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Results for "에볼정품알판매 【 @FT24CS 】 카지노솔루션분양 토사장 슬롯파싱api 에볼파싱 target=_blank"

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I find it extremely concerning that if as a seller, I'm not meeting the target rate of below 5% for uploading an invoice within 24 hours of a customer payment, I am at risk of deactivation.

If this is such a sensitive metric that can lead to de-activation of an account, why isn't there a notification alert from Amazon requesting sellers to upload the invoice within 24 hours of the payment being made with the order I.D for said invoice each time? We get an email alert to respond to buyers messages within 24 hours of the buyer message for instance.

As sellers, we have a host of duties to perform. Do they expect us to check the orders page every few hours to ensure this mundane task is promptly met within a very narrow timeframe each time? This is extremely unreasonable in my humble opinion. I would like to adhere to this, however, life gets in the way, and without notification prompts, this is very difficult to adhere to ALL OF THE TIME.

Is there a way to receive an alert from Amazon each time an order is placed requiring an invoice to be uploaded?

I have auto invoices set up for all the countries where I have VAT registration, but occasionally, you get orders from other EU countries that do not have VAT registration, thus making this task difficult to adhere to without fail.

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I was automatically enrolled in remote fulfillment with only Canada as an option. All of my US FBA listings are marked "inactive" with no stock when I check my Germany account.

When I checked the "Remote Fulfillment ASIN Status Report", it says this:

"There's an issue with your offer in the target store. To identify and fix the issue, go to the Listing Quality dashboard in the target store account. Once the issue is fixed, the offer will be automatically added to Remote Fulfillment."

How can I make all of my UK FBA listings active listings in Germany?

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Can't create a feed in SP API due to 403
by Seller_3LvzuR12xutlV

I am following the use case guide for SP feeds.

I am able to create a document and upload XML to it without problems.

However I am unable to use the createFeed (POST /feeds/2021-06-30/feeds) endpoint. I am sending what should be a valid body, and I have proper header, but I am still getting 403. Any help what am I doing wrong or which permissions am I missing?

curl --location '' \

--header 'x-amz-access-token: (token which worked to create document)' \

--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

--data '{


"marketplaceIds": [ "A1PA6795UKMFR9" ],

"inputFeedDocumentId": "{feed I got from createDocument}"


And the error message I get is not super helpful:


code: 'Unauthorized',

message: 'Access to the resource is forbidden',

details: ''


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Search Suppresion and the AI bot.
by Seller_KlbXZHzQGSDZv

We have had a couple recently asking for the colour to be added. These are on patterns to be made into bags where you choose your own fabric. We have just linked onto the item via the upc and listed that way. Is it possible to have the suppressions picked by the bot overseen by a human to prevent us from wasting time.

asin B07S1B31CP

@Ezra_Amazon @Julia_Amazon @Sakura_Amazon_ @Sarah_Amzn @Simon_Amazon @Spencer_Amazon @Winston_Amazon

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Preventing Violations on Inactive Amazon Marketplaces: A Seller's Guide
In reply to: Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr’s postby Seller_9fA2L82vl2c6V

I've attempted to remove all listings multiple times but uploading a blank excel has never worked. I spent about 4 hours one day deleting about 30,000 products I accidently listed by allowing a third party supplier access to my amazon.

Little did I know, that I would have to do this across EVERY international Amazon site. I receive violation emails every day for products I have listed but set to zero. It's utterly ridiculous there's no simple "delete all" button. It took HOURS just to do UK listings.

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Let's talk about Transparency!
by Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP

Hello sellers!

Let´s talk about how Transparency works and how it can help you protect your brand and customers from counterfeits both online and offline.

Who can enroll in Transparency?

  • Enroll in Brand Registry with a government-registered trademark. Trademarks with "pending" status are not eligible to enroll in Transparency. Click here to get enrolled in Brand Registry.
  • You also must have the role of Right’s Owner in Brand Registry. Please use your Right’s Owner credentials to log in and create a Transparency account.
  • Have a Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) for your product, such as a UPC, ISBN, or EAN.
  • Have the ability to apply unique Transparency codes (a type of serial number) to every unit you manufacture, regardless of where the units are sold.

Why should I enroll in Transparency?

  • Verify product authenticity - Ensure that only authentic units are shipped to customers. Whether fulfilled by Amazon or shipped directly by selling partners, products cannot be listed on Amazon or shipped without valid Transparency codes.
  • Engage with customers - Connect with customers post-purchase, no matter where they bought your product. The Amazon Shopping app and the Transparency app both allow customers to scan Transparency codes to confirm authenticity and access content you provide.
  • Optimize your supply chain - Gain additional insights on your items at the batch or lot level, helping you identify supply chain or other issues, diagnose their root cause, implement solutions, and improve products with minimal disruption to your business.

The numbers:

  • More than 33,000 businesses rely on Transparency to prevent counterfeits
  • Over 1.6 Billion product units enrolled in Transparency have been authenticated as genuine through code scan verification, whether sold in Amazon’s store or elsewhere in the retail supply chain.
  • Transparency offers protection in 10 countries


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Maintaining a Healthy Seller Account
by Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr
Amazon replied

Hello Sellers,

Having a healthy seller account is crucial for your success on the Amazon marketplace. The Account Health Dashboard provides an overview of your selling account's adherence to Amazon's performance targets and policies. Regularly monitoring and addressing any issues is essential to ensure uninterrupted selling privileges.

What is the Account Health Dashboard?

The Account Health Dashboard displays key metrics that Amazon uses to evaluate your account's performance, such as:

-Order Defect Rate: Measures customer experience with your orders

-Late Shipment Rate: Tracks your on-time shipment performance

-Policy Violations: Highlights any violations of Amazon's selling policies

How to Access Your Account Health Dashboard:

Menu- > Account Health- > Account Health

🟢Best Practices for Maintaining a Healthy Account:

  • Understand each metric and its target: Review Amazon's guidelines for acceptable performance levels.
  • Check your Account Health regularly across all marketplaces: Performance metrics can vary by marketplace.
  • Monitor Performance Notifications: Address any issues promptly to avoid negative impact on your account.
  • Take preventative steps: Implement processes to maintain high performance (e.g., streamline fulfillment, improve customer service).
  • Review your product catalog: Ensure compliance with evolving regulations and policies.
  • Address violations immediately: Respond to any violations on your Account Health Dashboard as soon as possible.

📖Useful Resources:

Seller University : Understand your Account Health metrics

Account Health FAQ

🎤Share Your Tips: How do you maintain a healthy seller account? What advice would you give to new sellers starting their Amazon journey?

Would you have any feedback regarding Account Health?

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Charge Method Issues: Debit Card Suddenly Not Accepted After Renewal
In reply to: Seller_pZPUigSoKl3Mk’s postby Seller_jZiG4OnY755i0

Firstly, I think trying another browser is not a solution to the issue as this is something which is account related and also occurs on the Seller App which doesn't run on a browser.

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Valid Tracking Rate
by Seller_mgF4QF9tiaBZy
Amazon replied

Just a heads up. I was warned that my 'Valid Tracking Rate' had fallen to 91%, way below the required rate. This made no sense at all, because I use the Seller App to confirm postage as soon as it goes. (I'm selling CDs, mostly, sent 2nd class, signed for, which is the cheapest I can do while still providing a reference number). It turned out that Amazon only recognises the class of postage if it is inserted using the drop down list, which is not available on the app - you have to type it manually.

I was still fairly puzzled, because I had been using the app for about three years and if they had appleid this rule properly, 100% of my sales would have failed their metric!

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You can now use generative artificial intelligence (AI) to create high-quality product listings that are automatically tailored to Amazon’s store.

To get started, simply go to List Your Products and use one of the following options:

  • Enter a few keywords to describe your product in the Keywords tab and then click Create a new listing from the search results page.
  • Click the Product image tab to upload a product image from your device.
  • Click the Blank form tab to access Generate Listing Content, and directly enter a few keywords or upload a product image.

The tool will then generate the product title, bullet point, and description attribute content that you can review and edit.

Before you publish generated content to the Amazon catalogue, we recommend that you review it thoroughly and ensure all product details are accurate.

Our generative AI tools are constantly learning and evolving. We’re actively developing powerful new capabilities to make generated listings more effective, and make it even easier for you to list products.

For more information on how to use generative AI product listing features, go to List Your Products and Add one product at a time.

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