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Results for "84에볼루션가품사이트 ⸨ 텔 FT24CS ⸩에볼루션가품사이트-에볼루션가품사이트-에볼루션가품사이트-에볼루션가품사이트-에볼루션가품사이트-에볼루션가품사이트-에볼루션가품사이트-에볼루션가품사이트-에볼루션가품사이트"

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by Seller_NDLjTVGE3FReQ

Hello Team,

Hope you all are doing good.

I have an inquiry and I don't know if anyone can help me or no,

Under my seller central account i have Europe marketplace and middle east marketplace.

Europe marketplaces I opened by mistakenly which i have got section 3 violation under 14 days appeal submission pending and account is deactivated. But middle east marketplace is under good health.

So, if I don't appeal to reactivate Europe marketplace(which I opened by mistakenly ) then after 14 days my entire market place will be affected or only Europe marketplace will be close permanently ?

Actually I don't want to operate Europe marketplace which I opened by mistakenly. I already tried lots of times to close Europe marketplace by contacting with help support but unable to get proper solutions.

So, If anyone have any idea regarding this issue please help me to solve this issue.


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Preventing Violations on Inactive Amazon Marketplaces: A Seller's Guide
In reply to: Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr’s postby Seller_9fA2L82vl2c6V

I've attempted to remove all listings multiple times but uploading a blank excel has never worked. I spent about 4 hours one day deleting about 30,000 products I accidently listed by allowing a third party supplier access to my amazon.

Little did I know, that I would have to do this across EVERY international Amazon site. I receive violation emails every day for products I have listed but set to zero. It's utterly ridiculous there's no simple "delete all" button. It took HOURS just to do UK listings.

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I have made multiple shipments recently, and certain color variations of my products almost always go missing.

Shipment FBA15J26FK6J: 125 units packed, only 50 units received, 75 missing.

Shipment FBA15J2BTC0D: 125 units packed, only 74 units received, 50 missing (I found the 1 lost item).

Shipment FBA15J3G52YW is still active, 125 units packed, only 84 units received, 41 units missing.

Total missing units: 166.

There is a pattern to the missing items; they are all the same color variations - green, purple, and pink. This can't be an accident. They all have the same package quality, same label quality, and they are in the same box as others, but only these colors go missing. What is going on? Amazon support didn't help. They made no explanation about whats going on. As a seller, I am starting to loose my trust to amazon.

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Amazon Informing Customers of Non Delivery
In reply to: Seller_tHDZMh56pq7gX’s postby Seller_tcjTAYWS9J4EP

Anyone noticed not only the increase but the format of every request is the same? My last 3......

I still have not received my order even though the estimated delivery date has passed. Can you process a full refund for my order no

I still have not received my order even though the estimated delivery date has passed. Can you process a full refund for my order no

I still have not received my order even though the estimated delivery date has passed. Can you process a full refund for my order no.

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Urgent help is needed ASAP - Amazon is wrongly considering us UK established for VAT when we have ZERO UK Activity.

For over 4 weeks now, we have been trying to prove to Amazon the obvious: that we are a European company selling ONLY to our VAT-registered EU countries on and we have received again the following:


Thank you for your submission. We reviewed the information provided, but we need additional documentation to determine whether you are established in the UK for Value Added Tax (VAT) purposes.

Why did this happen?

We must collect and remit VAT from non-UK established selling partners for the sales of goods delivered to customers in the UK. Based on a review of your account, we determined that you may not be UK established for VAT purposes. We leveraged a combination of automated means and expert human review to identify this issue and make this decision. We took this action in accordance with the Amazon Business Solution Agreement:

and APUK Agreement:

What actions do I have to take?

To avoid further impact to your disbursements, go to the Account Health page in your Seller Central account and follow the instructions from the banner that is present at the top of the page to submit the following mentioned documentation:

If you operate a Limited Company :

-- Evidence that you are physically operating your business from your provided address.

-- Evidence that you are operating your business from your provided address.

-- Documents confirming the identity and place of residence of every director listed in the extract.

-- Documents confirming the place of residence of every director listed in the extract.

If you do not meet the UK establishment criteria: Verify that you are not established in the UK.

In this case, you will not need to provide documentation, but you will need to pay Amazon to account for the un-paid VAT.

We have sent ALL the documents three times for our European company, which was already approved by Amazon on July 2023!!

Why is this happening and why all our funds are still on hold? This is completely unprofessional and opens Amazon's serious legal liabilities, including disruption of business.

Can a human from Amazon support finally review?

Thank you!

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Verify Establishment for Value Added Tax (VAT) - HUGE Delay
In reply to: Seller_QuxoryRYBbGoN’s postby Seller_QuxoryRYBbGoN

We have contacted the Amazon Health Account "Specialists" again. They keep telling us daily that our submitted information is being reviewed. This is ongoing for several weeks now.

We require someone from the Amazon Leadership Team to act upon our unlawful restriction on our funds.


Based on the "EU VAT on e-Commerce (EU VOEC) Legislation – 2021" as it is stated on your webside page:

{...From July 1, 2021, Amazon is responsible for collecting VAT on the following sales of goods delivered to customers in the EU where ordered through any Amazon storefront:

Goods delivered from inventory stored outside the EU with a shipment value of up to EUR 150; and

Goods delivered from inventory stored in the EU, irrespective of value, where you, the selling partner (sole trader or company/partnership), are not established in the EU for VAT...}

In our case, our company is based in Europe, in the Republic of Cyprus, as approved by Amazon on July 2023.

Our company sells ONLY via to Germany and Austria.

Therefore, the above-stated Legislation does NOT apply to us.

Amazon is actively undermining our business interests and infringing upon our EU company's rights to conduct commerce within the European Union by failing to accurately interpret and apply the EU VAT on e-Commerce (EU VOEC) Legislation of 2021.

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I received the below email in regards to not receiving my disbursments since March 2024.

Amazon will not give me my money after weeks and weeks of chasing/verifying deposit methods/calling the support line/opening cases.

Please could someone help?

I have used 2 different cards to verify to see if any of those would stop them from sending the same email but no luck ( cards are both in the same name that matches the account)

Pending transactions have been taken from my account from amazon which have not yet been put back into my account.

I have assigned to the correct marketplaces.

My deposit method also shows as Verified.

Email below what I received.

You must verify the ownership on one or more of your deposit methods in order to continue to receive disbursements.

Please sign in to your Seller Central account to begin your deposit method verification

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Blocked Products due to Bladed Policy
by Seller_tz74iYhHLULoK

As the title suggests, we have had many of our products blocked for being in breach of Amazon's bladed policy in the UK, despite the products that we sell not being sold with blades, and despite the products being live on the platform for many years prior. As I understand, the UK has laws on bladed products which is forcing Amazon to block products containing baldes that do not comply with the guidelines stated here:

The products we sell are safety razors, yet these products do not contain blades. They are to be purchased separately. Permitted products as per the policy guidelines:

"Razor blades permanently enclosed in a cartridge or housing with less than 2 mm of blade exposed"

As these products do not contain blades, we believe that they can be sold - we still have variations available for sale along with other sellers who have not yet been blocked.

We cannot get past the first level support at Amazon and the issue has been ongoing for months. No matter how much we prove that the products are in essence, a lump of metal and contain no blades, they keep on hitting us with the bladed policy guidelines and we cannot proceed any further in having them unrestricted.

Is there any common sense to be had here?

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Fair Pricing Violation
In reply to: Seller_tRuvBEHDedp4q’s postby Seller_Fg2fqaWOnEtha

There is an item that I can buy for around £2 from the manufacturer that I sell at a reasonable price sold by another seller at £39.99. You would expect Amazon to stop it, as the highest priced is at less that half that price, but they don't.

There are 2/3 new sellers around that sell everything at exorbitant prices, not that I care, as they are out of the race, but that's how it should be, you price something too high, you won't sell. Amazon shouldn't get involved, or if they do, they should be consistent.

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Amazon in their wisdom deemed my price was now too high and so they suppressed my listing unless I reduced my price.
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Fair Pricing Violation
by Seller_zP4mEc2uI42Ja

I have just had an argument with Account Health over a listing that we have been given a violation on.

The item is a foil balloon, that we buy from Amscan for 37p

We was selling this for £2.79 which means that after fees and shipping, we make around 20p profit.


We are overpriced as amazon are selling this for 30p !!!!!

The account health specialist states they stand by amazons decision and we need to reduce our price to meet market place expectations.

Oh and to top it off, amazon Usually dispatched within 6 to 7 months so we could get these in time for Christmas. Didn't know 6-7 months was an acceptable delivery time frame?

These policies are becoming a joke...

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