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Dear Amazon Seller Community,

We are reaching out in desperation as we have been facing significant issues with our Amazon seller account since January 25th. For the past six months, we have been diligently working to prove our UK establishment status, but to no avail.

Here's a brief timeline of our situation:

January 25: We began the process of proving our UK establishment status.

May 1: Our account was suddenly blocked with the reason: "We have concluded that your selling account has failed the business establishment verification process that is associated with your value-added tax (VAT), and your account will remain deactivated."

Since then, we have submitted numerous appeals and provided extensive documentation to prove our status. Despite our continuous efforts, the result remains the same – our account is still blocked. Today, we received another response confirming that our account remains deactivated.

We are even prepared to accept being recognized as a non-UK establishment, but it seems this will not lift the account block either. We have been selling on Amazon since 2021 and never expected that our business could be destroyed overnight due to this issue.

We are at our wits' end and do not know what more we can do to resolve this situation. Our business is on the brink of collapse, and we urgently need guidance and assistance. Has anyone else faced a similar situation? What steps did you take to resolve it? Any advice or support would be immensely appreciated.

Thank you for your understanding and help.

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Urgent Help Needed: Account Blocked Despite Ongoing UK Establishment Verification Efforts
In reply to: Seller_xAAVkHF1Rgi33’s postby Seller_MT8rt0A2OpbCx

Your company is registered at a virtual office, along with many other companies. Also 2 of your Directors are resident in Belarus. Amazon will see this as indicating that you are not established in the U.K. and should be registered for VAT and Amazon should have been collecting and paying VAT to HMRC on all your sales.

If one of your Directors is resident in the U.K. and is physically operating within the U.K., i.e. able to receive deliveries, returns, receive store and file paperwork, not from a virtual office run by someone else, you may have a slim chance to prove that to Amazon, bearing in mind the above details.

Otherwise you need to be VAT registered, pay any past VAT to Amazon and keep within the U.K. law.

I personally feel these virtual offices should be limited to a small number of companies, and only run by certified accountants or solicitors, registered as officers of each company on Companies House. That may go some way to stop some companies evading paying their tax on U.K. sales and a fairer platform for the honest, legally compliant sellers, willing to contribute their share to help maintain the NHS, etc.

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Urgent Help Needed: Account Blocked Despite Ongoing UK Establishment Verification Efforts
In reply to: Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN’s postby Seller_xAAVkHF1Rgi33

Dear Mr.,

Thank you for your submission. Based on a review of your account and the information provided, we have concluded that we cannot verify the Value-Added Tax (VAT) establishment of the business in your selling account.

As a result, you can no longer sell on or any European stores. You should continue to ship open orders and respond to customer inquiries to avoid further impact to your account.

We leveraged a combination of automated means and expert human review to identify this issue and make this decision.

Why did this happen?

The document that you provided is not acceptable for verification.

How does this impact my account access and account funds?

While you will not be able to use the Amazon selling services, you can continue to access your Seller Central account for the next 40 days. After this time, you will not have access to Seller Central, including your financial reports.

If you have funds in your account, you can request them after A-to-z Guarantee claims or chargebacks on your orders have been deducted. This usually takes about 90 days, but funds may be held longer. if you have questions about funds.

What should I do if I have items stored in an Amazon fulfillment center?

You have 30 days from the time we first informed you that your account failed verification, to create a removal order if you have any items stored in any Amazon fulfillment center. To view your inventory, go to Seller Central:


You can choose to dispose off this inventory or have it returned to you. If you do not create a removal order within 30 days, we will dispose off your inventory and you will be debited the standard removal fees.

Has your account been deactivated in error?

Within 30 days, if you wish to appeal this decision, email . You may be required to provide additional information and documents during an appeal process.

We’re here to help

For more information, go to the "UK VOEC: Determination of Establishment":


If you have additional questions and wish to speak to an Account Health specialist, go to "Contact Us" on your Account Health page:


Amazon Services Europe

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Amazon refusing to remove review when it very clearly says in thier guideline that it's not allowed?
In reply to: Seller_SgrYVwQcsHQ6Q’s postby Seller_SgrYVwQcsHQ6Q

@Seller_Huz6FT08OxHARThere is another review on the Asin B0D2ZPZB1R of 1 star.

Now I want to send a replacement order for the missing part mentioned on the review, but there is no option to find this order ID or contact the buyer.

How do I approach this? are you able to help?

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A To Z claim team Must be removed
by Seller_H04Prg9Nc0Td4

There is no policy that protects the seller in any way, if there is truly a mistake on your part, all policies work against you,

But if you are right, policy will never work

Amazon provides customers with,

Use the products, spoil them, steal them and damage them, it's okay, we are with you, we always support people with bad intentions, it gives the image, we return their money and thank them, comedy

There cannot be such a team, it shouldn't exist, they have established an unfair system, I feel ashamed of this as sellers, there is no platform to complain about them, I sent all the emails but unfortunately the result is nothing, except losing your products.

Clearly, we are shopping as buyers, but we are not trying to harm any sellers.

There are so many people with bad intentions,

False claims filed by

The best thing is to start a signature campaign against this destructive team and organize all the sellers, we need to unite against this system that harms us by making personal decisions that harm so many businesses, we lose both money and products. There are people who order your products as Fraud, steal the parts, use the product and damage it, A to Z is just a Fraud team, and it is really the biggest danger for all sellers.

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A To Z claim team Must be removed
In reply to: Seller_H04Prg9Nc0Td4’s postby Seller_H04Prg9Nc0Td4

This petition arises from frustrating personal experiences that illustrate the need for crucial changes in Amazon's A To Z Claim handling system. As sellers, we increasingly feel unprotected and unfairly treated by the policies in place.

The current model, which highly favours customers, exposes sellers to misuse and abuse. Indeed, there have been multiple instances where customers exploit the system by illicitly using, damaging, or even stealing products, only to be routinely backed by the A To Z Claim Team and get their money refunded. This situation gives a misguiding message of leniency towards poor customer behaviour that is both unfair and damaging to the sellers.

Moreover, it appears there is little to no recourse if sellers genuinely make a mistake. The policies seem to systematically work against us, leaving us vulnerable and powerless.

It's time for a change. Amazon's A To Z Claim Team needs to be revised or removed in favor of a fairer system that equally protects both buyer and seller. This is not just about protecting our businesses, but also about preserving trust, fairness, and integrity within Amazon's marketplace.

We implore Amazon to heed our call and undertake an urgent review of its A To Z Claim Team practices. Please sign this petition to support our cause.

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A To Z claim team Must be removed
In reply to: Seller_H04Prg9Nc0Td4’s postby Seller_ZVAz3d5lZuGid

I think many of us would totally agree that the A-z system in its current format is unfit for purpose, and needs to be revised/changed. As you say there is virtually no protection for sellers, from customers who make fraudulent claims. I doubt a petition would have any effect whatsoever, though. There have been enough seller polls over the years asking about the A-z system, which I have always answered honestly, and been straight to the point. Most of the claims will be 'read' by bots, with no human intervention, so the use of certain words will always side with the customer. There needs to be more, common sense, human reading of each individual case, but I guess there are far too many for that to be a realistic expectation.

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Account deactivated funds on hold
In reply to: Seller_xudvzVpzjwwIe’s postby Seller_ZVAz3d5lZuGid

" I get an email to select the correct buisness entity."

What legal entity have you registered with ? - Business Seller Account, or Individual seller account ?

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Account deactivated funds on hold
by Seller_xudvzVpzjwwIe

hi there,

my account has been deactivated and it's been quite a whole I've been attempting to withdraw my funds.

I was told I need to verify my identity by booking a video verification which I did but most of the times it kept on being cancelled or I get an email to select the correct buisness entity.

I have selected the correct buisness entity however I have to keep repeating this process and I get no where.

Also says they are unable to verify my bank account informationinforma but everything is correct on the statement everything matches so I don't understand what's the issue.

I can't reach out to account health team as there no option on performance notification also I can't email them either I can only contact seller support but they don't read what I've put and direct me to account health team.

Please help

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List price with tax UIEE header.
by Seller_CLGEG5dNL8MpN

I've started getting the error 'A value is required for the "list_price_with_tax" field.' when uploading my inventory file.

I use Abebook's Homebase export function to create a UIEE file to upload to Amazon and have been told I now need to include the new header for the 'list price with tax' field.

Does anyone know what that header is or how I could find out?

Help would be very much appreciated.

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