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A To Z claim team Must be removed
by Seller_H04Prg9Nc0Td4

There is no policy that protects the seller in any way, if there is truly a mistake on your part, all policies work against you,

But if you are right, policy will never work

Amazon provides customers with,

Use the products, spoil them, steal them and damage them, it's okay, we are with you, we always support people with bad intentions, it gives the image, we return their money and thank them, comedy

There cannot be such a team, it shouldn't exist, they have established an unfair system, I feel ashamed of this as sellers, there is no platform to complain about them, I sent all the emails but unfortunately the result is nothing, except losing your products.

Clearly, we are shopping as buyers, but we are not trying to harm any sellers.

There are so many people with bad intentions,

False claims filed by

The best thing is to start a signature campaign against this destructive team and organize all the sellers, we need to unite against this system that harms us by making personal decisions that harm so many businesses, we lose both money and products. There are people who order your products as Fraud, steal the parts, use the product and damage it, A to Z is just a Fraud team, and it is really the biggest danger for all sellers.

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A-Z Guarantee claims...out of no where
by Seller_AbNxRoXI4hg4U


I monitor A-Z claims regularly and take action when one appears.....BUT like today I seem to occasionally get a batch of cases decided against me appearing on a single day despite these cases never appearing on my AZ claims page.

I am well withing my limits for such cases but this is frustrating - would rather resolve issues with customers before a claim decision required.

Does anyone have any ideas about where these "ghost" claims come from?


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A-Z Guarantee claims...out of no where
In reply to: Seller_AbNxRoXI4hg4U’s postby Seller_H04Prg9Nc0Td4

The best thing is to start a signature campaign against this destructive team and organize all the sellers, we need to unite against this system that harms us by making personal decisions that harm so many businesses, we lose both money and products. There are people who order your products as Fraud, steal the parts, use the product and damage it,

A to Z is just a Fraud team, and it is really the biggest danger for all sellers.

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Last week a customer ordered 3x1 item, a few days later it said:

Refunds total: -£139.47

The item never arrived

I contacted amz and received:

Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

I understand you have contacted us regarding if your order will not be returned.

Kindly note that as per Amazon policy, a refund is a customer credit for all or part of the cost of a bought item. In some cases, we issue customers a "returnless refund". In other words, they are not required to send the item back to the fulfilment centre. This means they are not required to return the item. Some items that are not eligible for return may be eligible for a refund.

In your case, your product will not be returned to the inventory, it was a returnless refund and you will not be reimbursed for it.

Then to my amazement I just received this for a completely different item/ASIN :

Refunds total: -£148.89

Return not expected

Seller central just copy and paste the same reply

I can not afford to give away £300 worth of stock in 1 day

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Amazon are deciding to give away my stock? Returnless Refund of £140+
In reply to: Seller_mS10UjVYuuGor’s postby Seller_iwJp0LfqVksmO

You have some good responses. If it is indded a refundless return as per Amazon policy then that's it. However, if it is not, just contact Support for a resolution. This does not appear as bad as some of the Amazon nonsense I have experienced. Good luck for your futue trading on Amazon Marketplace.

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by Seller_fNMe2SMqw3Pa5

I have received message from a customer in amazon messaging section who boughted an item from me in amazon , it was purchased at original price and he told me that his rating dosent have verified purchaser badge , while he is verified even feedback he can't write . He said that he contacted amazon customer service to fix it , but they replying to him as auto msging like robots .

we need serious assist with this matter as urgently , please add the verified purchaser in his rating . amazon is causing unfair , injustice to our product page making it bad looking .

Order : 206-0437827-2748312

@Seller_iTgjdgiRqiPsn @Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr@Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH@Seller_b91S9zQ2eKxLt@Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK@Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR

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List price with tax UIEE header.
by Seller_CLGEG5dNL8MpN

I've started getting the error 'A value is required for the "list_price_with_tax" field.' when uploading my inventory file.

I use Abebook's Homebase export function to create a UIEE file to upload to Amazon and have been told I now need to include the new header for the 'list price with tax' field.

Does anyone know what that header is or how I could find out?

Help would be very much appreciated.

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List price with tax UIEE header.
In reply to: Seller_ZVAz3d5lZuGid’s postby Seller_FQHkqHJI5SqTh

I think you can put any value in that box.

The problem that sellers that list via book cataloguing software are having is that there isn't a field when you create a new listing to enter that value.

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List price with tax UIEE header.
In reply to: Seller_CLGEG5dNL8MpN’s postby Seller_ZVAz3d5lZuGid

I cannot help re. the Homebsae issue, but I noticed that new field when listing (am also a book seller), and as books are zero rated it is your selling price - had to ask a fellow book seller to tell me what was required in that field !!

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List price with tax UIEE header.
In reply to: Seller_CLGEG5dNL8MpN’s postby Seller_FQHkqHJI5SqTh

I do use Homebase, but for various reasons don't use an upload to list on Amazon these days.

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