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Results for "카지노알⸨ 텔 FT24CS ⸩프라그마틱플레이-프록시구글아이피업체-슬롯솔루션-정품알사이트제작-메타슬롯무료체험-에볼파싱가품-슬롯파싱판매-하이브리드알-에볼정품"

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Prior Refund Applied
by Seller_PU8ypkNZEJU9p

Hi. I have had 2 Returns recently. Both have had prior refunds applied (+ Shipping Costs Added) 1 item came back with an Empty Tube and the other never came back. There was no conversations with the buyers but how do I appeal this and get my money back? Can anyone make suggestions please

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Drop shipping
by Seller_J3JPTqow8Wpn1

In case anyone is searching for information on something similar, there is a scam going around at the moment where Ebay drop shippers are selling for below your RRP on Amazon, then claiming refunds.

Firstly this refers to a D2C product that we sell, RRP £9.99 via prime. Our brand is trademarked, and this product does well. Two months or so ago, our product suddenly jumped massively in refunds being initiated by Amazon. This is not an easy product to damage and all refunds seemed to be for items not received. This item fits through a letterbox.

We've been having terrible trouble with refunds, all to odd buyer names, who have sent a "gift" to a different address. To try and counteract this, we reported to Amazon - didn't really get anywhere, but also reported the sellers to Ebay. Ebay does take the listings down, but the sellers just put them straight back up again.

We decided to open an Ebay shop and sell for RRP, ie below what the drop shippers can sell for. However one drop shipper then changed their price to £1 below RRP. At this point I wondered did they have stolen property in their possession as they wouldn't be making any money buying at a higher price from Amazon. I had a family member order from them on Ebay to get a better idea.

The item was received from Amazon, with amazon's paperwork and a slip saying it was a gift. Two days later the same name on the gift cert receives a full refund from Amazon, not only for this item, but for another "gift" item to someone else. My family member's name was on the order for delivery address.

On looking back with a fine tooth comb through my refunds for the last few months, 70% of them are to odd names, ie double letters where they shouldn't be, back to front names etc. and for "gifts" to a different delivery address. We believe there's a team of people at this so that any one person doesn't get penalised for too many refunds.

Just to make anyone else on here wondering about their refunds rising aware.

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Postage/Claims - Ongoing issues
In reply to: Seller_d8WfbEccuaGMc’s postby Seller_mS10UjVYuuGor

My product is quite different yours, I sell fine wine so the box could be worth £30 or £3000, while someone could probably guess it is a box of wine the value isn't obvious.

I'm well past the 1000 delivery mark with DHL now and not one has been lost without trace and their breakage rate is a fraction of 1%, mostly due to me using high quality packaging rather than the courier being careful I would add.

They collect from me daily (often too early in the day for someone who offers next day delivery but we'll put that aside for a moment) and any box up to about 15kg costs me about £8+VAT to most addresses, highlands and islands are more, sometimes considerably. The delivery cost looks less on the invoice but then they add HGV and congestion zone surcharges so £8 is about right. I guess your packages are probably 1kg or less but they don't offer a lower rate, for me its the same whether I send one bottle or six.

I don't pay for additional insurance for the reason you state, it costs a lot and they make it almost impossible to make a valid claim. If your packages are obviously phones I suspect the temptation to steal them is higher than for my boxes both by customers and couriers. Perhaps you could try using a larger plain outer with a protective filler to disguise the product and see if the disappearance rate drops.

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Good afternoon,

Maybe somebody can help me here please.

Just got this email 3 hours ago after 4 weeks for my account to transfer from a Sole Trader to a Ltd Co.

'Thank you for completing your video appointment. We have completed our review and no further action is required on your part.

You are now eligible to sell on



Repeat Contact Management Team'

However my account selling privilges are still blocked.

Is this normal? How long does this normally take?


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Amazon UK VAT Disbursement Deactivated Disaster !!!!
In reply to: Seller_VJ4XoAkjDpjPH’s postby Seller_odnvzZJVoYyxJ

Hello, The most recent notification was on June 17th again with denied request to open my account. On May 17th it was closed 2hours after I received the VAT establishment approval. So far 0 help 0 human response. Same generic robot response. Funds on hold for 7 months. The business totally destroyed.

Nobody is taking responsibility and the time to check thoroughly my case.

I am currently with open cases in UK and Luxembourg Financial Ombudsman.

Also with the HMRCs ,HM Courts & Tribunals Service. I am going in all instances to seek justice and compensation. Because this is not acceptable at all.

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How amazon destroyed my business.

At the beginning of the year I received a verification letter like many others. Initially I successfully passed their verification, a few hours later I received a second email that my account would not be opened because I was not VAT Establishement. They decided I am not a VAT establishment, even though according to UK state I am! I have emails for everything.

On the 17th of May I received a message from Amazon that I am VAT establishment, after sending them the official HMRC statement, and an official letter from my bank, which they wanted.

A few hours after that I got an email saying I had a policy violation from 22 March, and that my account would remain closed. The ridiculous thing about this violation is that I am not VAT establishment : screenshot 2

It appears that they are closing my account, for a violation according to them, which they then themselves find is not a violation ?!

Meanwhile, in April they forced me with a 7 day deadline to accept their payment plan to HMRC. According to them and HMRC I am VAT establishment but they have already started pulling the first instalment for this plan as if I am NETP ?! Over £6300!

And that's not all! Of my £35000 (over 6300 they took it for vat?!) that was blocked, 40% of that money is a credit to Amazon. The terms of the credit said that if they couldn't pull it from a bank account, they would pull it from the Amazon account. They haven't pulled them for five months now! But they charge me over 20% APY on over 15000 pounds. So every month or so they charge £250 per. month interest on money they have blocked from me and not withdrawn!

Amazon does whatever it wants with impunity. It violates all contracts, policies, steals other people's money. Even when I dropped them official letters from HMRC, they refused to accept them the first few times. Why does a corporation think it is more than the state ? So like all my listings I was selling I was competing directly with Amazon. Is Amazon pursuing a deliberate policy against the destruction of small sellers through various methods and loopholes they have found ?

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Drop shipping from Ebay scam
by Seller_J3JPTqow8Wpn1
Amazon replied

Wondering if anyone else has experienced this. We have a high volume ASIN, which we only sell D2C through our own website and Amazon. In recent months we've had a massive increase in returns on this item, but the products are never returned, just refunded.

We've also had a lot of Ebay drop shippers pop up. They are purchasing from Amazon and then seemingly claiming refunds. Each of these refunds I can see, as the names on the refunds are odd, maybe letters in the names mixed up such as Jhon instead of John etc. Sometimes the same individual will be refunded more than once on a day for orders shipped to different people. When I click into the order, the shipping names don't match the refunds - by a long way.

I have tried to raise a case with Amazon over this and they don't seem to want to know. Ebay are super slow in doing anything and if they do remove the listings, these sellers just pop straight back up a week or two later.

In an attempt to stymie this I set up our own listing on Ebay, at our correct RRP so that I would be undercutting the drop shippers. However one has undercut our RRP by £1. This to me proves that they're selling then claiming a refund, as otherwise as a normal drop shipper they'd actually be losing money!

Has anyone experienced similar, or have a way to deal with these crooks?


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Blocked Products due to Bladed Policy
by Seller_tz74iYhHLULoK
Amazon replied

As the title suggests, we have had many of our products blocked for being in breach of Amazon's bladed policy in the UK, despite the products that we sell not being sold with blades, and despite the products being live on the platform for many years prior. As I understand, the UK has laws on bladed products which is forcing Amazon to block products containing baldes that do not comply with the guidelines stated here:

The products we sell are safety razors, yet these products do not contain blades. They are to be purchased separately. Permitted products as per the policy guidelines:

"Razor blades permanently enclosed in a cartridge or housing with less than 2 mm of blade exposed"

As these products do not contain blades, we believe that they can be sold - we still have variations available for sale along with other sellers who have not yet been blocked.

We cannot get past the first level support at Amazon and the issue has been ongoing for months. No matter how much we prove that the products are in essence, a lump of metal and contain no blades, they keep on hitting us with the bladed policy guidelines and we cannot proceed any further in having them unrestricted.

Is there any common sense to be had here?

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Lost Buy Box (Featured Offer) MEGATHREAD
by Seller_QIMWRIIsqJQai
Amazon replied

I'm getting nowhere with Seller Support (Live Chat & Phone), made a ticket asking for escalation, E-Mailed CEO's office and got a pretty rude reply, I'm at a total loss as to what to do. I have lost the buy box for ALL of my key products and best sellers, I am the brand owner, I am the only offer.

I am stunned at how little support there is from Amazon, I knew it was bad but I had no idea it was THIS BAD. Absolutely no transparency what-so-ever, nothing on performance notifications, account health is perfect, no violations, I am enrolled on the new Account Health Assurance scheme (which gave me peace of mind for all of 3 days).

With the CEO's office giving me the cold shoulder, seller support sending me links to 'Seller University', spending in excess of 10 hours trying almost everything on my account blindly, I'm at a complete loss sitting here with next to no sales. So my last resort is this... a mega thread... I'm hoping with enough people complaining about the issue, Amazon MAY acknowledge this problem as a bug/glitch before I have to file for bankruptcy (no exaggeration) and when they do, I also expect no apology or compensation.

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i started selling items and sold a bunch of items through seller fulfilment my account saying 100% valid tracking rate even though some yet most of items were untracked however only had 1 customer complaint regarding not delivery and they are requesting information i have given this information like 10 times every time stating i need to give this information which i have

what makes this worst is i got an email saying it would be a hold for 30days and seller fulfillment deactivated until they confirm delivery which seems completely ridiculous however as i have appealed and they are not accepting the documents my account is now going to be deactivated forever after 90days of them not accepting my documents rang amazon 10 times at this point no help what so ever there not even clear of what information i should give so my account will be on hold funds forever and i wont be able to do my own orders

thirdly i sent my orders in fba all the delivery times are just completely ages away and cant sell anything at this rate completely ruining my amazon business can some actual human help me sort this out

@Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR @Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK @Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM @Seller_yk3kzHpjMMa4B

We do not have enough information to reinstate your account for one or more of the following reasons:

-- Evidence of delivery or verify that currently uploaded tracking information is correct. Tracking information may be provided in the Manage Orders section of your seller account. This may include buyer confirmation of receipt or proof-of-delivery documentation.

-- You may be missing critical business information from your account to validate positive buyer-seller history across other sales channels. Provide supporting documents that includes but are not limited to business website and email or company bank information.

-- We have observed a significant increase to your sales or an unusual change in your selling patterns. Please provide us supporting evidence that you have inventory to fulfill all of the orders placed. This includes but is not limited to copies of invoices, receipts, contracts, delivery orders, or authorization letters from your supplier issued in the last 365 days.

this is what it keeps asking me even though i have given it its a joke amazon have just forced to send everything to them and now they in result i have terrible delivery times from them and i am paying them every month not to able to sell items myself

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