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Hula hoop set 100 items
by Seller_96iaWMWmqQ3B4

Due to ill health I am closing my Amazon business, would anyone be interested in stock which is already held within the Amazon warehouse, looking for cost of stock and shipping. Also have Jungle scout and seller amp licences for the next 3 months if anyone is interested.


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Deferred transactions - Delivery Date Policy
by Seller_lyUF34znaGncK

For some reason all my orders from the last 2 days have gone into deferred transactions and the reason being "Delivery date policy"

Any ideas please?

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I wonder if anybody has any advice that they could share. 

We recently received 3 policy warnings for allegedly using a company’s Trademarked term in our listings. After careful review, also reviewed by 4 separate account health support agents, we are 100% sure that this term does not feature in any part of these listings. 

To appeal, the only options are to acknowledge the violation after making changes (there aren’t changes to make and we’d be acknowledging something we haven’t done), or provide letter of authorisation, invoices, amz order no, trademark. There is no option to say, we haven’t done this, please check. 

In desperation, I provided our trademark no along with a short explaination and it wasn’t accepted. The email address that was on the policy warning returns an autoresponder sending you to account health page. 

The bit I’m looking for advice with is this - I have noticed something in our title which might be tripping the software that reviews this. It most certainly isn’t the trademarked term that they provided the number for but it definitely could be worth trying changing it to see. 

Our titles seem to be locked, it doesn’t show the padlock but any updates I suggest don’t change what it says is live on the website. I’ve tried doing a full update but it will not change. I changed another of the variations that hadn’t had a warning so I think it’s the fact that they’ve blocked the listings that’s preventing the update. 

Brand services have told me to delete the listings, wait 24 hours for the retained info to clear and update again. They’ve had me to do this before and when I did, because the ASIN was blocked, it wouldn’t allow me to add a new listing as it wouldn’t recognise the ASIN (from memory). So potentially, we possibly might be able to resolve the problem by changing the title, but we can’t change the title because the listing is blocked and we can’t unblock the listing without changing the title. I’ve been banging my head against the wall all week. AHS have been decent but I can see that they don’t really know how best to approach it either. 

Could anybody please recommend any solutions? Or maybe somebody could reassure me that deleting the listing and relisting would be ok to do. My memory is that, after doing this before, I couldn’t relist the product which meant that I could then never resolve the violation. I also have many experiences of deleting and relisting ASINs after being assured by SS that this would fix title changes, only to find that it doesn’t work and the title remains stuck. I’ve been so stressed with this, mainly because there doesn’t seem to be any good option to resolve it and because we haven’t actually used the trademarked term that they claim we have. 

Anyway, thanks for reading, if you made it this far 😀

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Deactivation nightmare
by Seller_WXCra8xehcDxE


I am imploring Amazon moderators for help please. For the second time in a year I have had my seller account deactivated because of an alleged relationship with another account. In both cases the identity of the other account is completely unknown to me (2 different accounts) but no matter how many times I explain this to the verification team or whoever makes decisions on these matters my appeals are rejected and 'more information' is requested. Apart from the name of the other account I have no idea who they are or why Amazon could possibly see any connection. I have sent a gas bill and a bank statement hoping this would satisfy them ( neither of which was specifically asked for but suggested by Account Health adviser) but no good. I simply don't see what else I could provide. In my view there is no justification for this deactivation. Surely if Amazon suspect a link they should provide evidence to back up their assertion which I could then refute. Moderators, what do you suggest?

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Deactivation nightmare
In reply to: Seller_VJ4XoAkjDpjPH’s postby Seller_WXCra8xehcDxE

Thank you for responding to my plea. I confirm that my latest appeal, the 5th, has been rejected. No reason is ever given, just ' We do not have enough information to remove the violation at this time' It is most unhelpful and defies logic. What further information do Amazon expect me to submit? I answer No to each of the 4 questions starting with 'I do not recognise the other account'. I have only ONE Amazon seller account Eatwell Books and have NO connection with any other Amazon seller account, I work alone and nobody else has access to my credit cards, bank accounts or laptop. I have never been the victim of account compromise or identity theft, such as a stolen credit card. I have absolutely no idea WHY Amazon should link me with Edwards trading, I have never heard of them. If, as you state, "there seems to be shared information linking your account to another one" then why do Amazon not explain to me what that link is? If I don't know what the alleged link is, how can I possibly refute the allegation. It makes no sense. What would make sense is if I could actually speak to a human being to discuss it with them, someone who is evaluating this deactivation. But no, I am told it is not possible to have any direct contact with whoever these people are. Frankly it is outrageous. Another poster has suggested 'Amazon has a mediation program that can step in if you are not getting anywhere with seller support' This is news to me, if there is a mediation programme I would happily use it so is that possible?

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B2B Account - SEPA. Changing EU Vat to Avalara
by Seller_tz5M9iHaTDZFk

I am in the process of shifting the management of my EU VAT from Avalara to Avask. We are a UK company trading in the EU for 1 year, successfully. In france, the country to which we export, our import VAT is reverse charged, so we don't have VAT liabilities in France.

Going through the process of change, Avask are saying that we need a SEP B2B account. we don't have one of these and I haven't a clue what it is. Avalara don't, either. The alternative is to pay Avask Euro 40 a month for the privilege.

Can anyone shed any light on this ?

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B2B Account - SEPA. Changing EU Vat to Avalara
In reply to: Seller_tz5M9iHaTDZFk’s postby Seller_Wo5bR8TXlS3vE

Same here. In my country foe example only 1 bank support SEPA direct debit. You can check your IBAN if support sepa b2b.

Did you sucessfully transfer to Avask from Avalara? We are still in review without any info.

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Avalara stopping Amazon VAT Services Tax Agency
In reply to: Seller_JLsqaOw9gpZwj’s postby Seller_Wo5bR8TXlS3vE

Anyone sucessfully tranfer to Avask? Our application is still in review from 1 month.

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Why are A-Z claims so unfair???
by Seller_TufyJDtetbrlU

A customer ordered a T-Shirt from me, it was a Kids Size 7-8 and they paid next day delivery, i posted them the Kids 7-8 and they recieved the t-shirt the next day, customer opens a return stating different to what was ordered, claiming they ordered a size XL. The order definitely shows as a Kids 7-8. The customer even messaged me saying they ''dont know how they ended up ordering a kids 7-8 because they was definitely on the XL or 2XL as they was debating between the 2'' The customer then messaged me a few days later saying they returned the t-shirt and want a full refund, i hadn't recieved the return back at that point and stated all returns through amazon are auto refunded at first scan anyway. a few hours later the customer opens an A-Z claim against me, soon as the claim was opened i just clicked to refund the customer for the t-shirt to save the hassle with it, but did not refund the next day delivery postage costs they paid because it's not my mistake. I wrote a long detailed explanation in the A-Z claim explaining everything yet Amazon have closed the A-Z case today and just taken the next day delivery postage costs from my account to refund the customer. How is this even fair in the slightest, i can only assume this was a customer mistake however it could of also been an error on amazons system as the order went through but that's probably unlikely.

if the customer orders a kids size 7-8 t shirt and pays for next day delivery, and i deliver them a kids 7-8 size t-shirt the very next day. Why on earth would i be responsible to refund the next day delivery postage costs because of a customer or amazons mistake??? I fullfilled the order my end correctly in line with amazons policy.

Amazon don't realise things like this cripple small business's, let me break it down for you, it costs me £6 to make the t-shirt, it costs me £10 to pay for next day delivery, that's £16, the customer opened a returned which i did recieve in the end, which means ive paid nearly £4 return postage, that's £20 in costs were on, the customer then recieves a refund for the next day delivery postage that i've already paid for, that's £30 im now out of pocket on a t-shirt i was originally only making £4ish on, i mean ok i've had the t-shirt returned back to me but i don't re-sell returns i always make fresh t-shirts, the way most t-shirts are returned to me are unusable anyway. It's an absolute joke, seller support told me to appeal and once ive appealed the outcome will be final either way. Which i know i won't win the appeal because i wrote everything in detail before the A-Z was granted to the customer anyway. Losing my wits with this platform i really am.

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Trying to Close Redundant Seller Account
by Seller_VajgQxjPiejKy


I'm actually hoping someone from Amazon sees this message. We had a business that was unfortunately destroyed by the combination of covid, brexit and the cost of living crisis, and it had to be liquidated. We set up a new business that bought some of the assets from the liquidator, and where we're not doing anything nearly as big as we did previously we have started to sell on Amazon again via our new business. However, no matter how many times we ask Amazon to shut down that old account, nothing happens. We are nervous to start scaling our new business for fear of the old one being linked to our new business (which they have already done!) and if the old one is deactivated or suspended that it might cause our new one to also be suspended or deactivated for not doing some duty or another any control over it anymore), and for Amazon to then suspend or deactivate our new business due to there being a link between the two businesses.

Is there someone from Amazon who can tell me what I need to do to get that old business shut down once and for all? I've gone through the steps in the help to shut down the account. All requests are either ignored or marked as transferred, but nothing is ever actually done.

@Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR @Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN @Seller_iTgjdgiRqiPsn @Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM @Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH @Seller_fgtTzyHQfOM1x @Seller_hnDMgUKxMh1V4 @Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK

The liquidator has also written to Amazon and provided me with a digital copy of the letter, but still nothing is done and the account continues to loom over us. I am able to provide this letter, but can't post it on a public forum.

The Merchant Token is AS0ITQ3NPQKFO.

Can one of the Amazon people above help me please? Last year our new business was suspended over the most critical 3 weeks of Christmas because of the old account, and it caused us enormous financial difficulty because of it. Can't go through that again, and too nervous to scale in case we invest and then can't shift that stock due to suspensions.

Thank you,


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