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Results for "농협은행Μ⸨@MOONPAY_CALL⸩㎷제주은행가상∩법인장임대∃개인가상계좌보증금㎒경남가상=신협가상"

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Itlay parent issue
by Seller_0Fi96sUuvYwOz

I have created the parent in the Italy market but it reflects wrong on the detail page. There are two size at at the backend but it displaying 3 size on the detail page. @Seller_hnDMgUKxMh1V4

I am adding the screenshot for the clarification.

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I have uploaded the images for the global listings. I have uploaded all the images by using the image uploader but the images are not live on the detail page @Seller_hnDMgUKxMh1V4. kindly update the images on all the markets. These are the markets Germany, Italy, France and Spain in which I am facing the error

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letter of authorisation/power of attorney
In reply to: Seller_soBD2wwhsVOww’s postby Seller_9fA2L82vl2c6V

Got through eventually. Over an hour wait. The HMRC guy said he receives hundreds of these calls and it's always Amazon requesting HMRC forms over and over again.

He said he's sent an SA302 form that Amazon should accept. So I gotta wait for that.

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letter of authorisation/power of attorney
by Seller_ll4yeab6RRGDD

i am a sole trader and have just started up my business and amazon is asking me to provide an official business that i am the legal representative or beneficial owner, which i dont have, or a power of attorney signed by the beneficial owner confirming i am empowered to act on behalf of the company. im really confused can someone help me please

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letter of authorisation/power of attorney
In reply to: Seller_ll4yeab6RRGDD’s postby Seller_soBD2wwhsVOww

You can,I got one recently for the 4th time.Its whats needed for the POA/Authorisation.Phone HMRC to request one took me 50 min waiting for the answer.

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I dont think you can get another more recent letter.
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Deactivation nightmare
In reply to: Seller_WXCra8xehcDxE’s postby Seller_WXCra8xehcDxE

Calling Moderators!!!!

I have asked for your help but after one full day not one of you has responded. I would really appreciate some advice please.

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Deactivation nightmare
by Seller_WXCra8xehcDxE


I am imploring Amazon moderators for help please. For the second time in a year I have had my seller account deactivated because of an alleged relationship with another account. In both cases the identity of the other account is completely unknown to me (2 different accounts) but no matter how many times I explain this to the verification team or whoever makes decisions on these matters my appeals are rejected and 'more information' is requested. Apart from the name of the other account I have no idea who they are or why Amazon could possibly see any connection. I have sent a gas bill and a bank statement hoping this would satisfy them ( neither of which was specifically asked for but suggested by Account Health adviser) but no good. I simply don't see what else I could provide. In my view there is no justification for this deactivation. Surely if Amazon suspect a link they should provide evidence to back up their assertion which I could then refute. Moderators, what do you suggest?

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HSBC Kinetic for withdrawals - any experience?
by Seller_zwoYg1nbgxxeu

I am thinking of opening HSBC Kinetic as my main business account.

Was surprised there's no information or posts on the forum from anyone mentioning that - and knowing how stupid Amazon can be, I wanted to know if they even accept HSBC Kinetic?

Anyone uses HSBC Kinetic account for withdrawals?

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My listing has been threatened with removal due to a Suspected Intellectual Property Violation.

 I see the reason as: trademark misuse(KENT) 

Kent is a geographical area (county) in England which I refer to as the location for a photography calendar on my title for my listing and there are numerous examples in the amazon catalog of other UK products referring to Kent as a geographical place.  Legally in the UK geographical names are not distinctive enough to be registered as trademarks as they are commonly used to describe the origin or quality of a product or service, so I don't understand why amazon thinks that this is a violation.

Furthermore I believe the trademarked product 'Kent' refers to a comb a completely different product to my calendar so there is no possibility of confusion for a customer. 

Amazon seller support so far (case 9918436972) have ignored my point that you can't trademark a geographical location and have told me to remove the word which is not an option as it is the only way to describe the product.

Please could someone help me remove this violation

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Suspected Intellectual Property Violation on using a geographical location in the title - Kent
In reply to: Seller_JvlkbaSvuZzZI’s postby Seller_d8YGbIjNqwFxn

You can also try quoting policy to SS. The policy is here

The bit that you should be interested in is this

As a seller, when can I use someone else’s trademark?

Typically, a seller can use someone else’s trademark in the following circumstances:

a) When selling authentic goods, a seller may use a trademarked name to list those authentic goods. For example, a seller who lists an authentic “Pinzon” product is not necessarily infringing on the owner of the Pinzon trademark because the seller is using the trademark to identify an authentic product.

b) When using a trademarked word in its ordinary dictionary, descriptive meaning.

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