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Results for "우리은행Β⸨@MOONPAY_CALL⸩ⓓ국민은행가상계좌㎃토토계좌판매◐가상계좌솔루션∞국민㎋농협"

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Amazon Support: "Your account is not eligible for BuyBox"
In reply to: Seller_4hFqLpFtmrfwX’s postby Seller_LK2FhmX0Cvw9s

Same here.

I also reached out to the developers of the repricer that I am using, and they confirmed:

"Hi, I can now confirm that your offers are not eligible to win the BuyBox. This will be due to an issue with your Amazon selling account, and you will need to continue to talk to SC support to get to the bottom of the issue. This will explain the drop in sales."

I am speechless...

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I really need your urgent help/advice guys.

First of all, I'm not a new seller. I've been selling since September last year, I've achieved month on month steady growth on the UK marketplace. I currently have over 700+ active SKUs.

However, overnight, without any warning or notification, since 16 June, I have had a significant issue with my Amazon account: I have lost the BuyBox/Featured Offer for ALL of my listings.

As a result, in the last few days my daily sales have dropped from around £1000 to almost zero. In addition, my "Featured Offer %" has dropped to 0%. Btw, my account health is currently 248.

I opened several tickets without success, but chatted with Amazon Support who confirmed: "As of the moment your ACCOUNT is not eligible for BuyBox".

However, as to the reason why this happened and what I needed to do to get it resolved, I was told nothing but to wait. The problem is that I am losing money every day by not being able to sell anything, but I have to cover the costs of my business and order new products.

I cannot name here a specific ASIN, because this issue affects ALL of my SKUs (700+ listings), and given that it appears to be an Amazon-side problem. Therefore I am requesting your urgent assistance.

I have already emailed the Managing Director about this, but have not yet received a reply.

Can I somehow reach the team responsible to check my account and restore the Featured Offers in my account as soon as possible?

Thank you for your prompt attention to this urgent matter.

Thank you!


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Cancel Legal Entity Transfer
by Seller_8B9mYWcA6mVHa

I have click on to transfer legal entity but have not click agree as I do not want to do this. It was a mistake. But now I cannot get back into my account. I just need to cancel this transfer request (although I have not agreed to it).

Help needed

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Cancel Legal Entity Transfer
In reply to: Seller_8B9mYWcA6mVHa’s postby Seller_76AUwmqvSyRIM

May I suggest you try another browser? There may be a dodgy cookie in your current browser which is causing this behaviour.

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Cancel Legal Entity Transfer
In reply to: Seller_76AUwmqvSyRIM’s postby Seller_8B9mYWcA6mVHa


Just tried that. Its just bringing me to the same pass. Seller verification team have said they have cancelled the transfer but this page is till showing. Some from seller support are saying to click to agree to the transfer and enter our original details but I am unsure of what to do and not getting much help from Amazon.

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Vicious Circle trying to list book for purchase
by Seller_3fHacxYyCxqbJ

I am new to Seller and opened an Individual account. I want to sell one single item, my self-published book. I Add Product, put the book’s ISBN in the Category and fill in everything else required. It appears in My Inventory and I get an email saying it will be available for purchase in 15 minutes. But it never does. Seller helpdesk tells me my listing ’is not currently assigned to a product category, therefore is not searchable’. It tells me to complete the following steps. First go to Edit and select Product Identity and then fill in ‘Recommended Browse Nodes/Item Type Keyword’ BUT THERE IS NO PRODUCT ID to be found. Heldesk told me it is under Product Description… but when I click on that I get a message saying ‘Restricted Edit Permissions. As you are not the brand owner for this product…’ etc. It stops me filling out anything under Brand Description’, (It is my own self-published book but, when registered, Nielsen book registry automatically lists all books on Amazon.) Helpdesk then tell me, as an alternative, to ‘Toggle Advanced View’ BUT THERE IS NO ‘ADVANCED VIEW option to toggle. I am now on my 10th case with Help about this over two weeks and can’t get them to understand that it is not possible to carry out their instructions, despite sending screenshots to show I can’t fill out Product Details and there is no ‘Advanced View option. Please, please… can anyone else suggest anything and put me out of my misery?

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Vicious Circle trying to list book for purchase
In reply to: Seller_3fHacxYyCxqbJ’s postby Seller_3fHacxYyCxqbJ

PS I have deleted my book listing and started again by putting in the ISBN in the category four times. Nothing changes.

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Cancel Legal Entity Transfer
In reply to: Seller_76AUwmqvSyRIM’s postby Seller_8B9mYWcA6mVHa


Yes if I click on anything on the page like help or setting anything it keeps bringing me back to the page I have attached.

Yes I have not agreed to anything so I am unsure why I cannot go back and access my account.


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by Seller_fNHodZr6pdU2A
Amazon replied


My UK seller account has been activated because my “other account” has violated many policies. Now I don’t know of any other account, I have only created and used one account the whole time. I tried contacting support to get more information but of course nothing happens, I don’t get a response and am just told I need to reactivate. I have other international stores under the same name, but they are all in holiday mode and I do not use them. I’m not sure if this “other” account is my international accounts or not. And if it is, which store is it specifically? I just want more information in general about my deactivation.

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In reply to: Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP’s postby Seller_0dTgHqsOzVMPj

@Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgPplease i need assistance with the same issue?

Kind Regards,

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