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Refunded after 5 months and 2 months
by Seller_pmwfULyh9as20


Last week I have received an email about refund of an order purchased on 1st Feb 2024. While asking upon this to amazon they do not have any reason other than they have created exception for this customer. As per amazon refund/return window is 30 days but amazon still can refund based on case to case basis and accept refund beyond 30 days in exceptional cases. I have asked them multiple times about at least let me know the reason. If it is exceptional case and on customer's order detail page refund option closed after 30 days so I am sure customer has reached out to amazon customer service via email or call and mentioned the reason of refund. Without reason , I am sure amazon will not create exception and go out of the policy. But seller support advisors kept saying they dont know the reason and asking me to wait for 45 days. Refund amount is deducted from my account already. If amazon is deciding refund after 5 months, then amazon should bear the cost, why me ?

Today again one more refund , purchase date was 2 month's ago.

Is there any way or solution ?


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Fed up of sellers selling cheap products and excessive delivery charges
In reply to: Seller_VUcjClrPIVFRy’s postby Seller_IQo80d99W2DzP

What was the ASIN?

Link showing to many options.

If an item is shipped from China then it could cost £25 of course.

The Amazon system does compare Sellers total costs, so if Seller A has at £1 + £25 delivery and Seller B has at £25.50 including delivery, then Seller B will be shown as cheaper, and often win the Buy Box.

If only 1 Seller, then maybe an issue.

I note others have said fake feedbacks and reviews, etc, I'd be more concerned about that.

I find it very annoying that many on FBA can get feedback struck through, when the same feedback for SFP and Merchant Fulfilled remains. Eg Sellers regularly selling used as new, get away with it, how!

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Munbyn label printer started to print slightly small and with less clarity?
In reply to: Seller_d8YGbIjNqwFxn’s postby Seller_Xtb6vIhzOSaXT

yes this has happened to me exactly as you describe. Was random but now all the time. The address is not clear at all. Since the change I have had 3 claim not delivered.

Some have had difficulty at PO buy they have scanned them in the end. Asked customer service as sure the change is with amazon but usual no help.

Cannot see any option to change print. Munbyn printer was previously perfect.

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hi currently going through the VAT verification process and we made a change from our office to out warehouse completely - all my data now link to 1 address.

Emailed them to let them know @ resolution-tax-emea-sellers amazon co uk, managingdirector amazon co uk, kyc-drtax-verification amazon co uk

case id 9980841302 - ended now, why? view loop

my loop :

→→VAT verification failing due to address change so deactivated→→ Need to change address to get verified →→Cant change address as i am deactivated →↓

↑ ←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←← ←← ←

response from The Amazon Payments team:

Having reviewed your account thoroughly, we have decided that your account will remain closed. All information provided by you has been considered in detail. This decision has been reached because we have not been able to successfully process your application to open a Selling on Amazon payment account.

I am unable to provide you with any further information. We may not respond to further correspondence regarding the closure of your account.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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Maximize Your Sales on Amazon Prime Day July 16-17 2024! Tips from Julia 👱🏻‍♀️
In reply to: Seller_VUcjClrPIVFRy’s postby Seller_HwaQlgFnhSuGS

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I would suggest that in order receive products into the fulfilment centres, especially if you are aiming for specific sale events such as Prime Day, then to allow much more time for delivery as the centres will be extremely busy.

I couldn't agree more with this comment. It is truly great advice and frankly common sense 101 (that is not meant to sound patronising BTW).

If you are travelling somewhere in real life that is a popular destination then it is wise to consider this in journey time. The same goes for FBA... peak times are busy.... and with the size of Amazon I truly cannot comprehend the complexities involved. We are all going to the same destination.....

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Do I need to give at least 3 weeks from delivery to allow goods to be checked in during the usual "peak" sales days? 4 weeks?

I think this is one of them questions that we would all like to know the anser too, but as there are so many variables it is not something that can be answered. The more time you can allow the better I would say. We have had very few take 3 weeks to check in but thats our product and I have no idea if all products are treated the same.

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Delay receiving at LBA4
by Seller_koGUZZsQTaGo6

I sent a parcel over two weeks ago using UPS, it took a few days before Amazon accepted it at the fulfilment centre, but it was delivered on 4th July. On all the pages it says that small parcels are usually checked in within 4 days. It is now 10 days and still not checked in or receiving. Is this normal for Doncaster? I opened a case and was given the standard “we can’t expedite”, but it would be good to have some information about how long it is taking at LBA4 currently.

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We've been having issues with Amazon for a couple of months now. Amazon started to put violations into our markets (mostly ES, IT, BE, but all of the markets are affected) regarding an ingredient that does not exist in the products we sell...

We keep on sending photos of the ingredients list of the affected products, Amazon wants to update the product detail pages, however we're unable to do this, because we did not create those offers and cannot modify them.

Never ending cases, plenty of phone calls, our KAM do not help, nothing helps. People from Amazon during phone calls tell me that there's nothing I can do if I cannot modify the listing. For this reason, 4 of my markets are deactivated.

Due to this absurd situation, we're thinking of closing the account.

I wonder if anyone successfully removed those violations in a situation like ours?

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More stupid irrelevant emails from Amazon
In reply to: Seller_tRuvBEHDedp4q’s postby Seller_rBoST8be3b1rH

I have had 4 of these, and the last 2 where for the same item and when you click on the link they say approved no action required, Amazon is in a mess at the moment, they are just growing to big for them to manage, just auto generated I guess by the bots.

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More stupid irrelevant emails from Amazon
by Seller_tRuvBEHDedp4q

Why do Amazon insist on sending out so many emails that are often irrelevant and just confusing? To be honest I have started ignoring many of them but today this caught my attention.

Today at 06:02 I received the exact same email TWICE. They began 'Action Required: Important information about your product listings'

They said a product of mine was at risk of removal due to Compliance Regulations.

The SKU was not something I recognised as it ended with '-FBA'. Now, I used to do FBA and I did have SKU's ending '-FBA' - but I have not done FBA for about 3-4 years now. All listings with SKU's ending '-FBA' were deleted. But I double checked and sure enough I have no listings with that SKU. I even checked my FBM inventory using the corresponding ASIN - but no the item is not in my inventory,

So- to be honest I dont care if they do remove the listing as I dont sell that item and have not done so for several years. Its just maddening when I get same email twice saying I need to take action on something I dont sell or have sold for years.

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uk account close
by Seller_OjSrFfZ0ATcZs

Hello friends, I live in Canada and have a seller account in CANADA and UK FBA. 2 years ago I registered for a UK account and after 2-3 months I got notifications to provide the VAT number. However as I did not register my business because of not having too many sales, I cannot apply for a VAT number because they ask for a business license.

So, for the last 22 months, I have been paying them around $50/month for my FBA storage. Because of not having a VAT number, I can't return my inventory, and can't deactivate my account.

the plan is already individual. But charges are for FBA Storage. And because I don't have a VAT number neither can I deactivate my account nor destroy/return my FBA storage products.

Do you guys have any solution to stop charges or deactivate my UK account except by providing a VAT number?

Please help me

Thank you

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