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Results for "43pc카톡사는곳╨[ㅌㄹ𝖨𝖲𝖤𝖴𝖫𝖳𝖠𝖫𝖪⦌pc카톡팝니다⟵카카오톡구매⋩국내카톡인증⤻카톡인증대행≲"

(108 results)
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Amazon redirect Amazon FC
by Seller_D1GYBVXCilp4R
Amazon replied

Dear sellers,

Our freight company has told me that my order is supposed to be delivered to Amazon UK LBA4.

Due to LBA4 is busy, Amazon informed our freight partner to redirect the cargo to LTN7, does it affect the inventory update time? Does Amazon will finally internally move my cargoes to LBA4 from LTN7?


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Lost Buy Box (Featured Offer) MEGATHREAD
In reply to: Seller_QIMWRIIsqJQai’s postby Seller_rdDHCgIIXbjBs

Hi @Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP

Again the same issue with ASINs. Lost all BuyBox to all the ASINs.

After the BuyBox was lost, I spent so much to get the products ranked through PPC. Now, all that is lost as well.

This is the post of all my ASINs. Please help.

This month was going great and then lost the BuyBox again.

Please, I request you to help us.

Kindest Regards,

CC: @Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN@Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH@Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr

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Thank you for your submission regarding your establishment in the UK for Value Added Tax (VAT) purposes. We are currently reviewing the information that you have provided.

We will contact you as soon as we have completed this review or if we need any further information.

We cannot provide an exact deadline, but our team is working hard to complete verification as soon as possible.

We’re here to help

For more information, go to the "UK VOEC: Determination of Establishment":

If you have additional questions and wish to speak to an Account Health specialist, go to "Contact Us" on your Account Health page:

Amazon Services Europe "

Please can one of the Amazon managers help to review my submission as I have had no response in over 48 hours.

I have provided all the documentation requested to prove that

@Seller_pcsb5w54JugEA @Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM @Seller_VJ4XoAkjDpjPH @Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH

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PO Box address for seller account
by Seller_sdciVpJlMHpt3

Does anybody have any experience of using a PO Box address on Amazon, especially for returns?

We have been on Amazon for over 10 years, so not a new seller. We are moving from our business premises in a few weeks and will be using a residential address for a period. We do not want our residential address publically available for security reasons and have set up a PO Box address. This is no issue on any other marketplace or our website, but Amazon seem to be less than helpful with these type of changes.

All other business information will remain the same - company name, registered business address, company number, VAT number, contact details etc

- The return address will need to be changed to the PO Box address so that customers do not have our residential address.

- The ship from address can remain as our residential address if this information is not publically accessible and used only internally by Amazon. If it is shown publically then this would also need to be changed to the PO Box address.

Does anybody else do something similar or have any experience of it?

Thanks in advance




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What is a good PC program for filing UK HMRC taxes? I've been doing it manually on the HMRC website, but they suggested using a computer application. Any recommendations?

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Error 8040 turning in to nightmare and no help from seller support PLEASE someone help
In reply to: Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK’s postby Seller_vtSzvxtW9StxE

Hi @Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK,

Sorry for delay in answer and hope you had a good vcation :).

Unfortunately, started facing the same thing again.

Listing created as FBM with proper variation and approval thn converted into FBA and variation broken and listing tuned in to "Search Suppressed".

Did full file upload and started getting error 8040 again.

Batch ID: 341135019892.

Opened a case and I am sure that case will be closed with comment relationship not approved.

Case ID: 9897050182

Again, I dont understand why amazon first breaks the variation and thn rect variation under 8040.

What is the issue that causing variation break and no answer from amazon or seller support on the same.

Luckily I did wait before sending these units to FBA after converting them to FBA.

It implies that I shall not send new FBA ASINs to FC. This not only creates the delay in making unit available but literly block a seller to list and send new ASINs to FC. Causing significant loss to my small business and hope you can help me in this.



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Verify Establishment for Value Added Tax (VAT) - HUGE Delay
In reply to: Seller_QuxoryRYBbGoN’s postby Seller_QuxoryRYBbGoN

We have contacted the Amazon Health Account "Specialists" again. They keep telling us daily that our submitted information is being reviewed. This is ongoing for several weeks now.

We require someone from the Amazon Leadership Team to act upon our unlawful restriction on our funds.


Based on the "EU VAT on e-Commerce (EU VOEC) Legislation – 2021" as it is stated on your webside page:

{...From July 1, 2021, Amazon is responsible for collecting VAT on the following sales of goods delivered to customers in the EU where ordered through any Amazon storefront:

Goods delivered from inventory stored outside the EU with a shipment value of up to EUR 150; and

Goods delivered from inventory stored in the EU, irrespective of value, where you, the selling partner (sole trader or company/partnership), are not established in the EU for VAT...}

In our case, our company is based in Europe, in the Republic of Cyprus, as approved by Amazon on July 2023.

Our company sells ONLY via to Germany and Austria.

Therefore, the above-stated Legislation does NOT apply to us.

Amazon is actively undermining our business interests and infringing upon our EU company's rights to conduct commerce within the European Union by failing to accurately interpret and apply the EU VAT on e-Commerce (EU VOEC) Legislation of 2021.

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Having issues with Group VAT registration - UK uses "Making Tax Digital" however Amazon wants a paper version, which HMRC no longer issues. haven't answered emails

MCF and removal orders, and funds now held.

Anyone got any advice? Or forum MODs, any chance you can contact us?

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New to Amazon as a seller
by Seller_vjsUYru4Q2G7u


I am new to Amazon, Just opened my account today. I am thinking about launching a small business for PC and Phone accessories? I would like to receive some advise on how to launch my business? What steps I will need to take? will highly appreciate your advise!

Best regards


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Hi ,

Is anyone facing any ad results in data update delayed or does the data updated look abnormal if compared with the previous day? especially order conversion on 18th June 2024 ads performance results.

because normally our UK Amazon STORE PPC ads campaign will generated at least 25 order conversion and above daily but suddenly dropped to 2 order converted only on 18th June 2024 and its never happened before even i checked 1 day earlier which is 17th June ads result also had converted 35 orders .

I have check for all the campaign budget utilization , BuyBox Availability and son on but all seems normal .

Anyone know ? pls assist .Thank you

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