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Results for "86플레이포커게임머니상⇑(텔그𝙺𝙺𝟾𝟺𝟼𝟻} ≓≔피망 머니시세❙"

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high Acos on 26-06-2024
by Seller_AQcCPG7YSnkEr

Hi everyone,

Has anyone noticed a significantly higher ACOS today compared to yesterday? Perhaps Amazon is late in updating the data, but this isn't very common. Yesterday, my ACOS was 20%, but today it's 115%, which is abnormal. I haven't made any drastic changes to my campaigns. Any insights would be appreciated! thank you

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Can't create a feed in SP API due to 403
by Seller_3LvzuR12xutlV

I am following the use case guide for SP feeds.

I am able to create a document and upload XML to it without problems.

However I am unable to use the createFeed (POST /feeds/2021-06-30/feeds) endpoint. I am sending what should be a valid body, and I have proper header, but I am still getting 403. Any help what am I doing wrong or which permissions am I missing?

curl --location '' \

--header 'x-amz-access-token: (token which worked to create document)' \

--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

--data '{


"marketplaceIds": [ "A1PA6795UKMFR9" ],

"inputFeedDocumentId": "{feed I got from createDocument}"


And the error message I get is not super helpful:


code: 'Unauthorized',

message: 'Access to the resource is forbidden',

details: ''


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Hi, I am letting people know that Amazon have changed their policy on Royal mail 2D Bar codes i.e Royal Mail scanned on delivery. Sometime ago I raised this with Amazon that all our packages have "valid tracking" but Royal mail only scan about 80% and was told not to worry as Amazon are aware and will disregard if when needed we provide valid tracking proof. ie we sent them copies of the delivery label. Well that has changed. Last Friday some listings were deactivated and I had to provide the appeal which I did as usual, but this time it was turned down After a long conversation the result was we either change to a different post method (which would add about £1.00 to the cost and on cheap items that is a big percentage) or buy the same service from Amazon!

I am uncertain what the motive behind this is, to be competitive we will need to buy postage from Amazon? What I tried to explain is that as far as the customer is concerned there will be no improvement Royal mail will continue to fail scanning packages. In addition as we use 3rd party software to process all orders, will it be more difficult? Will Amazon then get details of my orders from Ebay and our own website? I think this stinks and anyone using Royal Mail 24 / 48 (CRL) should take note. Short term we will change to Royal Mail Tracked and accept less orders, longer terms we may have to buy shipping from Amazon, but before we do we need to consider the pros and cons

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I really need your urgent help/advice guys.

First of all, I'm not a new seller. I've been selling since September last year, I've achieved month on month steady growth on the UK marketplace. I currently have over 700+ active SKUs.

However, overnight, without any warning or notification, since 16 June, I have had a significant issue with my Amazon account: I have lost the BuyBox/Featured Offer for ALL of my listings.

As a result, in the last few days my daily sales have dropped from around £1000 to almost zero. In addition, my "Featured Offer %" has dropped to 0%. Btw, my account health is currently 248.

I opened several tickets without success, but chatted with Amazon Support who confirmed: "As of the moment your ACCOUNT is not eligible for BuyBox".

However, as to the reason why this happened and what I needed to do to get it resolved, I was told nothing but to wait. The problem is that I am losing money every day by not being able to sell anything, but I have to cover the costs of my business and order new products.

I cannot name here a specific ASIN, because this issue affects ALL of my SKUs (700+ listings), and given that it appears to be an Amazon-side problem. Therefore I am requesting your urgent assistance.

I have already emailed the Managing Director about this, but have not yet received a reply.

Can I somehow reach the team responsible to check my account and restore the Featured Offers in my account as soon as possible?

Thank you for your prompt attention to this urgent matter.

Thank you!


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Disbursement Issue - Tuesday 25/06/24
by Seller_mBzMy5fGvPFrw

Anyone having issues with disbursements today?

I triggered the daily disbursement at 7.30am this morning but 2h30 later, still no email confirmation that the disbursement had been processed. It seems frozen on "started" status. Usually we get the confirmation email within minutes

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I have made multiple shipments recently, and certain color variations of my products almost always go missing.

Shipment FBA15J26FK6J: 125 units packed, only 50 units received, 75 missing.

Shipment FBA15J2BTC0D: 125 units packed, only 74 units received, 50 missing (I found the 1 lost item).

Shipment FBA15J3G52YW is still active, 125 units packed, only 84 units received, 41 units missing.

Total missing units: 166.

There is a pattern to the missing items; they are all the same color variations - green, purple, and pink. This can't be an accident. They all have the same package quality, same label quality, and they are in the same box as others, but only these colors go missing. What is going on? Amazon support didn't help. They made no explanation about whats going on. As a seller, I am starting to loose my trust to amazon.

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Amazon Policy Change Royal Mail 24 / 48 (CRL) scanned on delivery and VTR
In reply to: Seller_ztaOlsnPiZSvE’s postby Seller_tRuvBEHDedp4q

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we use 3rd party software to process all orders, will it be more difficult? Will Amazon then get details of my orders from Ebay and our own website?

I dont know what 3rd party system you use but I seriously doubt Amazon will get details of any non-Amazon orders. If it did that could be a breach of data protection laws because Amazon have no need for this information unless you are doing MCF of course - when obviously they will need to know.

I would also doubt whatever Support are telling you on the issue because if Amazon are no longer validating tracking in the background then this is a big policy change and it should have been announced.

I send all my orders Parcel48 (unless customer upgrades to a Premium service) and dont have issues (yes my VTR runs at approx 80% and I get a warning from Amazon) but I have never had listings suspended on the issue because (I assume) Amazon have validated the number in the background.

I would check that whatever 3rd party software you are using to upload tracking to Amazon it is doing it correctly. If it is incorrectly configured and not uploading correct courier and service (in the format Amazon expects) then Amazon will not be able validate tracking in the background.

I use Packing Partner to buy all my shipping labels across multiple platforms and upload tracking back to those platforms. It integrates with both Click & Drop (which is all I use even for Amazon) but also integrates with Amazon Buy Shipping for your Amazon orders so you could get labels via Buy Shipping which guarantees 100% VTR.

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book pricing.
by Seller_N0kQDKMgwda6y

Can ANYONE make any sense of Amazons pricing policy ? I have had books deactivated for overpricing when it was rare, mine was the only one on Amazon and those few on ABE were £10 more. I was asked to provide a 'reference price' which was presumably the new price in about 1980 !

Now I have had another removed so I looked up the others for sale. Mine was £38. Ther are two at £30, which was not the case when I first listed as I am always the cheapest like for like. But there are three at £80, and the one new copy ( surely their 'reference price' ) is over £200 !

I cant make any sense of it at all. Book prices on Amazon are totally random. I have seen prices ranging from 10 to 200 for the same book and Amazon is mostly happy with it. But when one of the bucket shops puts up a valuable book for a ridiculous price i am suddenly expected to match it. I would rather take it down the charity shop. ( mind you, thats where the bucket shops get some of their books )

Is it just me or does this happen to others ?

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Listings Blocked - Ineligible for seller fulfilment
In reply to: Seller_eFBIgawAZQyhw’s postby Seller_ZJhFeE3tNKzfh

You might need to share your VTR defect report to get further advice on what is going wrong. 46% is low (though there seem to be other sellers with odd issues with VTR now (such as taking account of international shipping) especially if using tracked 48 (ours rarely drops below 99%)

But how are you shipping the none tracked 48 orders?

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Woke up this morning, thought strange no orders over night, weekends is normally busy for me, to find out all my listings have been blocked, my VTR rate has dropped to 46%, I spoke to Seller Central on the phone who said I need to tell Amazon I am selling books on each individual listing, but I can't edit them, I have over 346 listings, all now useless.

How can this be a seller issue, when adding my listings that are already in the Amazon catalogue, I am not adding new products, just selling mine.

How can I fix this and get this sorted, I am not very happy with Amazon at all.


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