listing suppression but no one in the support can explain why? Any suggestion will be appreciated. just two months old selling and am worried.

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Unsubstantiated counterfeit claim
by Seller_tRuvBEHDedp4q

Received a policy warning that someone had made a counterfeit/authenticity claim on a product I sell.

Now as I buy the product direct from the manufacturer who designed and make the item, and I have been selling it for several years I wasn't unduly worried.

So I go into appeal - and it asks me to submit invoice dated within last 90 days and also dated before the claim was made showing I bought at least 10 units.

So I send in invoice from 9th May showing 25 units bought.

Now I get an email saying the information was not sufficient. Amazon now want me to submit invoices for last 365 days showing total units matching what I have sold over the last 365 days!!

This is frankly ridiculous - I have submitted last 6 months worth invoices and a Letter of Authority from the manufacturer giving me re-sell rights. Im not going back further. This is not Amazon seeing if item is counterfeit - it cannot be as I buy direct from the manufacturer who designed and make the item. It is either a competitor making an unsubstantiated claim or Amazon themselves who want to start selling the item for themselves and checking to see how many units I sell through other channels because they can now see how many units I bought and they know how many I sold on Amazon.

Im getting very disheartened with selling on Amazon with their constant interference in my business and constant requests for documentation. I also received yet another request from Amazon to prove my VAT status because they say the name on their records does not match up with my VAT Certificate. Strange how this test passed before. Anyway, so I have had to download and send in my VAT Certificate yet again - and lo and behold the names match exactly between the Certificate (that they have had now several times) and the name in Amazon Business Information. Im seriously thinking of quitting altogether.

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Unsubstantiated counterfeit claim
In reply to: Seller_tRuvBEHDedp4q’s postby Seller_tRuvBEHDedp4q

So after a lot of back and forth I have finally gotten to the bottom of the problem.

Customer wanted a straw hat. My hats are made of simulated straw (and says so in description). So their actual complaint was bogus as they had not read the description correctly and the fact they used 'inauthentic' in their complaint caused so much aggravation. The customer was just a normal customer - they had no authority on the issue, were not brand holder or anything so for Amazon to give any credence to such a complaint in the first place was a bit ridiculous.

Nevertheless, Amazon wanted last 365 days invoices from my supplier. I got my supplier to send me copies of all invoices from May 2023. I would send invoices, Amazon would come back to say they could not verify supplier (they had made no attempt at even contacting supplier as I asked the supplier) so then Amazon wanted suppliers supplier invoices. I would explain there was no suppliers supplier as I bought directly from the manufacturer who designed and produced the hat. Then Amazon would ask for last 365 days invoices, I provided and whole sequence kept repeating.

Finally an Account Health Specialist I spoke to (for the third time on the issue) said that if I went to Manage Orders, and searched last 365 days for the ASIN that the number Amazon said I had sold was greater than the number of units I had bought on the invoices.

So I checked - the trouble was

1. As Amazon kept asking for invoices from last 365 days and that is what I provided - items sold May 2023 were actually bought in April 2023 - so these invoices were missing and this stock meant my total bought was higher than Amazon calculated just from looking at last 365 days. So I provided invoices from April 2023 to May 2024 instead

2. Looking at the sales Amazon said I had made I realised they were counting orders made - not sales. There were many refunds where customer had returned the hat and it had then gone back into stock and re-sold. So the number reported by Amazon was higher than actual sales.

Taking into account units bought in April 2023 and the returned/re-sold items and it proved I had bought more units than had actually sold.

When appealing , Amazon only allows files to be uploaded and has no box for additional information. So I created a Word document containing the above information with actual figures showing my calculations and finally Amazon have agreed I can continue selling the item.

So for a month now I have been tied up on the issue. And all because Amazon gave credence to 1 complaint out of 1000 from someone who had no authority on the issue - and because Amazon could not understand basics of having to buy in stock before it can be sold (hence they needed more than last 365 days invoices) and the fact they were counting orders made and not actual sales.

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Low sales for almost two weeks,
In reply to: Seller_81XUS3q50Vn1M’s postby Seller_PTena7LrLt9Wh

In my opinion after selling on Amazon for 15 years now, hitting nearly £1m in sales and five staff to sales of 100k and no staff. The UK is heading closer to a Depression, Online sales has had its time, shoppers are hitting the high streets or just doing without.

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Duplicate Products / Skus
by Seller_Lvj7uJKyoaK5B

We list our products as both seller fulfilled and FBA - so we have two SKUs for one ASIN - and have done for over 15 years. Amazon are now saying that we can’t do this… does anyone else offer their products under FBA and merchant fulfilled and having the same issue?

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