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Amazon Listing Title not Updating!

Hello Everyone!
I just starting selling on Amazon, I created the listings by just entering the generic product title and a offer price, To just get a confirmation from Amazon that I can sell this listing without any certification. I got the confirmation from Amazon by opening many cases. And now my inventory is ready and also all labels are pasted. It will be shipped anytime. Now i’m trying to update my listings by putting all the things like description, Title, bullet points and search terms e.t.c. While doing the very first try and after doing all the changes when I clicked the save button, It says changes are made successfully it will take 15 minutes to be updated, But nothing is updated even after a day. I tried many times in the start but nothing becomes live. Today I tried again and everything is updating successfully except the title. In manage inventory tab my titles are showing perfectly. But on the live amazon buyer page Amazon showing the old title. I opened many cases by going through the proper way after clicking on get help. And didn’t get any perfect answer from any case. So now I’m approaching you guys here on seller forums.
Kind Regards

44 replies
Tags:Listings, Pricing, Subscribe & Save
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Amazon Listing Title not Updating!

Hello Everyone!
I just starting selling on Amazon, I created the listings by just entering the generic product title and a offer price, To just get a confirmation from Amazon that I can sell this listing without any certification. I got the confirmation from Amazon by opening many cases. And now my inventory is ready and also all labels are pasted. It will be shipped anytime. Now i’m trying to update my listings by putting all the things like description, Title, bullet points and search terms e.t.c. While doing the very first try and after doing all the changes when I clicked the save button, It says changes are made successfully it will take 15 minutes to be updated, But nothing is updated even after a day. I tried many times in the start but nothing becomes live. Today I tried again and everything is updating successfully except the title. In manage inventory tab my titles are showing perfectly. But on the live amazon buyer page Amazon showing the old title. I opened many cases by going through the proper way after clicking on get help. And didn’t get any perfect answer from any case. So now I’m approaching you guys here on seller forums.
Kind Regards

Tags:Listings, Pricing, Subscribe & Save
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“We would like to inform you that we have already updated the attributes. Kindly wait for at least 24 hours for the changes to appear in the detail page.”
Amazon just replied. They make all the changes for me. I also read the thread which describes the problem same like mine. And everyone is saying that it’s a glitch and we have to ask Amazon to make the changes manually.

44 replies
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I think your mistake was not to complete all the details, including the proper product title, from the start. Getting things changed afterwards is very hit-and-miss. Amazon only treat your changes as “suggestions” which they may or may not implement

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Firstly have you entered the country of origin? (New requirement as of today)

Secondly have you read seller university pages ?

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What is the product ?

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Sorry for hijacking the thread, but on the reverse side of the question, do you get notified if information on a listing you are live on is updated? Would I get an email to say that listing X has an updated title, description, image etc? Or is it simply a case of continuously checking each and every live listing in my inventory is against the correct information?

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Amazon Listing Title not Updating!

Hello Everyone!
I just starting selling on Amazon, I created the listings by just entering the generic product title and a offer price, To just get a confirmation from Amazon that I can sell this listing without any certification. I got the confirmation from Amazon by opening many cases. And now my inventory is ready and also all labels are pasted. It will be shipped anytime. Now i’m trying to update my listings by putting all the things like description, Title, bullet points and search terms e.t.c. While doing the very first try and after doing all the changes when I clicked the save button, It says changes are made successfully it will take 15 minutes to be updated, But nothing is updated even after a day. I tried many times in the start but nothing becomes live. Today I tried again and everything is updating successfully except the title. In manage inventory tab my titles are showing perfectly. But on the live amazon buyer page Amazon showing the old title. I opened many cases by going through the proper way after clicking on get help. And didn’t get any perfect answer from any case. So now I’m approaching you guys here on seller forums.
Kind Regards

44 replies
Tags:Listings, Pricing, Subscribe & Save
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Amazon Listing Title not Updating!

Hello Everyone!
I just starting selling on Amazon, I created the listings by just entering the generic product title and a offer price, To just get a confirmation from Amazon that I can sell this listing without any certification. I got the confirmation from Amazon by opening many cases. And now my inventory is ready and also all labels are pasted. It will be shipped anytime. Now i’m trying to update my listings by putting all the things like description, Title, bullet points and search terms e.t.c. While doing the very first try and after doing all the changes when I clicked the save button, It says changes are made successfully it will take 15 minutes to be updated, But nothing is updated even after a day. I tried many times in the start but nothing becomes live. Today I tried again and everything is updating successfully except the title. In manage inventory tab my titles are showing perfectly. But on the live amazon buyer page Amazon showing the old title. I opened many cases by going through the proper way after clicking on get help. And didn’t get any perfect answer from any case. So now I’m approaching you guys here on seller forums.
Kind Regards

Tags:Listings, Pricing, Subscribe & Save
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Amazon Listing Title not Updating!

by Seller_1XLxf4JZHG2O8

Hello Everyone!
I just starting selling on Amazon, I created the listings by just entering the generic product title and a offer price, To just get a confirmation from Amazon that I can sell this listing without any certification. I got the confirmation from Amazon by opening many cases. And now my inventory is ready and also all labels are pasted. It will be shipped anytime. Now i’m trying to update my listings by putting all the things like description, Title, bullet points and search terms e.t.c. While doing the very first try and after doing all the changes when I clicked the save button, It says changes are made successfully it will take 15 minutes to be updated, But nothing is updated even after a day. I tried many times in the start but nothing becomes live. Today I tried again and everything is updating successfully except the title. In manage inventory tab my titles are showing perfectly. But on the live amazon buyer page Amazon showing the old title. I opened many cases by going through the proper way after clicking on get help. And didn’t get any perfect answer from any case. So now I’m approaching you guys here on seller forums.
Kind Regards

Tags:Listings, Pricing, Subscribe & Save
44 replies
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Most helpful reply

“We would like to inform you that we have already updated the attributes. Kindly wait for at least 24 hours for the changes to appear in the detail page.”
Amazon just replied. They make all the changes for me. I also read the thread which describes the problem same like mine. And everyone is saying that it’s a glitch and we have to ask Amazon to make the changes manually.

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Most helpful reply

“We would like to inform you that we have already updated the attributes. Kindly wait for at least 24 hours for the changes to appear in the detail page.”
Amazon just replied. They make all the changes for me. I also read the thread which describes the problem same like mine. And everyone is saying that it’s a glitch and we have to ask Amazon to make the changes manually.

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Most helpful reply

“We would like to inform you that we have already updated the attributes. Kindly wait for at least 24 hours for the changes to appear in the detail page.”
Amazon just replied. They make all the changes for me. I also read the thread which describes the problem same like mine. And everyone is saying that it’s a glitch and we have to ask Amazon to make the changes manually.

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I think your mistake was not to complete all the details, including the proper product title, from the start. Getting things changed afterwards is very hit-and-miss. Amazon only treat your changes as “suggestions” which they may or may not implement

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Firstly have you entered the country of origin? (New requirement as of today)

Secondly have you read seller university pages ?

user profile

What is the product ?

user profile

Sorry for hijacking the thread, but on the reverse side of the question, do you get notified if information on a listing you are live on is updated? Would I get an email to say that listing X has an updated title, description, image etc? Or is it simply a case of continuously checking each and every live listing in my inventory is against the correct information?

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I think your mistake was not to complete all the details, including the proper product title, from the start. Getting things changed afterwards is very hit-and-miss. Amazon only treat your changes as “suggestions” which they may or may not implement

user profile

I think your mistake was not to complete all the details, including the proper product title, from the start. Getting things changed afterwards is very hit-and-miss. Amazon only treat your changes as “suggestions” which they may or may not implement

user profile

Firstly have you entered the country of origin? (New requirement as of today)

Secondly have you read seller university pages ?

user profile

Firstly have you entered the country of origin? (New requirement as of today)

Secondly have you read seller university pages ?

user profile

What is the product ?

user profile

What is the product ?

user profile

Sorry for hijacking the thread, but on the reverse side of the question, do you get notified if information on a listing you are live on is updated? Would I get an email to say that listing X has an updated title, description, image etc? Or is it simply a case of continuously checking each and every live listing in my inventory is against the correct information?

user profile

Sorry for hijacking the thread, but on the reverse side of the question, do you get notified if information on a listing you are live on is updated? Would I get an email to say that listing X has an updated title, description, image etc? Or is it simply a case of continuously checking each and every live listing in my inventory is against the correct information?

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