When we receive shipments at our Fulfilment Centre (FC), discrepancies may occasionally arise for various reasons. Amazon has a process to help address these issues.
This process allows you to view any discrepancies and provides guidance on how to resolve them. Here is a video you can have a look with the step by step 😊
Please note that a shipment is only eligible for reconciliation once its status is marked as "Closed."
There are some reasons why a shipment may not be eligible for reconciliation, for example:
• The shipment is still being processed by the Fulfilment Centre.
• The shipment has not yet been delivered to the Fulfilment Centre.
• There is pending confirmation on the final unit counts during the receiving stage.
• Additional units have been found that may be part of your shipment, requiring extra time to process.
• The shipment contents have been received in full or have already been reconciled.
By using the provided tool, you can quickly identify the status of your shipment and the necessary steps to resolve any discrepancies.
If you want to read more about it, and also check video with step by step, please have a look at this help page:
Reconcile your shipment
Enjoy your weekend!
Happy Selling