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Results for "59원조이머니시세⤖[텔그ᴋᴋ8465⸩ ⋖플레이포커환전업체≫"

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My business partners and I would highly appreciate someone from Amazon to really help us here and correct this wrongdoing in Restricting our account for false VAT claims:

Account Health Case ID: 9856291392

In the performance notification on 26 May 2024 12:56 CEST, you wrote us:

"You will need to pay the VAT amount to Amazon for the historical unpaid VAT for the sales of goods delivered to customers in the UK on all sales from 1 January 2021, which fall under the UK VAT on eCommerce legislation. We will send you additional information regarding next steps, including payment options."

However, we had ZERO sales to UK customers long before you approved our new entity in the Republic of Cyprus in July 2023. That means NO Sales = NO VAT to the UK. Also, ZERO FBA inventory is stored in the UK for FBA or ours. So, there is no historical VAT due to UK customers, and we have all the documentation to prove this.

We have contacted twice your Amazon Health Account team, and in both calls, they confirmed that our non-UK establishment is still under investigation.

Secondly, asking us for sensitive data and documents of a company that is not operating this Amazon account anymore (the UK-based business) is not right.

We have already provided more than enough from them that you had on file already, and more from our current EU company.

This means accusing us of unpaid UK VAT for selling activity that is not there and EU VAT for an EU company that sells to EU customers. It simply does not make ANY sense, legally, tax-wise, and more.

Can one of the Amazon managers please help review my submission? I have had no response for many working days and the cashflow issue keeps growing, plus the huge impact in our sales.

We have provided all the documentation requested to prove all the above and more.

Thank you!

@Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR @Seller_pcsb5w54JugEA @Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM @Seller_VJ4XoAkjDpjPH @Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH

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I have made multiple shipments recently, and certain color variations of my products almost always go missing.

Shipment FBA15J26FK6J: 125 units packed, only 50 units received, 75 missing.

Shipment FBA15J2BTC0D: 125 units packed, only 74 units received, 50 missing (I found the 1 lost item).

Shipment FBA15J3G52YW is still active, 125 units packed, only 84 units received, 41 units missing.

Total missing units: 166.

There is a pattern to the missing items; they are all the same color variations - green, purple, and pink. This can't be an accident. They all have the same package quality, same label quality, and they are in the same box as others, but only these colors go missing. What is going on? Amazon support didn't help. They made no explanation about whats going on. As a seller, I am starting to loose my trust to amazon.

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Brand Approval Help
by Seller_1pRqcet4YA3It


Sorry to ask on here but I am at my wits end. I have been trying to get approval for a brand that I buy from the distributer who owns the brand themselves. Invoices from said distributer have been rejected. Links to companies house for trademark reference ignored, so as the distributor is not the greatest help I purchased 10 units of stock from Amazon to be told it has to be 50, so i got 50, now only to be told it has to be 100, are they making it up as they go along?

What do I need to request from the distributer that would satisfy Amazon?

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by Seller_e9T3GRIOoNe0S
Amazon replied


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Can no longer enter SKU when copying a listing
by Seller_O4OEvN6kuN4WQ
Amazon replied


On most of our ASINS I have 2 listings, 1 is FBA and 1 is MFN. I have never had an issue with this. I would simply copy an ASIN listing and I would enter a new SKU which would be the same, just with either FBA or MFN added to it.

I have just gone to copy a listing for an ASIN, the existing listing is set to MFN but now there is no option to enter an SKU, I went ahead and did this but it has given a random SKU, which is not ideal as this doesn't link to anything. So below is what happened;

Existing ASIN: B0B25RFBFG Existing SKU: Y4308 DGPK 1

In the past I would copy this listing so that the SKU was Y4308 DGPK 1_FBA

But as there was no option to enter the SKU, it has given an SKU of BN-QF4J-9OYB obviously I could use this SKU but it doesn't match up with the SKU on our systems outside of Amazon. Also I mainly search by SKU when looking for a listing.

It's worth noting that I the last time I tried this prior to today was 15/09/2023 so I don't know if there's been a change since then. I have tried searching but can't seem to find any mention of this.

We are the manufacturers of the products and this ASIN was created by us initially.

Has anybody encounterd this or got any thoughts.

Thanks in advance.

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Barcodes Being Used
by Seller_LnDiUpW0VQctf


We have been having some trouble listing items that we have recently imported . when i go to list an item using the barcodes freshly purchased from GS1 i get the error saying the item matches another ASIN change the details to match it. i know its the barcode because if i change that it either gives a different ASIN or lets me upload the product.

to make it a bit weirder though if i go to add product and search using the barcode nothing comes up, which makes it more frustrating as theres not way of knowing if it will let me upload item until i fill in all the details..

i have a list of about 40-50 codes and they are most likely the same person who has used them as they are all for bedding/duvet sets.

i am going in circles for last month talking to amazon to get these removed so we can list our items, has anyone had simular problem and if so how did they fix it/who did they speak to.

example barcode if anyone wants to see what i mean (5061034010002)

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Amazon is having us ship our cargo of 178 units cross country, from Southern California to North East USA, which is almost as far as possible 2,600+ miles. This means our shipping truck cost will be maximum expensive shipping the cargo so far.

They won't allow us to pick a closer location or shipping warehouse, even though they will also charge us $598 "placement fee" to move the items once they receive them. Seems like a total garbage system. I don't mind the placement fee that much at least if I could ship the cargo locally to one of the 150+ FBA locations in Southern California, which would be very low shipping fee.

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Missing Inventory
In reply to: Seller_ctBKj5XBruGft’s postby Seller_Nprc5XWvdLYk9

If you go to the FBA inventory report,

does it show the original 59 items received on a particular depot on a date.

and then a negative/adjustment on a different date at the same or another fba centre?

and was this shipment only 59 items or are there other sku/quantities that were received ok?

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Missing Inventory
by Seller_ctBKj5XBruGft

Sent in 59 Units with a value of £600+, amazon confirmed this has been checked in and then apparently its gone missing. Now they are changing their story and claiming they didn't receive the items.

An absolute joke I must admit. I am a very small business and £600 is a lot of money to my business. The fact that no one is willing to look into this properly is annoying especially as its been going on for 4 weeks now.

Absolutely disgusting.

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Viewable Impression
In reply to: Seller_FhfzIInmoIaYS’s postby Seller_ZJhFeE3tNKzfh

I can't really describe it better than the help page does...

Viewable impressions

A viewable impression occurs when at least 50% of an ad's pixels were visible on screen for at least 1 continuous second, or 2 seconds for video ads.

This differs from an impression, which would be where your ad is served up in a search result, but it might not necessarily be on the screen (eg, it could be a mid search result ad which the customer didn't view, but it was impressed upon the customer in their search).

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