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Results for "가상계좌장점 ( @MOONPAY_CALL ) 문페이 우리은행 우리가상 가상계좌pg사 target=_blank"

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You have a separate account
In reply to: Seller_RlZVPg3d6ZUGP’s postby Seller_BMd3bmpEnmsTK

hello sir

i did the transfer of account ,

even after transferring the account i been charged around 500 gbp in terms of different fees which were due upon this account

thank you

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You have a separate account
by Seller_BMd3bmpEnmsTK


hope every one is fine and enjoying best of health

my seller deactivated and got this message

you have a separate account Go Max that was enforced for violating one of our policies. As a result, you may no longer use the KHURAM selling account to sell on

my reply is

The account in question was originally associated with a company named GO MAX LTD,

which belonged to the previous owner ofMAX DIGITAL LTD. I purchased the MAX

DIGITAL LTD account from the previous owner and subsequently transferred it to my

company, Zynax Ltd. Since the transfer, this account has been fully managed and operated by

Zynax Ltd, and it is no longer linked with GO MAX LTD in any capacity

i provide documented evidence of

1. Purchase agreement for the account from MAX DIGITAL LTD to Zynax Ltd.

2. Bank statement to show the Payment made for the Purchase of this account.

but amazon says this information is not enough

i am new seller and very frustrated now what to do.

please someone guide me in such regard experienced seller or amazon staff

thank you very much

stay safe happy n healthy always

best regards

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My listing has been threatened with removal due to a Suspected Intellectual Property Violation.

 I see the reason as: trademark misuse(KENT) 

Kent is a geographical area (county) in England which I refer to as the location for a photography calendar on my title for my listing and there are numerous examples in the amazon catalog of other UK products referring to Kent as a geographical place.  Legally in the UK geographical names are not distinctive enough to be registered as trademarks as they are commonly used to describe the origin or quality of a product or service, so I don't understand why amazon thinks that this is a violation.

Furthermore I believe the trademarked product 'Kent' refers to a comb a completely different product to my calendar so there is no possibility of confusion for a customer. 

Amazon seller support so far (case 9918436972) have ignored my point that you can't trademark a geographical location and have told me to remove the word which is not an option as it is the only way to describe the product.

Please could someone help me remove this violation

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Suspected Intellectual Property Violation on using a geographical location in the title - Kent
In reply to: Seller_d8YGbIjNqwFxn’s postby Seller_JvlkbaSvuZzZI

Thank you so much, I quoted that part of the policy and Seller Support reinstated my listing.

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Suspected Intellectual Property Violation on using a geographical location in the title - Kent
In reply to: Seller_JvlkbaSvuZzZI’s postby Seller_d8YGbIjNqwFxn

You can also try quoting policy to SS. The policy is here

The bit that you should be interested in is this

As a seller, when can I use someone else’s trademark?

Typically, a seller can use someone else’s trademark in the following circumstances:

a) When selling authentic goods, a seller may use a trademarked name to list those authentic goods. For example, a seller who lists an authentic “Pinzon” product is not necessarily infringing on the owner of the Pinzon trademark because the seller is using the trademark to identify an authentic product.

b) When using a trademarked word in its ordinary dictionary, descriptive meaning.

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by Seller_X8c1R6sydzO3A

I do not live in England and I have established a company in England to sell on Amazon. They ask for an electricity bill to verify my company registered at the companies house. A company opened with a virtual address does not need an electricity bill and this document cannot be provided for this. When they ask me for a document for verification, they should ask for a document considering that I do not live in England... Or a solution should be created at this point. If anyone has encountered such a problem and can find a solution, please enlighten me on this issue.

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we had got the reply form the "" it noticed that:

We Have Received Your Infringement Complaint about ASIN xxxx, and it had replys the following: but several days had passed, we got no replys, and the mentioned ASIN was still active in the marketplace.

 Estimado cliente:

Gracias por el informe. Le informaremos por correo electrónico cuando termine el proceso. Por lo general, suele llevar de 1 a 2 días laborables.

Queja ID: 9914270652, 9914042092

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False design infringement by my competitor
In reply to: Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP’s postby Seller_n3GVsiQ9ZwKDv


can you help me check the process of the case ID: 9914270652, 9914042092, It had been several days passed and i had got no reply from them. i had contact the amazon customer services, but they told me it was deal with different performance team, they cannot check for me.

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False design infringement by my competitor
In reply to: Seller_T6PSDSRD0yacy’s postby Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP

Hello @Seller_T6PSDSRD0yacy,

Do you have a case ID for me?

I will be happy to look into it.

Regards, Spencer

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False design infringement by my competitor
by Seller_T6PSDSRD0yacy
Amazon replied

My competitor reported my listing and reactivated by using her design patent. The thing is I have my own design patent and I sent my design patent certificate to amazon twice and I receive bot reply "We received your submission but do not have enough information to reactivate your listing at this time"

Anyone went through this? How can I get my listing reactivated?

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