I had a problem where Amazon classified my new product incorrectly as a medical device. I appealed and, after weeks of to and fro, the listing was finally reinstated.
I went into my account today and discovered that they have disposed of the stock because the reinstatement took longer than 30 days.
I tried to cancel but too late, even though 29 items are still showing as Pending.
I did a seller support chat and the case ID is 10515480212.
I have lost hundreds of pounds worth of stock through no fault of my own.
There was no email or performance notification about the disposal. I know that in the past emails were sent informing of upcoming events like this. Why has this stopped?
I cannot afford to lose this stock.
Is there anything I can do to stop the remaining 29 from going?
Surely someone can ask the warehouse concerned to pull those items.
Please help @Sarah_Amzn