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Account deactivated due to Authenticity complaints

by Seller_HsV24zzNzEX6Y

Hi All Amazon Sellers, @Kika,

My account has been deactivated 5 days ago due to Authenticity complaints. I am a new seller and have been selling since 6 months. I drafted my appeal with the help of forum posts and emailed seller performance team with the invoices but still they have responded saying they need invoices and further information. My supplier was local retailer and he gave me simple invoices, I don’t think they are enough to prove authenticity of the products for the POA. Could you please advise me how to resolve this issue?

Below is my first appeal to amazon-

Dear Amazon Performance Team,

Thank you for taking the time read my appeal. I am the owner of XX store and I am writing in response to our account suspension, with plan of action to address our customer’s complaints of inauthenticity with regard to ASINs xxxx and xxxx

We understand that we have come in violation of Amazon’s policies. We would like to apologise and assure you that we are determined to make sure this doesn’t happen again. We have created a more detailed plan on how we will avoid any authenticity issues in the future by putting number of procedures in place. We have fully implemented the following new measures to ensure that our account completely complies with all Amazon guidelines and the risk of any future infringement is non-existent.

Focusing on the types of inauthentic complaints we have performed a full investigation of the policy violations. I would like to address the violations that have led to my suspension, which I believe are as follows:

  1. The complain of ASINs xxxx and xxxx not being authentic - This was as a result of our inexperience in selling on amazon, and not conducting the proper vigilance while chasing a supplier.
  2. Violation of Amazon’s ‘prohibited seller activities and Actions Policy’ and ‘Anti-counterfeiting policy’.
  3. Not ensuring that the supplier was licensed by the brand owner. We are selling genuine original Samsung headphones which are exactly as they are shown in detail pages, but some customers were unable to get their products to function because they could not follow the instructions, which were written in a language they could not understand.
  4. We examined our customer communications, including A-Z claims, to better understand the complaints. Some customers complained that the product they received was not original. This occurred in some cases due to the customer receiving an item which was not in an acceptable condition. As the products were bought in large qualities, they were having non-retail packaging which we did mention in the product descriptions, but one customer thought that they are not genuine. We have corrected these issues by refunding the customers and putting a quality control program into place with regard to packaging and customer instruction manuals.
  5. Failure to act within a reasonable timeline on customer complaints of authenticity.

Immediate corrective actions taken to resolve the complaints:

  1. All listings, including the ones which received complaints have been deleted permanently and will not be reactivated
  2. We have refunded all the complaining customers.
  3. We have attached our invoices for the products to authenticate them, including the suppliers details.
    Total quantity sold from ASIN xxxx -
    Total quantity sold from ASIN xxxx -
    Supplier -
  4. To address the issues raised, we have carefully read and understood our business solutions agreement with Amazon and Amazon’s policies, paying careful attention to Amazon’s anti-counterfeiting policy and intellectual property policy. We have studied the prohibited seller activities, as well as product detail page rules and condition guidelines in Seller Central help. We understand that it is our responsibility to source and sell only authentic products that do not infringe on the intellectual property rights of any third parties, and we understand that customers trust that they are buying authentic products when they shop on Amazon.

Long-term corrective actions to prevent future complaints:
We have formulated and implemented the following plan of action in order to ensure that all the products we take into inventory and sell to customers are authentic and do not generate any future inauthentic complaints. All of these steps have been reviewed with my team:

  1. We have fully examined our sourcing, listings, packaging and shipping practices, and have come to the conclusion that the root causes of the complaint was poor quality control over packaging. We take full responsibility for the violations and have implemented procedures to ensure the products are properly packaged with the correct manuals to ensure this issue will never happen again.
  2. Packaging Quality Control: We have implemented a packing quality control program:
    a. We will examine each product we have received before shipping to make sure the packaging is genuine, matches the detail pages exactly and are in new condition.
    b. We will make sure that each instruction manual with our products is legible, clear, and in the language of the market so the customer will understand it.
  3. Listings Quality Control:
    a. My team and I have gone through each and every listing, including images, to make sure that each product we are selling is authentic, authorised, compatible, and matches exactly the product being depicted in the listing in every way, and does not violate any copyright, trademark or trade name of any third parties, and we will monitor the listings on a regular basis to ensure that they are always accurate and complete.
    b. Any products that do not match the listing in every respect will be deleted from inventory.
    c. We have installed a listings supervisor, to quality control, review and supervise all the listings we create on Amazon, to make sure that the detail page rules and condition guidelines are always being met.
    d. We will make sure that all listings describe any specific nuances of the product, such as the need to pair the device, so that it is clear what the customer must do, if anything, to activate the product.
    e. We have reviewed and will regularly monitor Amazon’s content guidelines for any changes to make sure we are operating within those guidelines.
  4. To prevent future violations, we will always source products only from reputable manufacturers and wholesalers who are authorised by the brand owners of the products to offer them to retailers for resale.
  5. We will respond immediately, in no case more than 24 hours, to all customer inquiries and refund and all return requests will be honoured before any matters progress to A-Z claims, and will provide excellent customer service and communication in order that each customer has a good shopping experience on Amazon and is satisfied with the products we offer.
  6. We will monitor customer returns and complaints on any products, as well as customer reviews on products we offer, as a quality control measure, to provide a good customer experience. We will promptly replace or refund any products in response to any customer complaints. Any products that appear to create a poor customer experience will be withdrawn from inventory.
  7. We promise to only list products that comply with all Amazon’s policies and guidelines. We have reviewed all Amazon’s policies and guidelines, regret that we have violated them, and will follow them in the future. We would like to reiterate that we understand that Amazon values customer experience with paramount importance. We would also like to add that we are very determined to continue selling on Amazon, and are hopeful that as a relatively new seller this can be put down as a mistake. We hope Amazon can forgive us this time.

Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to reinstate our selling privileges.

Thank you for working with us to resolve these issues.

Kindly suggest any corrections required. Thank you so much for your time.

Tags: A to Z Claims, Customer, Refunds, SAFE-T
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In reply to: Seller_HsV24zzNzEX6Y’s post

Unfortunately, the appeal is extremely long and no one from Amazon will even look at it.

The entire opening part, currently consisting of 3 paragraphs should be reduced into just one sentence.

In the “What happened part”, you are basically admitting selling counterfeit items and then saying that the headphones were genuine. Where did you purchase the goods? The bullet point with number 4 should be the only one remaining as the rest is not good and needs to be deleted.

Then in the “What we have done to resolve the complaints” part, you are starting well with deleting the ASINs. However, there need to be much more additional actions. And refunding all buyers without a return (so you can inspect the merchandise) shouldn’t be one of them.

And in the “What we will do to prevent this from happening again”, you included actions which belong into the previous part.

You need to decide, how you will approach this situation, because from your appeal, it isn’t clear if you are admitting the sale of counterfeit items or not. The best strategy would be just saying that you failed to source from suppliers, who would provide you valid invoices, without admitting any authenticity issues.

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In reply to: Seller_HsV24zzNzEX6Y’s post

We made the same mistake as yours.
I bought from the retail stores with invoices that was rejected by Amazon.
Although we did not sell any products, of those suspected by amazon that they would inauthentic.

We have already 1 year since we tried to solve this problem, and so far there has been no positive response.( no response at all)
I do not want to discourage you, but it is very hard to appeal this suspension.
I hope you’re lucky. Let us know if you succeed.

A good day

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In reply to: Seller_HsV24zzNzEX6Y’s post

Hi @Kika,
First of all, thank you so much for your time and support in resolving my account issue.
I emailed my updated POA to
and received below response:
“We are still reviewing your account. We will send you an email when we finish the review.
We may not respond to further emails about this issue.”

After few hours, I again received response from Amazon asking for an updated plan of action. But this time, they have not asked me to send invoices.

Does this mean, they have accepted my invoices?

Also, I am not sure what exactly I need to include in my POA as I included almost everything.
Below was my POA I emailed earlier-
Dear Amazon Seller Performance Team,

Thank you for helping me resolve this issue. You have asked me to provide additional information on receipts from my supplier and detailed plan of action to address our customer’s complaints of inauthenticity.

I would like to address the violations that have led to my suspension, which I believe are as follows:

  1. ASINs xx and xx not being authentic.This was as a result of insufficient packaging resulted in the receipt of a damaged item, which the buyer then confused with a counterfeit
  2. Our inexperience in selling on amazon, and not conducting the proper vigilance while choosing a supplier.
  3. Violation of Amazon’s ‘Prohibited seller activities and actions Policy’ and ‘Anti-counterfeiting policy’.
  4. Not ensuring that the supplier was licensed by the brand owner.
  5. Failure to act within a reasonable timeline on customer complaints of authenticity
  6. The customer receiving an item which was not in an acceptable condition.

Immediate corrective actions:

  1. The listings which received complaints have been deleted permanently and will not be reactivated.
  2. The remaining stock has been destroyed
  3. All of our other listings have also been deleted. These will not be reopened until their authenticity can be proven through verifying reliability of suppliers and contacting brand owners.
  4. All dissatisfied buyers have been refunded through return order process.
  5. I have read and understand all Amazon Policies and agreements paying close attention to the ‘Prohibited Seller Activities and Actions Policy and ‘Anti-Counterfeiting Policy’ and will ensure I strictly abide by them.

Long-term corrective actions:

  1. All inventory will be sourced by contacting the brand owner directly in order to find verified suppliers, or directly from the manufacturer.
  2. We will not list any inventory that we hold for which brand owner verification cannot be obtained.
  3. In future, purchases will not be made from retailer unless I can verify with the brand owner that they are authentic products.
  4. We will examine each product we have received before shipping to make sure the packaging is of high quality and undamaged.
  5. New product listing will be added one by one after ensuring that each product we are selling is new, authentic, authorised, compatible and matches exactly with the product detail page on Amazon.

We have attached all the receipts reflecting sales volume for ASIN1 and ASIN2. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to reinstate our account.

Best regards,
store name
Any suggestions will be of great help.

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