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Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR): Upload your EPR registration number if you sell in Germany or France

If you sell in Germany or France, add your Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) number to the EPR Compliance Portal in Seller Central starting December 15, 2021, for packaging in Germany and from 2022 for WEEE in Germany and all EPR product categories in France.

In Germany, if you can’t prove your compliance with EPR to Amazon, we will be legally obliged to suspend your non-compliant listings under EPR product categories: Packaging (effective July 1, 2022) and Electric and Electronic Equipment listings (effective January 1, 2023). In France, non-compliant listings will be suspended, and we will recover the cost of your eco-contributions.

Add your EPR registration number on the EPR Compliance Portal in Seller Central:

  1. Go to EPR Compliance Portal Germany
  2. Fill in your EPR registration number (LUCID number for packaging in Germany)
  3. Click on Submit

At this stage, you can only add a LUCID number for Germany packaging. While you must be registered if you sell products in other EPR product categories, you can’t submit the registration number in Seller Central yet. We will keep you updated in 2022 on when you can submit additional registration numbers for other EPR categories or countries.

What are my Extended Producer Responsibility obligations?

EPR is an environmental policy that holds the party who first places an EPR-applicable product in the country (also known as the “producer”) responsible to mitigate the environmental impacts of their product for its entire life cycle from design to the end of its life (including waste collection, treatment and customer take-back).

In addition to registration, you must declare your sales (of products covered by the different EPR categories) and pay eco-contributions to the respective Producer Responsibility Organisation for the applicable reporting period. Furthermore, for specific EPR applicable products, you must provide customers with a take-back option (Take-Back Programme).

Go to the EPR Educational page for more information.

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Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR): Upload your EPR registration number if you sell in Germany or France

If you sell in Germany or France, add your Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) number to the EPR Compliance Portal in Seller Central starting December 15, 2021, for packaging in Germany and from 2022 for WEEE in Germany and all EPR product categories in France.

In Germany, if you can’t prove your compliance with EPR to Amazon, we will be legally obliged to suspend your non-compliant listings under EPR product categories: Packaging (effective July 1, 2022) and Electric and Electronic Equipment listings (effective January 1, 2023). In France, non-compliant listings will be suspended, and we will recover the cost of your eco-contributions.

Add your EPR registration number on the EPR Compliance Portal in Seller Central:

  1. Go to EPR Compliance Portal Germany
  2. Fill in your EPR registration number (LUCID number for packaging in Germany)
  3. Click on Submit

At this stage, you can only add a LUCID number for Germany packaging. While you must be registered if you sell products in other EPR product categories, you can’t submit the registration number in Seller Central yet. We will keep you updated in 2022 on when you can submit additional registration numbers for other EPR categories or countries.

What are my Extended Producer Responsibility obligations?

EPR is an environmental policy that holds the party who first places an EPR-applicable product in the country (also known as the “producer”) responsible to mitigate the environmental impacts of their product for its entire life cycle from design to the end of its life (including waste collection, treatment and customer take-back).

In addition to registration, you must declare your sales (of products covered by the different EPR categories) and pay eco-contributions to the respective Producer Responsibility Organisation for the applicable reporting period. Furthermore, for specific EPR applicable products, you must provide customers with a take-back option (Take-Back Programme).

Go to the EPR Educational page for more information.

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I have just checked and If I sell few boxes of my products I have to pay 75 Euro yearly:(

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It looks like in France, Amazon will pay and recover from us. But in Germany (What I understood) we have to apply for number and take an external company to do paperwork. The fees per year start 75 euro but can be cheaper, I checked only one company from Google. So we have to pay for product, packaging and fees. The prices are per kg for packaging and per product depend on product category. What I found there are not big costs but big bureaucracy - another small business’s killer in EU

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Which companies are people looking at? We sell table lamps and USB drives. We contacted 2 companies, but neither of them have even bothered to reply!

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Done a little Googling on this topic and here’s some details I’ve found from a waste compliance consultancy website…

As a rough estimate, the minimum cost for packaging waste compliance is on average €50 to €150 per country. For electronics or batteries, you can expect minimum €500 per country (on average).

It appears France and Germany are just the first to implement this, with Austria next and the rest of the EU countries to follow. Each country will have it’s own compliance, meaning you’ll have to pay this fee for each and every country you sell to.

Once rolled our to all EU countries, say you sell to the six main Amazon destinations (DE, IT, ES, FR, PL & CZ) for packaging compliance alone you’re looking at around £500 per year, but many thousands on top of that if you sell electronics or batteries. £500 for packaging isn’t the end of the world, but the extra admin will be a pain! You will have to provide details of all the products you sell, packaging weight etc every year to each of the country’s schemes. The more you sell, the more you pay.

Also from Jan 2022, products sold in France should display the ‘Triman’ logo either on product or packaging. For electrical products there are extra and very specific rules too…

A transition period is in place until 9 March 2023. Afterwards, packaging that is not compliant with the new Triman signage rules may no longer be placed on the Frencht market.


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Well It just regsitered for the German regsiration (Lucid) number online, and it was fairly straight forward. I’ve uploaded it to Amazon and all seems well.

user profile

Let me understand, so all products are affected by this, and then depending on the package or just product that are packaging and electronics (among others)

user profile

Pretty confused also. I sell some items and ship to Germany in a jiffy bag (which I buy from a supplier on another well known ecommerce buy now/bidding site).

Am I impacted by this?

user profile

We went with ‘Der Grune Punkt’

We have paid just €25 for 75kg cardboard and 3kg plastic that was sent as packaging for last year.

user profile

Germany / Packaging
I registered packaging on
Register business, and you get number after registration finish(immediately)

user profile

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR): Upload your EPR registration number if you sell in Germany or France

If you sell in Germany or France, add your Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) number to the EPR Compliance Portal in Seller Central starting December 15, 2021, for packaging in Germany and from 2022 for WEEE in Germany and all EPR product categories in France.

In Germany, if you can’t prove your compliance with EPR to Amazon, we will be legally obliged to suspend your non-compliant listings under EPR product categories: Packaging (effective July 1, 2022) and Electric and Electronic Equipment listings (effective January 1, 2023). In France, non-compliant listings will be suspended, and we will recover the cost of your eco-contributions.

Add your EPR registration number on the EPR Compliance Portal in Seller Central:

  1. Go to EPR Compliance Portal Germany
  2. Fill in your EPR registration number (LUCID number for packaging in Germany)
  3. Click on Submit

At this stage, you can only add a LUCID number for Germany packaging. While you must be registered if you sell products in other EPR product categories, you can’t submit the registration number in Seller Central yet. We will keep you updated in 2022 on when you can submit additional registration numbers for other EPR categories or countries.

What are my Extended Producer Responsibility obligations?

EPR is an environmental policy that holds the party who first places an EPR-applicable product in the country (also known as the “producer”) responsible to mitigate the environmental impacts of their product for its entire life cycle from design to the end of its life (including waste collection, treatment and customer take-back).

In addition to registration, you must declare your sales (of products covered by the different EPR categories) and pay eco-contributions to the respective Producer Responsibility Organisation for the applicable reporting period. Furthermore, for specific EPR applicable products, you must provide customers with a take-back option (Take-Back Programme).

Go to the EPR Educational page for more information.

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Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR): Upload your EPR registration number if you sell in Germany or France

If you sell in Germany or France, add your Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) number to the EPR Compliance Portal in Seller Central starting December 15, 2021, for packaging in Germany and from 2022 for WEEE in Germany and all EPR product categories in France.

In Germany, if you can’t prove your compliance with EPR to Amazon, we will be legally obliged to suspend your non-compliant listings under EPR product categories: Packaging (effective July 1, 2022) and Electric and Electronic Equipment listings (effective January 1, 2023). In France, non-compliant listings will be suspended, and we will recover the cost of your eco-contributions.

Add your EPR registration number on the EPR Compliance Portal in Seller Central:

  1. Go to EPR Compliance Portal Germany
  2. Fill in your EPR registration number (LUCID number for packaging in Germany)
  3. Click on Submit

At this stage, you can only add a LUCID number for Germany packaging. While you must be registered if you sell products in other EPR product categories, you can’t submit the registration number in Seller Central yet. We will keep you updated in 2022 on when you can submit additional registration numbers for other EPR categories or countries.

What are my Extended Producer Responsibility obligations?

EPR is an environmental policy that holds the party who first places an EPR-applicable product in the country (also known as the “producer”) responsible to mitigate the environmental impacts of their product for its entire life cycle from design to the end of its life (including waste collection, treatment and customer take-back).

In addition to registration, you must declare your sales (of products covered by the different EPR categories) and pay eco-contributions to the respective Producer Responsibility Organisation for the applicable reporting period. Furthermore, for specific EPR applicable products, you must provide customers with a take-back option (Take-Back Programme).

Go to the EPR Educational page for more information.

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Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR): Upload your EPR registration number if you sell in Germany or France

by News_Amazon

If you sell in Germany or France, add your Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) number to the EPR Compliance Portal in Seller Central starting December 15, 2021, for packaging in Germany and from 2022 for WEEE in Germany and all EPR product categories in France.

In Germany, if you can’t prove your compliance with EPR to Amazon, we will be legally obliged to suspend your non-compliant listings under EPR product categories: Packaging (effective July 1, 2022) and Electric and Electronic Equipment listings (effective January 1, 2023). In France, non-compliant listings will be suspended, and we will recover the cost of your eco-contributions.

Add your EPR registration number on the EPR Compliance Portal in Seller Central:

  1. Go to EPR Compliance Portal Germany
  2. Fill in your EPR registration number (LUCID number for packaging in Germany)
  3. Click on Submit

At this stage, you can only add a LUCID number for Germany packaging. While you must be registered if you sell products in other EPR product categories, you can’t submit the registration number in Seller Central yet. We will keep you updated in 2022 on when you can submit additional registration numbers for other EPR categories or countries.

What are my Extended Producer Responsibility obligations?

EPR is an environmental policy that holds the party who first places an EPR-applicable product in the country (also known as the “producer”) responsible to mitigate the environmental impacts of their product for its entire life cycle from design to the end of its life (including waste collection, treatment and customer take-back).

In addition to registration, you must declare your sales (of products covered by the different EPR categories) and pay eco-contributions to the respective Producer Responsibility Organisation for the applicable reporting period. Furthermore, for specific EPR applicable products, you must provide customers with a take-back option (Take-Back Programme).

Go to the EPR Educational page for more information.

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I have just checked and If I sell few boxes of my products I have to pay 75 Euro yearly:(

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It looks like in France, Amazon will pay and recover from us. But in Germany (What I understood) we have to apply for number and take an external company to do paperwork. The fees per year start 75 euro but can be cheaper, I checked only one company from Google. So we have to pay for product, packaging and fees. The prices are per kg for packaging and per product depend on product category. What I found there are not big costs but big bureaucracy - another small business’s killer in EU

user profile

Which companies are people looking at? We sell table lamps and USB drives. We contacted 2 companies, but neither of them have even bothered to reply!

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Done a little Googling on this topic and here’s some details I’ve found from a waste compliance consultancy website…

As a rough estimate, the minimum cost for packaging waste compliance is on average €50 to €150 per country. For electronics or batteries, you can expect minimum €500 per country (on average).

It appears France and Germany are just the first to implement this, with Austria next and the rest of the EU countries to follow. Each country will have it’s own compliance, meaning you’ll have to pay this fee for each and every country you sell to.

Once rolled our to all EU countries, say you sell to the six main Amazon destinations (DE, IT, ES, FR, PL & CZ) for packaging compliance alone you’re looking at around £500 per year, but many thousands on top of that if you sell electronics or batteries. £500 for packaging isn’t the end of the world, but the extra admin will be a pain! You will have to provide details of all the products you sell, packaging weight etc every year to each of the country’s schemes. The more you sell, the more you pay.

Also from Jan 2022, products sold in France should display the ‘Triman’ logo either on product or packaging. For electrical products there are extra and very specific rules too…

A transition period is in place until 9 March 2023. Afterwards, packaging that is not compliant with the new Triman signage rules may no longer be placed on the Frencht market.


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Well It just regsitered for the German regsiration (Lucid) number online, and it was fairly straight forward. I’ve uploaded it to Amazon and all seems well.

user profile

Let me understand, so all products are affected by this, and then depending on the package or just product that are packaging and electronics (among others)

user profile

Pretty confused also. I sell some items and ship to Germany in a jiffy bag (which I buy from a supplier on another well known ecommerce buy now/bidding site).

Am I impacted by this?

user profile

We went with ‘Der Grune Punkt’

We have paid just €25 for 75kg cardboard and 3kg plastic that was sent as packaging for last year.

user profile

Germany / Packaging
I registered packaging on
Register business, and you get number after registration finish(immediately)

user profile

I have just checked and If I sell few boxes of my products I have to pay 75 Euro yearly:(

user profile

I have just checked and If I sell few boxes of my products I have to pay 75 Euro yearly:(

user profile

It looks like in France, Amazon will pay and recover from us. But in Germany (What I understood) we have to apply for number and take an external company to do paperwork. The fees per year start 75 euro but can be cheaper, I checked only one company from Google. So we have to pay for product, packaging and fees. The prices are per kg for packaging and per product depend on product category. What I found there are not big costs but big bureaucracy - another small business’s killer in EU

user profile

It looks like in France, Amazon will pay and recover from us. But in Germany (What I understood) we have to apply for number and take an external company to do paperwork. The fees per year start 75 euro but can be cheaper, I checked only one company from Google. So we have to pay for product, packaging and fees. The prices are per kg for packaging and per product depend on product category. What I found there are not big costs but big bureaucracy - another small business’s killer in EU

user profile

Which companies are people looking at? We sell table lamps and USB drives. We contacted 2 companies, but neither of them have even bothered to reply!

user profile

Which companies are people looking at? We sell table lamps and USB drives. We contacted 2 companies, but neither of them have even bothered to reply!

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This post has been deleted
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This post has been deleted
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Done a little Googling on this topic and here’s some details I’ve found from a waste compliance consultancy website…

As a rough estimate, the minimum cost for packaging waste compliance is on average €50 to €150 per country. For electronics or batteries, you can expect minimum €500 per country (on average).

It appears France and Germany are just the first to implement this, with Austria next and the rest of the EU countries to follow. Each country will have it’s own compliance, meaning you’ll have to pay this fee for each and every country you sell to.

Once rolled our to all EU countries, say you sell to the six main Amazon destinations (DE, IT, ES, FR, PL & CZ) for packaging compliance alone you’re looking at around £500 per year, but many thousands on top of that if you sell electronics or batteries. £500 for packaging isn’t the end of the world, but the extra admin will be a pain! You will have to provide details of all the products you sell, packaging weight etc every year to each of the country’s schemes. The more you sell, the more you pay.

Also from Jan 2022, products sold in France should display the ‘Triman’ logo either on product or packaging. For electrical products there are extra and very specific rules too…

A transition period is in place until 9 March 2023. Afterwards, packaging that is not compliant with the new Triman signage rules may no longer be placed on the Frencht market.


user profile

Done a little Googling on this topic and here’s some details I’ve found from a waste compliance consultancy website…

As a rough estimate, the minimum cost for packaging waste compliance is on average €50 to €150 per country. For electronics or batteries, you can expect minimum €500 per country (on average).

It appears France and Germany are just the first to implement this, with Austria next and the rest of the EU countries to follow. Each country will have it’s own compliance, meaning you’ll have to pay this fee for each and every country you sell to.

Once rolled our to all EU countries, say you sell to the six main Amazon destinations (DE, IT, ES, FR, PL & CZ) for packaging compliance alone you’re looking at around £500 per year, but many thousands on top of that if you sell electronics or batteries. £500 for packaging isn’t the end of the world, but the extra admin will be a pain! You will have to provide details of all the products you sell, packaging weight etc every year to each of the country’s schemes. The more you sell, the more you pay.

Also from Jan 2022, products sold in France should display the ‘Triman’ logo either on product or packaging. For electrical products there are extra and very specific rules too…

A transition period is in place until 9 March 2023. Afterwards, packaging that is not compliant with the new Triman signage rules may no longer be placed on the Frencht market.


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Well It just regsitered for the German regsiration (Lucid) number online, and it was fairly straight forward. I’ve uploaded it to Amazon and all seems well.

user profile

Well It just regsitered for the German regsiration (Lucid) number online, and it was fairly straight forward. I’ve uploaded it to Amazon and all seems well.

user profile

Let me understand, so all products are affected by this, and then depending on the package or just product that are packaging and electronics (among others)

user profile

Let me understand, so all products are affected by this, and then depending on the package or just product that are packaging and electronics (among others)

user profile

Pretty confused also. I sell some items and ship to Germany in a jiffy bag (which I buy from a supplier on another well known ecommerce buy now/bidding site).

Am I impacted by this?

user profile

Pretty confused also. I sell some items and ship to Germany in a jiffy bag (which I buy from a supplier on another well known ecommerce buy now/bidding site).

Am I impacted by this?

user profile

We went with ‘Der Grune Punkt’

We have paid just €25 for 75kg cardboard and 3kg plastic that was sent as packaging for last year.

user profile

We went with ‘Der Grune Punkt’

We have paid just €25 for 75kg cardboard and 3kg plastic that was sent as packaging for last year.

user profile

Germany / Packaging
I registered packaging on
Register business, and you get number after registration finish(immediately)

user profile

Germany / Packaging
I registered packaging on
Register business, and you get number after registration finish(immediately)


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