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Results for "「「❰온라인카지노❰❱파워볼게임❱⑄에볼루션게이밍⑄」에볼루션바카라」"

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Results for "「「❰온라인카지노❰❱파워볼게임❱⑄에볼루션게이밍⑄」에볼루션바카라」"

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Our items in our shop was wrongly identified as an adult product and was suppressed from the search results. I raised cases with Amazon support, but they have not resolved the issue for me yet!

The latest case (Case ID 10710037382) was meant to be resolved within 24 hours as the support team increased the severity of the case to the maximum.

We are about to enter the high sales season and I am facing 90% drop in my sales

Support is not efficiently managing my case!

Is there not an account manager or someone who can help?

I have read the Amazon "adult products terms and conditions" and I don't see our product as violating anything hence why its been live for years.

If there is an issue with the product some feedback from customer support and how to be more inline with the policies rather than supressing our listing would benefit both of us! if we can be told what was the reason it was supressed we can edit/remove images and text that may be the reason it was flagged despite us thinking it met the policy and t&cs?


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Is anyone else experiencing an extremely high 'reserve' on their account? As in pretty much all of their income from sales is being held in reserve? I don't understand what's happened and the support channels are hopeless. Any guides or policies give generic reasons and don't seem to apply to our situation.

Raised a case on 24th December to query it. This got 'transferred' immediately and as of yet have heard nothing back. Seller support are only able to tell me that once the case gets transferred, it gets a new case ID from the team that are dealing with it -whoever that new team is now? Seller support can no longer see updates or communicate with the team that deal with it. All they can do is escalate the issue if more than 14 working days passes and we don't get an answer.

In the meantime, I've got no visibility of this new case ID, or the progress, so I don't know if this mysterious team are waiting on me or if I'm waiting on them. I can't fathom why there's not even a trace of the new case ID on the 'manage support cases' screen so that we could at least see some sort of progress or expected completion date, or know who's waiting on who. We're just left in the dark day after day hoping for an email to come in.

Issue 1) Why does it take 10+ working days to 'investigate' why the account is on reserve? And who are this elusive team that are working on it, that no-one can get in touch with or communicate with? Why do 'transferred' cases not continue to have a front-facing ID that we can review and communicate through?

Issue 2) What actually is the reserve and how does the amount get calculated? We're currently receiving £0 from all of our sales. As far as I can see the account is in good health and there's been hardly any chargebacks or refunds, etc. Again, very little guidance or communication on what the issue is.

Any moderators on here able to shed some light?

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Associated with other Amazon accounts
by Seller_k2X0L9mVRT0pW

you would be better off with eBay if you are not here as a business. You can only sell used goods as an individual.

Amazon are legally required to check your info and for that they need to verify you and your address. Some have said they will accept a mobile phone bill in your name and address but they haven’t come back to say if that worked. Maybe try submitting your rental agreement?

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I’m trying to restock an existing Asin in my inventory, and add some new ASINS in the health and personal care category. However any items within this category come up with the following gated message:

“Other Health & Personal Care category in Used, Refurbished, Collectible condition(s)”

I’m trying to list NEW stock but there is no way to get around this. Is this a glitch or am I missing something and this includes new too? It happens on ANY health and personal care items. I’ve tried several!

Any help gratefully appreciated!

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by Seller_U3NnbsoKPPx10
Amazon replied

Hello, dear sellers,

I would like to ask something regarding the category of animal based-products. I want to sell dog snacks made from dried rabbit ears and similar products in the United Kingdom. As a merchant, I am based outside of the UK. Are there any specific restrictions that might prevent me from selling these products in the UK due to their origin being from a non-UK country?

Amazon doesn't allow me to list these specific products, while previously I was allowed.

When I try to list another similar product originated within the UK, I am allowed to do so.

So, I think that maybe this has to do with the category and the country from where these products come from. Amazon of course, doesn't give me a clear explanation to this.

Please help me.

Thank you in advance for your help!

@Seller_j9Bd91CW3ZVpr @Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH @Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM

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Credit where it's due
by Seller_xP044DLiavzY6

I know this is a place for warranted moaning and i do my fair share - but has anyone noticed how fast Amazon are receiving and processing FBA deliveries - I'm sending monday with UPS and its in and live by Thursday

come on thats not bad

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Hello community,

I am not the sort of person that posts on forums but my experience over the past 48 hours has me wondering if I am not living in a parallel universe or comedy sketch, so as a last resort I would like to see if anyone else has had a similar experience:

1. I have created a brand expressly to sell exclusively on Amazon - japanese chef knifes. After lots of reseach, design and development I created the product, got it manufactured, got my EAN numbers, and created the amazon listings.

2. I then went through a week of the usual knife pain - (those of you who sell products like this will know) where AZ was telling me that the listing does not have the required "customer_restriction_type attribute" with the value “uk_18_knife”. Needless to say the listings all had the attribute ticked, etc. but this took 3 days to resolve.

3. Finally all 3 ASINS in total - all kitchen knifes, under 1 brand, A+ content in place, store in place, stock in place, start selling. Excited for the potential of Q4.

4. 48 hours ago I receive an email from Amazon that one of my listings is not compliant and that I have not ticked the "customer_restriction_type attribute" with the value “uk_18_knife”. I thought to myself - "here we go again". I contact seller support and they tell me I am restricted from selling this product, and they are not accepting applications for the rp_3p_offer category.

5. Spent 24 hours arguing with seller support them telling me I am not approved to sell knifes (when I had been selling knifes all along, and I am still selling 2 out of my 3 ASINS) Let me expand on this: I created 3 ASINS. All kitchen knifes. All the same size and shape (different look). But now all of a sudden I require approval to sell 1 of the 3. The other 2 I am approved for. The 3rd one I am not. That is because they are not accepting applications to sell in the rp_3p_offer category. (Is this a joke?)

6. This morning I manage to speak to someone who seems more alert who explained to me that the ASIN itself is undergoing "checks" to ensure "customer safety" and that he is unable to advise on the process duration.

In the meanwhile 1/3 of my stock is stranded in FBA incurring storage costs, the money spent of PPC to improve the ranking is wasted, my BSR is tanking due to no sales activity, and I am wasting daylight in the highest sales season not knowing IF, When, or how I will be able to sell my own product, that I designed, especially to be able to sell on Amazon.

So some questions come to mind - I am hoping others who are more experienced can help me with:

a. Why is there such a problem with this uk_18_knife attribute, everyone seems to be struggling listing knife products, why is no one at Amazon fixing this so the attribute exists in the listing detail page, and not just via the obscure flat file upload?

b. Why is Amazon randomly suspending one of my listings, arbitrarily and without warning, without consideration to the costs incurred to build a product and a brand?

c. Why is there such a culture of "we are taking action against a seller" rather than "working with the seller" - as if we are the enemy of Amazon rather than the business partner that shares in the success of this wonderful platform?

d. Why is there such lack of transparency in Amazon's processes, so that a business owner like myself can plan and navigate the process? How can a business owner have the confidence to invest in the Amazon platform given the arbitrary and unforeseeable nature of it's behavior?

e. Finally and most importantly - what is the escalation channel that I should take to discuss these issues with senior people in Amazon as the seller support team is clearly either unable, not trained, not empowered or not interested in resolving these issues. My thought was to produce a nice cover letter and download the case file and email it to every board member on Amazon's executive board all at once - in the hope that someone still cares about customers/selling partners. Any thoughts?

Case Nr. 10468296052

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by Seller_Rng2eNj959Gng

I tried to contact Amazon Seller Support yesterday, but it's not possible to contact them by phone apparently, so I was put through to some other team that I can't remember the name of. She eventually sent me a link by email to contact seller support, I tried to log in via this link while I was on the phone to her, and the SMS verification didn't come. And then it said 'You have had too many SMS verifications sent' and the lady I told me I have to wait 24 hours to try again.

Today I managed to email Seller Support, and I get an instant email saying that the email is not the correct place to send an appeal. So now I am back to square one, with the online appeal option that I cannot accurately describe my problem with, hence it fails time after time.

I've been told that my UK account is associated with another account, and the name of the account they give? Exactly the same as my UK account!

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Why can't amazon find my pending trademark?
by Seller_y5jkDqt2OJ9vm


So am I unable to sell or manufacture until this is resolved? I'd to top up inventory and start selling but I'm not sure if this could come with ramifications if they object.

What is the purpose of a pending trademark being accepted?

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Hi everyone,

We delivered an order before it's latest delivery date, which come around as a negative seller feedback because the customer wasn't expecting it. We believe that this is not fair and request for the feedback below to be removed.

@Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR @Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN @Seller_iTgjdgiRqiPsn @Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM @Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH @Seller_fgtTzyHQfOM1x @Seller_hnDMgUKxMh1V4 @Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK @Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr

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