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Verify Establishment for Value Added Tax (VAT) - help please! Keeps declining.
In reply to: Seller_Ncpz3f54xAeWu’s postby Seller_RlZVPg3d6ZUGP

Are you sending loads of documents or just the 2 they ask for?

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I recently received an email from amazon in regards to verifying establishment for value added tax to prove im UK Eligible.

I received this email -


Thank you for your submission. We reviewed the information provided, but we need additional documentation to determine whether you are established in the UK for Value Added Tax (VAT) purposes.

Why did this happen?

We must collect and remit VAT from non-UK established selling partners for the sales of goods delivered to customers in the UK. Based on a review of your account, we determined that you may not be UK established for VAT purposes. We leveraged a combination of automated means and expert human review to identify this issue and make this decision. We took this action in accordance with the Amazon Business Solution Agreement:

and APUK Agreement:

What actions do I have to take?

To avoid further impact to your disbursements, go to the Account Health page in your Seller Central account and follow the instructions from the banner that is present at the top of the page to submit the following mentioned documentation:

If you operate a Limited Company :

1.Evidence that you are physically operating your business from your provided address.

You can provide any one of the following documents :

-A recent UK council tax bill or business rates of the current year, addressed to the company or a director of the company.

-A recent utility bill dated within 180 days addressed to the company or the director of the company.

-If you are using a shared working space, you can provide one of the following:

A recent license agreement

Copies of invoices for payment of rent

A proof of payment of rent.

The document must be in the name of the company or the director,with the shared working space provider, for a period of 6 months or longer.

2.Provide the below document for proof of operational business address.

-A copy of an invoice addressed to the company at its primary place of business for goods or services used to operate its business. It must be dated within 180 days.

If you do not meet the UK establishment criteria: Verify that you are not established in the UK.

In this case, you will not need to provide documentation, but you will need to pay Amazon to account for the un-paid VAT.

We’re here to help

For more information, go to "UK VOEC: Determination of Establishment":

If you have additional questions and wish to speak to an Account Health specialist, go to "Contact Us" on your Account Health page:

Amazon Services Europe

However I've sent over : Phone Bills, Companies House certificate, passport, driving license, bank statements, goods invoices.

This still isn't allowing them to verify me, does anybody have any advice? Thanks!

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Payment Reserved without any reason Amazon
In reply to: Seller_zFu1oCtz2mNgv’s postby Seller_RlZVPg3d6ZUGP

Have you been changed onto the new DD+7 reserve?

Are your bank details still verified?

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Payment Reserved without any reason Amazon
by Seller_zFu1oCtz2mNgv

Amazon reserved my payment 6 week ago without any reason i opened so many case still no reply ID 15444012231


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18/5/24 - received an email from Amazon..

When compared to Amazon, our products are cheaper on eBay and our website, as we have almost zero fraud on these platforms, whereas we have to factor in Amazon fraud, false A to Z claims and also free returns for whatever reason. Anyway Amazon are openly telling us to match our ebay prices, i.e. price fixing.

Our product is no longer available to buy on Amazon until we submit to their demands to reduce our price.

Any ideas how to fight this?

Dear Seller,

Amazon selects offers to be the Featured Offer (Buy Box offer) based on what we believe will delight customers, including great prices, availability, and delivery speed. The Featured Offer is the offer selected when the customer clicks the 'Add to Cart' button on the product detail page.

Below is a list of product(s) in your catalogue that are not currently eligible to be the Featured Offer because they are not priced competitively compared to prices for those products from retailers outside Amazon. These offers are still displayed through our Offer Listing Page and other areas within the Amazon store.

If you'd like to restore Featured Offer eligibility visit Pricing Health within the Pricing section of Seller Central to lower your price on Amazon.

Your offers that are currently ineligible to be the Featured Offer are:

Note: your prices below include delivery.

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Seller on Listing Aggressive Undercutting
In reply to: Seller_ePCYtnJrEOYgU’s postby Seller_EkGoiphKgUnUI

Im on a listing with a friend and another seller I dont know. Me and my friend held a steady price but the third party didnt want to play nicely and undercut us both. As they have only a handful of reviews, and I know they dont have a repricer, Ive since gone aggressive and auto undercut now every time he reprices....

If you start your approach with a more passive pricing strategy, many experienced sellers will do the same.... If you price aggressively against them, they might crush your profits into the ground, as they have hundreds more ASINs making money and dont mind a little hit on one to keep the cash flowing and to teach a life lesson...

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Seller on Listing Aggressive Undercutting
by Seller_ePCYtnJrEOYgU

I started listing on a brand which I had to wait 5 months to start to list and finally got approved for.

I jumped on the listing with a fair price as a new seller with just a pound or two cheaper than the featured offer, and I made a good profit of it for that two day span.

Then a massive decrease, due to a seller aggressively undercutting me, but not just once, after I tried to go slightly under, the guy cuts and we enter a price war and he ends up always winning with his price changing the second I do so.

I have no idea what to do as the product is too good to give up.

Does anyone have any advice.

ps. i was thinking of send some product out for FBA as nobody on the listing is doing it, is it worth it and will i win the featured offer if i do so while keeping my price within a pound or two higher of the competition.

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Same location, 2 companies & 2 Amazon seller
In reply to: Seller_e7ifEoPLc0MZt’s postby Seller_mS10UjVYuuGor

Its one of those things that probably wouldn't be flagged immediately but at some point in the future a bot will likely pick it up and accuse you both of having a second account linked by the address. Then you have to prove a negative that you don't have two accounts and proving the negative is awkward as others have experienced.

If its to be a formal subletting it would be advisable to subdivide the space and put a lease in place. If yours is unit 2 then call the subdivided space unit 2A which would also become the legal address of your friends ltd company. You'll have no problems with Amazon accounts then but there are plenty of other considerations such as the fees involved to do that and how that affects yours/their business rates etc.

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Same location, 2 companies & 2 Amazon seller
by Seller_e7ifEoPLc0MZt


I plan to sublet some part of my unit to my friend. He got his own limited company and I have my own. He plan to open an Amazon seller account and run it from the location where I currently run my business.

So I wonder if we do like this way, would one of us get any policy violation, suspension or anything I would not want to hear from Amazon?

Thank you

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Low sales for almost two weeks,
by Seller_81XUS3q50Vn1M

Low sales for almost two weeks, any suggestions on what I can do? contacted support and was confirmed all my listings are active and ok. Dont know why sales reduced. I got a mail about listing suppression but no one in the support can explain why? Any suggestion will be appreciated. just two months old selling and am worried.

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