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Results for "국민은행⸨텔 MOONPAY_CALL⸩우리은행^법인장팝니다^국민은행가상^토토가상계좌수수료^농협가상계좌^통협 대처^안전PG^신협은행가상계좌^우리은행가상"

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Dear @Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN@Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP

I trust this Message finds you well.

I am reaching out to address a critical issue affecting our business on Amazon. Over the past 2 weeks, we have experienced a drastic decline in sales, plummeting by 90%. Despite maintaining competitive pricing and boasting excellent seller ratings and account health, our buy box win rate has plummeted to 0% and on the seller app, the featured offer eligibility appears to be "NO" as shown in the screenshot attached.

This alarming situation is significantly impacting our business operations, and we are deeply concerned about the implications for our future success on the platform. As a full-time business reliant on Amazon, such challenges can be demoralizing and threaten our ability to sustain operations.

We urgently request your assistance in resolving this matter as soon as possible. Any insights or actions you can provide to rectify this issue would be immensely appreciated.

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Deactivation nightmare
by Seller_WXCra8xehcDxE


I am imploring Amazon moderators for help please. For the second time in a year I have had my seller account deactivated because of an alleged relationship with another account. In both cases the identity of the other account is completely unknown to me (2 different accounts) but no matter how many times I explain this to the verification team or whoever makes decisions on these matters my appeals are rejected and 'more information' is requested. Apart from the name of the other account I have no idea who they are or why Amazon could possibly see any connection. I have sent a gas bill and a bank statement hoping this would satisfy them ( neither of which was specifically asked for but suggested by Account Health adviser) but no good. I simply don't see what else I could provide. In my view there is no justification for this deactivation. Surely if Amazon suspect a link they should provide evidence to back up their assertion which I could then refute. Moderators, what do you suggest?

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Deactivation nightmare
In reply to: Seller_RlZVPg3d6ZUGP’s postby Seller_WXCra8xehcDxE

I can see no logical or obvious link between me and Edwards trading at all. I found references to 2 companies of that name online, both in North Wales (I am in Bristol) one has a retail business, the other does house clearance. I sell books! On the link you sent I can't tell what they are selling, can you?

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Listing uploader TSV returning 0 items
by Seller_xTSxzGoaBpdXQ


For months I've been using the same template to upload my SKUs using the Listing Uploader. Since a few days ago, this same template no longer works and I get the error

Template type "offer" does not exist or is not supported. Exception type: METADATA_FETCH_ERROR(90025).

Has anyone come across the same thing? From what I can see, the template has not changed & the example inside Seller Central is still the same ( -> scroll down to bottom click on "Listing Loader" or "Inventory Loader" )

I have this in my CSV like I always have:

TemplateType=Offer Version=2014.0703

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Hula hoop set 100 items
by Seller_96iaWMWmqQ3B4

Due to ill health I am closing my Amazon business, would anyone be interested in stock which is already held within the Amazon warehouse, looking for cost of stock and shipping. Also have Jungle scout and seller amp licences for the next 3 months if anyone is interested.


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Deferred transactions - Delivery Date Policy
by Seller_lyUF34znaGncK

For some reason all my orders from the last 2 days have gone into deferred transactions and the reason being "Delivery date policy"

Any ideas please?

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Deactivation nightmare
In reply to: Seller_VJ4XoAkjDpjPH’s postby Seller_WXCra8xehcDxE

Thank you for responding to my plea. I confirm that my latest appeal, the 5th, has been rejected. No reason is ever given, just ' We do not have enough information to remove the violation at this time' It is most unhelpful and defies logic. What further information do Amazon expect me to submit? I answer No to each of the 4 questions starting with 'I do not recognise the other account'. I have only ONE Amazon seller account Eatwell Books and have NO connection with any other Amazon seller account, I work alone and nobody else has access to my credit cards, bank accounts or laptop. I have never been the victim of account compromise or identity theft, such as a stolen credit card. I have absolutely no idea WHY Amazon should link me with Edwards trading, I have never heard of them. If, as you state, "there seems to be shared information linking your account to another one" then why do Amazon not explain to me what that link is? If I don't know what the alleged link is, how can I possibly refute the allegation. It makes no sense. What would make sense is if I could actually speak to a human being to discuss it with them, someone who is evaluating this deactivation. But no, I am told it is not possible to have any direct contact with whoever these people are. Frankly it is outrageous. Another poster has suggested 'Amazon has a mediation program that can step in if you are not getting anywhere with seller support' This is news to me, if there is a mediation programme I would happily use it so is that possible?

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B2B Account - SEPA. Changing EU Vat to Avalara
by Seller_tz5M9iHaTDZFk

I am in the process of shifting the management of my EU VAT from Avalara to Avask. We are a UK company trading in the EU for 1 year, successfully. In france, the country to which we export, our import VAT is reverse charged, so we don't have VAT liabilities in France.

Going through the process of change, Avask are saying that we need a SEP B2B account. we don't have one of these and I haven't a clue what it is. Avalara don't, either. The alternative is to pay Avask Euro 40 a month for the privilege.

Can anyone shed any light on this ?

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B2B Account - SEPA. Changing EU Vat to Avalara
In reply to: Seller_tz5M9iHaTDZFk’s postby Seller_Wo5bR8TXlS3vE

Same here. In my country foe example only 1 bank support SEPA direct debit. You can check your IBAN if support sepa b2b.

Did you sucessfully transfer to Avask from Avalara? We are still in review without any info.

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Avalara stopping Amazon VAT Services Tax Agency
In reply to: Seller_JLsqaOw9gpZwj’s postby Seller_Wo5bR8TXlS3vE

Anyone sucessfully tranfer to Avask? Our application is still in review from 1 month.

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