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Results for "14선불폰판매≇<ㅌㄹ@𝚋𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚖}tm유심구매⧇선불유심판매⥾여권사본삽니다╬로밍유심사는곳❍"

(3344 results)
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Payment pending business customer
by Seller_sq6JNrabjPKEi

For the past week I have had 3 items of mine (all the same item), purchased on 3 separate occasions by business customers and payment pending. I wasn't suspicious at first but now I have had the 3rd one in one week with no payment appearing, I am wondering why this is happening? They are all just sat on my account as open orders. Obviously I can't see at this stage if it is the same person ordering or separate people. It just seems odd 😯 anyone else?

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Received a email today. Has anyone else received this. Im unsure how i can resolve this. I have orders from Royal Mail and DPD that have tried to deliver on a saturday when the business wasnt open but it is a prime order so if they order on a friday the expected delivery time is a saturday. So unsure what i should do here to resolve this issue.

You are receiving this email as at least one of your business orders was not delivered within business hours.

Delivering outside business hours* can lead to customer frustration and prevent repeat purchases from that customer. Customers have complained of multiple issues such as

1. Packages lost in the premises

2. Theft or loss due to package being left in an insecure location

3. Damage due to package being left at unsheltered locations d. Package being handed to the wrong person or business on the same premises

4. Large and heavy packages being left at the incorrect receipt station

To help you understand if your business customer’s needs are being met, we have launched a new metric in your Fulfillment Insights Dashboard called Business Hour Delivery Rate (BHDR)

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Items in wrong category
In reply to: Seller_CLmNsySJDC75g’s postby Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr

Hello @Seller_CLmNsySJDC75g,

I am coming back with an update. The relevant Partner Team has opened a case to work with you on resolving this issue.

Could you check this case ID: 9888877912 and confirm if everything is clear there ?



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Workflow error at shipping stage
by Seller_SgsO1V5elyaUK
Amazon replied

HI, I am trying to create a workflow as I have done many times for FBA, but once I pass the "pack individual units" and go to the shipping screen I get message "An error has occurred. Please refresh the page or try again." i have tried to refresh, I tried to delete the work flow and start again, I wiped temp files and cookies but still get the same error and cant send to amazon fba. anyone had the same issue ?


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Letter Of Authorization problem
by Seller_PREQozqQgesAC

Amazon ask for veritification identity provide Letter of Authorization, i am sole trader. I take template from Amazon which they give to everyone and fulfill it and send them.But all time got response: invalid document!

Why this happen?

Can somebody help with this issue?

I log time now try to get out my lefted balance, but until now not succeed.

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Dear Amazon Support,

I've registered my LLC in US, on virtual address due to some reasons my account has been deactivated, now they need to verify this via any utility bill/piped gas/ water bill etc for the same address for reactivation of my account. however, I am non us resident owner of llc company and on virtual address its impossible to get these utility bills.

I'm confused how can I provide such utility bill/piped gas bill etc for virtual address?


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Letter Of Authorization problem
In reply to: Seller_ZVAz3d5lZuGid’s postby Seller_PREQozqQgesAC

I am located in Latvia, and there no options like that. I was sell on Amazon platform and others EU Amazon platforms.

And now i am very frustated what to do! Letter of authorization was done and they aprrove it, but now ask this type of document from me,which not exist

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Listing Health Check Tools
by Seller_WHRIJDzhEFMmb
Amazon replied

Hello sellers,

I am experiencing issues with my listings where my images, or my A+ content randomly disappear from the PDP. Does anyone experience similar issues and have any insights as to how to detect the ASINs that are missing content? I have a very large catalog, and checking the frontend of the listings manually take a lot of time. It would be very helpful to know if anyone has found a tool that automatically checks the listing health and flags ASINs/product that are missing content?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you!

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VTR for Royal Mail 1st/2nd class major issue
In reply to: Seller_KAWWftfFNL5CB’s postby Seller_d8YGbIjNqwFxn

Currently it is but only by a couple of pence for 100 gram and 250 gram. Other tiers I am not sure as I don't use them.

As I stated in my post when the price rises for 2nd Class on Account start in July then CRL48 will be cheaper again.

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CRL48 is more expensive than Second Class Large Letters as royal mail charges different types of surcharges such as Normal Surcharge for using CRL Service and Green Surcharge.
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There are A-Z's then there are A-Z's
by Seller_GkLry66xQzT9C

Sometimes I am staggered at what people do. We Always try and help customers where we can and our service record shows that but in over 7 years the worse case of buyer manipulation ever. Really not sure what to do so answers on a postcard.

A customer buys a personalised item of clothing and we ship tracked 48 as always within 24 hours. After we shipped the item the customer asks to change the size. We said we would assist the customer where possible to soften the blow of their mistake so contact us when they receive it. The item was delivered 4 days ago. This morning with no further messages and A-Z saying hasn't arrived and 10 minutes later an order in the size they wanted their order changed to. What would you suggest. Clearly I will appeal the A-Z but pointless I guess.

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