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Results for "74슬롯파싱전문 ⸨ 텔 FT24CS ⸩슬롯파싱전문-슬롯파싱전문-슬롯파싱전문-슬롯파싱전문-슬롯파싱전문-슬롯파싱전문-슬롯파싱전문-슬롯파싱전문-슬롯파싱전문"

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Acount verification for VAT liability UK
by Seller_4iW8YaYqSMbSC

Hello Let me explain the whole story in a few words.

Starting on 10 April 2024

Amazon indicate to us we need to pay GBP 47,258.28 VAT starting from 2021.

You can continue to sell, but your Amazon sales proceeds will remain temporarily ineligible for disbursement from this account, and any related accounts, until any UK VAT owed is paid to Amazon.

The company behind this account was established in August 2023, so it is impossible to have VAT from 2021.

According to the notification you (AMAZON) indicated to me, you also have to pay GBP 47,258.28 VAT ... THIS THING IS NOT POSSIBLE because we have not even generated sales of this amount, so we should have so much VAT to pay, which is wrong.

The company was founded in August 2023, so it is impossible to have VAT from 2021 to pay.

Until September 2023, the Amazon account belonged to a UK-based company whose owner was a UK resident for whom Amazon collected VAT.

After many many emails with we send all the document requested like: id, passports, driving licence, contracts, bills, banck statments, invoice .... etc.

Since April and until now, no concrete answer, every time I send an email or open a case, the same answer is returned to me:


Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

My name is Guillaume and I am contacting you regarding your VAT liability request. Thank you for your patience in this case. I understand how important this is for you and I am glad to assist you the best possible way.

Please let me inform you that our internal teams are working actively on your case. There is no action required from your side and I will keep you updated about the process.

Thanks again for your patience. We remain available.

Have a nice day !


Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

We understand how important is this matter for you. In response to your inquiry regarding the VAT applied to your invoices, we would like to inform you of the following:

The corresponding department is still working on your case and we will get back to you as soon as we have further information to provide.

We appreciate your patience and it was a pleasure to assist you.

Thank you for selling with Amazon.


on 19 June:

Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

Thank you for your patience. At the moment, I am working with our internal team to reach a resolution on your case. While I don’t currently have an update, I will follow up with you as soon as additional information is available.

Thank you for selling with Amazon.

Sara B.


3 months have already passed and nothing.

Does anyone know how soon the verification will be completed?

Can anyone help me speed up the verification process?

Very bad impact on store sales near to zero for 3 months.

Thank you

any help is highly appreciated @Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM @Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr @Seller_yk3kzHpjMMa4B @Seller_VJ4XoAkjDpjPH @Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR @Seller_fgtTzyHQfOM1x @Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH

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Dear Amazon Support Team,

I am writing to seek advice and assistance regarding the deactivation of my Amazon account associated with the email Y Here is a brief overview of my situation and the steps I have taken to resolve it.

**Issue Overview:**

My account was deactivated due to a perceived policy violation related to multiple accounts. Initially, I created a Seller Account on with the email X email and later updated it to Y email for professional purposes. This inadvertently resulted in separate accounts for Amazon UK & Europe and Amazon US & Canada.

**Challenges Faced:**

I encountered issues with my display name on Amazon US & Canada, using "DREAMZ Enterprise" initially and later changing it to "DREAMZ Group" per Amazon’s guidelines. After requesting holiday mode for my Amazon US & Canada marketplace, all my marketplaces were deactivated.

**Verification Process:**

I received emails from requesting identity verification, which I completed by submitting my passport and bank or credit card statement. Although Amazon confirmed my account verification and instructed me to log in and start selling, my account remains deactivated for unknown reasons.

**Corrective Actions Taken:**

1. Unified the display name across all marketplaces to "DREAMZ Enterprise."

2. Ensured all account information is accurate and up-to-date.

**Request for Assistance:**

I am seeking advice on the following:

- Steps to expedite the reactivation process.

- Ensuring compliance with Amazon’s policies to prevent future issues.

For reference, I have attached the necessary documents, including the verification emails from Amazon, my passport, proof of address, and bank and credit card statements.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance. Any guidance on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated.

Warm regards,

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Greedy Seller
In reply to: Seller_SnNztJIII3ZP5’s postby Seller_MT8rt0A2OpbCx

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To be honest, I would rather have a £10 profit margin and just 10 sales then £1 profit margin and 100 sales. I have 10 possible customer issues compared to 100 customer queries to address.

And 1/10th of the work to do in 1/10th of the time. 9/10ths of the time to put your feet up and have a cuppa and a kit-Kat (other brands of biscuit are available) 😎👌

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Greedy Seller
In reply to: Seller_Fg2fqaWOnEtha’s postby Seller_SnNztJIII3ZP5

To be honest, I would rather have a £10 profit margin and just 10 sales then £1 profit margin and 100 sales. I have 10 possible customer issues compared to 100 customer queries to address.

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I need help from Amazon and anyone else who has had the nightmare of navigating this issue, currently UK account in the red and Saudi Arabia account restricted completely.

10 Cooler Master product ASINS have had a product safety violation, requesting DoC (declaration of Conformity), CE certificate, product images and copy of manual.

We've received all this information from Cooler master and submitted via the "submit appeal", this has now ballooned out to 16 cases?!

And the responses on the cases are fragmented and contradictory, from delete the listing to remake a listing against the affected ASIN.

And incoherent responses; like "we can't help as this is not a seller verification enquiry" or "please provide the reason for the safety concern"

AMAZON YOU SOURCE AND SELL THEIR PRODUCTS DIRECTLY AS WELL, surely you can ask your contact at Cooler Master, we've provided the same information you will have access to through Cooler Master. I would like to use stronger words, but this is a dumpster fire right now. I would like to add we have 0 sales on any Amazon marketplace for the ASINS listed below.

How do we fix this, where do we even begin to get the one account unrestricted and stopping the other one following suit?

I'm happy to not have any listing in my inventory associated with those ASINS, I do not need to reinstate the ASIN, I would like a fully operational account again please.

It's like watching your favourite pub burn down, what are we doing here Amazon?

Case ID - ASIN

9889291772 - ASIN: B00CY8VDAW

9889197002 - ASIN: B07RWJMQW9

9889203152 - ASIN: B08NHW9TJ8

9889089332 - ASIN: B08NHVW71G

9889317452 - ASIN: B08NHVV7SW

9889317482 - ASIN: B0BP26V3YS

9890457642 - ASIN: B08D9J2PSV

9890457652 - ASIN: B08NHW9TJ8

9890458502 - ASIN: B08D9L9XNN

9890458722 - ASIN: B08D9J276H

9890458732 - ASIN: B0BP26V3YS

9890459152 - ASIN: B08NHVW71G

9890461912 - ASIN: B00CY8VDAW

9890462062 - ASIN: B08NHVV7SW

9890462432 - ASIN: B08D9J9QMP

9890462922 - ASIN: B07RWJMQW9

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Urgent help is needed ASAP - Amazon is wrongly considering us UK established for VAT when we have ZERO UK Activity.

For over 4 weeks now, we have been trying to prove to Amazon the obvious: that we are a European company selling ONLY to our VAT-registered EU countries on and we have received again the following:


Thank you for your submission. We reviewed the information provided, but we need additional documentation to determine whether you are established in the UK for Value Added Tax (VAT) purposes.

Why did this happen?

We must collect and remit VAT from non-UK established selling partners for the sales of goods delivered to customers in the UK. Based on a review of your account, we determined that you may not be UK established for VAT purposes. We leveraged a combination of automated means and expert human review to identify this issue and make this decision. We took this action in accordance with the Amazon Business Solution Agreement:

and APUK Agreement:

What actions do I have to take?

To avoid further impact to your disbursements, go to the Account Health page in your Seller Central account and follow the instructions from the banner that is present at the top of the page to submit the following mentioned documentation:

If you operate a Limited Company :

-- Evidence that you are physically operating your business from your provided address.

-- Evidence that you are operating your business from your provided address.

-- Documents confirming the identity and place of residence of every director listed in the extract.

-- Documents confirming the place of residence of every director listed in the extract.

If you do not meet the UK establishment criteria: Verify that you are not established in the UK.

In this case, you will not need to provide documentation, but you will need to pay Amazon to account for the un-paid VAT.

We have sent ALL the documents three times for our European company, which was already approved by Amazon on July 2023!!

Why is this happening and why all our funds are still on hold? This is completely unprofessional and opens Amazon's serious legal liabilities, including disruption of business.

Can a human from Amazon support finally review?

Thank you!

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Blocked countries in global account
by Seller_QiHp9WlAqa6xv
Amazon replied

Im seeking help to open a case log in my global account. I have 14 countries listed in a duplicate seller account that I had not realized was open and became aware of duplicate account in December. The problem is that I only have access to and can open case logs in 11 of the countries. All of which I registered for and verified my account information with on the advice of seller support from the "main" seller account that I was selling in. There advice was for me to register and verify all countries in the duplicate seller account, get reactivated in that account, and then I could merge the accounts and be on my way to selling again.

The problem is, I cannot get access to 3 of the countries. They are blocked. I have no way of submitting the information. there are no call tabs for support because I cannot even choose them from the global merchant menu is the account. I only know they exist because I am being told they exist.

Even though I have submitted all the necessary documents and every other country is showing good health, the account remains deactivated. I have tried for months and I get no support. I have received a few emails with links to pages that say access denied. I have no idea what next steps should be and support is limited. I need to access the there countries, United States, Mexico, and Canada and cannot. I have tried everything and opened numerous cases with the "Main Account" and have not gotten anywhere. Please help if you can.

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Blocked countries in global account
In reply to: Seller_QiHp9WlAqa6xv’s postby Seller_fgtTzyHQfOM1x

Hello @Seller_QiHp9WlAqa6xv,

Ash here to assist. It has been understood that you have questions on completing the in person verification.

Please follow the steps below to schedule the interview :

1). Click the following link and sign in to your Seller Central account when prompted:

2). If you signed in on a new device or have removed your cookies, you will be redirected to the Select a Merchant and Marketplace page. On this page, select United States from the Select an Account drop-down menu. Make sure to select this option regardless of the marketplace. {Ensure you are using the correct browser. Safari works best on Apple devices and Chrome works for Windows and Android devices}

3). Click Select Account.

4). On the Identity Verification page, follow the instructions on screen to schedule a video call and select a date and time slot for your appointment among the available options.

5). Review the appointment time and the other resources to prepare for the video call.

6). Click Next to confirm the appointment.

If you still faces technical issues with verification link to schedule the In-Person Verification appointment, please comment here and share the screenshot.

I hope this helps. If you have any further questions, please comment here on the same thread. The forums community and I, are here to assist with your concerns.



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Funds Available - 0
by Seller_JkJ5Wu8mvvXN6

I normally withdraw money once a week, I just checked and I have funds in my account, also a reserve.

Example I have 20k, deferred 8k, available 12k

However the request button says 0.00 and not 12k

In the drop down is it says now or settlement date, its set to now.

So I dont understand why I can't take the money? Glitch?

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Yet again I have 2 cases of of A-Z where they have been granted the ODR goes against me, even though they were buy shipping. I believe due to the timeframe etc this is because the postman has not scanned and the buyers receive the message to "come for a refund as its running late or lost" which is highly frustrating. Buyers actually believe they can have the items for free.

I wrote about this 10 months ago for the first time and its still happening now. yet on the buy shipping page its there in big letters "this will protect your ODR", well isn't it about time it was sorted out?!

The order numbers are below - I have appealed but they have been upheld, surprise surprise. It really is frustrating.



In fact it is so frustrating that I have no changed to buy shipping from amazon, rather than my business account so I now pay more. Anyway that's irrelevant.

I also have the following negative feedback left, which relates to an order number 026-4382714-5103503 which doesn't exist when I click on it as it was cancelled:

Very disappointed. I personalised the card for my granddaughter but at payment stage it looked like the card had the original words so couldn't risk the order and cancelled. This happened twice.

I have requested removal and opened a case however I keep getting the same automated response. It was a card, the buyer would have seen the listing image photo and cancelled the order, how could they leave feedback when the order has been cancelled - they don't have anything to leave feedback for. Why should I be penalised because of the amazon system? Amazon tell me I can contact the customer to ask them to remove the feedback, no I can't as the order does not exist.

Can someone from Amazon please look into these issues please as seller support are just not helping and I am getting more frustrated by the minute.

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