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New to Amazon as a seller


I am new to Amazon, Just opened my account today. I am thinking about launching a small business for PC and Phone accessories? I would like to receive some advise on how to launch my business? What steps I will need to take? will highly appreciate your advise!

Best regards


8 replies
Tags:Amazon business
8 replies
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Well, first of all, if you only signed up today then be prepared for a wait whilst your account is fully verified, especially as you are a Ltd company. Presumably you have registered with CH as Ltd and fully understand all the responsibilities of being a limited company ?

My other point would be, I hope you realise how saturated that market is on Amazon - you will be competing with probably thousands of other sellers of the same type of items.

My advice would be to thoroughly read and watch Amazon's 'Seller University' before you do anything else - selling on Amazon has many quite complex policies and requirements which will need to know about and understand. As for launching your business - thorough research !

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Best advice would be to read Seller University thoroughly, have a look through Seller Forum for all the issues/potential scams so you are aware of them and can protect yourself against them, then research thoroughly the products you are planning to sell before investing lots of money in a competitive category.

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I hope you already have E-Commerce experience on a more simple platform, such as Ebay. If you literally started up a company without having much of a clue on what you're actually doing, you're way behind on the learning curve.

Study the Seller University, as well as the many youtube vids about E-Commerse, specifically Amazon and Ebay. And if you don't already have an Ebay account, get one set up as you're going to need it for liquidating the mountains of returned products....

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You’ve just crossed over into… the Twilight Zone . Leave all logic behind, get ready to be scammed by customers, totally ignored by seller support and frustrated by policy's that even Amazon don't understand or even follow either. Good luck .......

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Best advice is do not sell on amazon, you would be entering into an already highly competitive area, categories with extremely high fees and items that will get you lots of scammers trying to buy (which amazon will always side with no matter what evidence you have)

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Find something else to sell!

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selling on amazon is not an enjoyable experience any more. Too many rules. very customer oriented. does seem to take a while to get issues sorted.

good Luck

user profile

Well I am actually no longer selling on amazon as it just really isn't worth it with the stress and all the fees, but I wish you good luck and if you do ever change your mind on the category you decide to sell in then I recommend NK wholesalers and Shure-cosmetics

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New to Amazon as a seller


I am new to Amazon, Just opened my account today. I am thinking about launching a small business for PC and Phone accessories? I would like to receive some advise on how to launch my business? What steps I will need to take? will highly appreciate your advise!

Best regards


8 replies
Tags:Amazon business
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New to Amazon as a seller

by Seller_vjsUYru4Q2G7u


I am new to Amazon, Just opened my account today. I am thinking about launching a small business for PC and Phone accessories? I would like to receive some advise on how to launch my business? What steps I will need to take? will highly appreciate your advise!

Best regards


Tags:Amazon business
8 replies
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Well, first of all, if you only signed up today then be prepared for a wait whilst your account is fully verified, especially as you are a Ltd company. Presumably you have registered with CH as Ltd and fully understand all the responsibilities of being a limited company ?

My other point would be, I hope you realise how saturated that market is on Amazon - you will be competing with probably thousands of other sellers of the same type of items.

My advice would be to thoroughly read and watch Amazon's 'Seller University' before you do anything else - selling on Amazon has many quite complex policies and requirements which will need to know about and understand. As for launching your business - thorough research !

user profile

Best advice would be to read Seller University thoroughly, have a look through Seller Forum for all the issues/potential scams so you are aware of them and can protect yourself against them, then research thoroughly the products you are planning to sell before investing lots of money in a competitive category.

user profile

I hope you already have E-Commerce experience on a more simple platform, such as Ebay. If you literally started up a company without having much of a clue on what you're actually doing, you're way behind on the learning curve.

Study the Seller University, as well as the many youtube vids about E-Commerse, specifically Amazon and Ebay. And if you don't already have an Ebay account, get one set up as you're going to need it for liquidating the mountains of returned products....

user profile

You’ve just crossed over into… the Twilight Zone . Leave all logic behind, get ready to be scammed by customers, totally ignored by seller support and frustrated by policy's that even Amazon don't understand or even follow either. Good luck .......

user profile

Best advice is do not sell on amazon, you would be entering into an already highly competitive area, categories with extremely high fees and items that will get you lots of scammers trying to buy (which amazon will always side with no matter what evidence you have)

user profile

Find something else to sell!

user profile


selling on amazon is not an enjoyable experience any more. Too many rules. very customer oriented. does seem to take a while to get issues sorted.

good Luck

user profile

Well I am actually no longer selling on amazon as it just really isn't worth it with the stress and all the fees, but I wish you good luck and if you do ever change your mind on the category you decide to sell in then I recommend NK wholesalers and Shure-cosmetics

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user profile

Well, first of all, if you only signed up today then be prepared for a wait whilst your account is fully verified, especially as you are a Ltd company. Presumably you have registered with CH as Ltd and fully understand all the responsibilities of being a limited company ?

My other point would be, I hope you realise how saturated that market is on Amazon - you will be competing with probably thousands of other sellers of the same type of items.

My advice would be to thoroughly read and watch Amazon's 'Seller University' before you do anything else - selling on Amazon has many quite complex policies and requirements which will need to know about and understand. As for launching your business - thorough research !

user profile

Well, first of all, if you only signed up today then be prepared for a wait whilst your account is fully verified, especially as you are a Ltd company. Presumably you have registered with CH as Ltd and fully understand all the responsibilities of being a limited company ?

My other point would be, I hope you realise how saturated that market is on Amazon - you will be competing with probably thousands of other sellers of the same type of items.

My advice would be to thoroughly read and watch Amazon's 'Seller University' before you do anything else - selling on Amazon has many quite complex policies and requirements which will need to know about and understand. As for launching your business - thorough research !

user profile

Best advice would be to read Seller University thoroughly, have a look through Seller Forum for all the issues/potential scams so you are aware of them and can protect yourself against them, then research thoroughly the products you are planning to sell before investing lots of money in a competitive category.

user profile

Best advice would be to read Seller University thoroughly, have a look through Seller Forum for all the issues/potential scams so you are aware of them and can protect yourself against them, then research thoroughly the products you are planning to sell before investing lots of money in a competitive category.

user profile

I hope you already have E-Commerce experience on a more simple platform, such as Ebay. If you literally started up a company without having much of a clue on what you're actually doing, you're way behind on the learning curve.

Study the Seller University, as well as the many youtube vids about E-Commerse, specifically Amazon and Ebay. And if you don't already have an Ebay account, get one set up as you're going to need it for liquidating the mountains of returned products....

user profile

I hope you already have E-Commerce experience on a more simple platform, such as Ebay. If you literally started up a company without having much of a clue on what you're actually doing, you're way behind on the learning curve.

Study the Seller University, as well as the many youtube vids about E-Commerse, specifically Amazon and Ebay. And if you don't already have an Ebay account, get one set up as you're going to need it for liquidating the mountains of returned products....

user profile

You’ve just crossed over into… the Twilight Zone . Leave all logic behind, get ready to be scammed by customers, totally ignored by seller support and frustrated by policy's that even Amazon don't understand or even follow either. Good luck .......

user profile

You’ve just crossed over into… the Twilight Zone . Leave all logic behind, get ready to be scammed by customers, totally ignored by seller support and frustrated by policy's that even Amazon don't understand or even follow either. Good luck .......

user profile

Best advice is do not sell on amazon, you would be entering into an already highly competitive area, categories with extremely high fees and items that will get you lots of scammers trying to buy (which amazon will always side with no matter what evidence you have)

user profile

Best advice is do not sell on amazon, you would be entering into an already highly competitive area, categories with extremely high fees and items that will get you lots of scammers trying to buy (which amazon will always side with no matter what evidence you have)

user profile

Find something else to sell!

user profile

Find something else to sell!

user profile


selling on amazon is not an enjoyable experience any more. Too many rules. very customer oriented. does seem to take a while to get issues sorted.

good Luck

user profile


selling on amazon is not an enjoyable experience any more. Too many rules. very customer oriented. does seem to take a while to get issues sorted.

good Luck

user profile

Well I am actually no longer selling on amazon as it just really isn't worth it with the stress and all the fees, but I wish you good luck and if you do ever change your mind on the category you decide to sell in then I recommend NK wholesalers and Shure-cosmetics

user profile

Well I am actually no longer selling on amazon as it just really isn't worth it with the stress and all the fees, but I wish you good luck and if you do ever change your mind on the category you decide to sell in then I recommend NK wholesalers and Shure-cosmetics

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