We’ve launched a new page in Seller Central to provide you with detailed returns information.
You can now view each returned order with detailed information about the ASIN, reason for return, customer comment (if available), grading disposition and the status of the return.
For more information, go to FBA Returns.
We’ve launched a new page in Seller Central to provide you with detailed returns information.
You can now view each returned order with detailed information about the ASIN, reason for return, customer comment (if available), grading disposition and the status of the return.
For more information, go to FBA Returns.
This is very helpful.
Where in the main dash can this be found and can we add this as a favourite shortcut
This is something that has been needed for a long time. It is very useful to see this information.
The only thing I am a little surprised at is how many are marked as Return Not Expected.
From looking at mine I notice that my buyers dont read the item description - this was known but reading return comments is like watching a comedy series
Request return as ‘item not wanted’ then amazon tells you to keep it and refunds you anyway for an item you didnt want
Although welcome, it’s about as enlightning as ever!
Of our 56 returns in the last year, we have a return reason for just seven of them… all set to ‘Unknown Reason’.
Every other return - 49 of them(!) don’t have a return reason at all.
@Maja_Amazon, @Julia_Amazon - As sellers, we want to give the best service to customers, but if Amazon doesn’t collect FBA return reasons on our behalf, how are we to know why returns are requested? It’s imperitive we learn this so that we can avoid repeating the problems and provide a better service!
Heading Disposition
Status of the product (for example, sellable, defective, carrier damaged) if its carrier damaged or customer damaged it refunded to the seller in full or unsaleable due to damage by either?
Just seen this page for the first time. I am astounded at the reasons etc
“I accidentally ordered the wrong item” - return authorised and refunded same day - return not expected
“Unwanted item” - return authorised and refunded same day - return not expected
“Jewellery - Too large/long” - return authorised and refunded same day - return not expected (its a badge)
“Product is missing parts/accessories” - return authorised and refunded same day - return not expected (its a badge - 1 part)
“The product is not compatible with my existing system” - return authorised and refunded same day - return not expected (its a badge)
I have noticed a few of mine say “Return started” but when I click on it says the customer was refunded, which seems to happen before “unit received” so presumably they were supposed to send it back but didn’t, and I don’t seem to get reimbursed for them…
So many “Returns started” orders with “Customer refunded”, but the item was never received back.
Plenty of “To be auto-removed” items with “Customer Damaged” refunded from my funds.
Is it possible to apply for reimbursement for these orders?
I have tried to file Safe-T, but it says that orders are not eligible.
We’ve launched a new page in Seller Central to provide you with detailed returns information.
You can now view each returned order with detailed information about the ASIN, reason for return, customer comment (if available), grading disposition and the status of the return.
For more information, go to FBA Returns.
We’ve launched a new page in Seller Central to provide you with detailed returns information.
You can now view each returned order with detailed information about the ASIN, reason for return, customer comment (if available), grading disposition and the status of the return.
For more information, go to FBA Returns.
We’ve launched a new page in Seller Central to provide you with detailed returns information.
You can now view each returned order with detailed information about the ASIN, reason for return, customer comment (if available), grading disposition and the status of the return.
For more information, go to FBA Returns.
This is very helpful.
Where in the main dash can this be found and can we add this as a favourite shortcut
This is something that has been needed for a long time. It is very useful to see this information.
The only thing I am a little surprised at is how many are marked as Return Not Expected.
From looking at mine I notice that my buyers dont read the item description - this was known but reading return comments is like watching a comedy series
Request return as ‘item not wanted’ then amazon tells you to keep it and refunds you anyway for an item you didnt want
Although welcome, it’s about as enlightning as ever!
Of our 56 returns in the last year, we have a return reason for just seven of them… all set to ‘Unknown Reason’.
Every other return - 49 of them(!) don’t have a return reason at all.
@Maja_Amazon, @Julia_Amazon - As sellers, we want to give the best service to customers, but if Amazon doesn’t collect FBA return reasons on our behalf, how are we to know why returns are requested? It’s imperitive we learn this so that we can avoid repeating the problems and provide a better service!
Heading Disposition
Status of the product (for example, sellable, defective, carrier damaged) if its carrier damaged or customer damaged it refunded to the seller in full or unsaleable due to damage by either?
Just seen this page for the first time. I am astounded at the reasons etc
“I accidentally ordered the wrong item” - return authorised and refunded same day - return not expected
“Unwanted item” - return authorised and refunded same day - return not expected
“Jewellery - Too large/long” - return authorised and refunded same day - return not expected (its a badge)
“Product is missing parts/accessories” - return authorised and refunded same day - return not expected (its a badge - 1 part)
“The product is not compatible with my existing system” - return authorised and refunded same day - return not expected (its a badge)
I have noticed a few of mine say “Return started” but when I click on it says the customer was refunded, which seems to happen before “unit received” so presumably they were supposed to send it back but didn’t, and I don’t seem to get reimbursed for them…
So many “Returns started” orders with “Customer refunded”, but the item was never received back.
Plenty of “To be auto-removed” items with “Customer Damaged” refunded from my funds.
Is it possible to apply for reimbursement for these orders?
I have tried to file Safe-T, but it says that orders are not eligible.
This is very helpful.
Where in the main dash can this be found and can we add this as a favourite shortcut
This is very helpful.
Where in the main dash can this be found and can we add this as a favourite shortcut
This is something that has been needed for a long time. It is very useful to see this information.
The only thing I am a little surprised at is how many are marked as Return Not Expected.
This is something that has been needed for a long time. It is very useful to see this information.
The only thing I am a little surprised at is how many are marked as Return Not Expected.
From looking at mine I notice that my buyers dont read the item description - this was known but reading return comments is like watching a comedy series
From looking at mine I notice that my buyers dont read the item description - this was known but reading return comments is like watching a comedy series
Request return as ‘item not wanted’ then amazon tells you to keep it and refunds you anyway for an item you didnt want
Request return as ‘item not wanted’ then amazon tells you to keep it and refunds you anyway for an item you didnt want
Although welcome, it’s about as enlightning as ever!
Of our 56 returns in the last year, we have a return reason for just seven of them… all set to ‘Unknown Reason’.
Every other return - 49 of them(!) don’t have a return reason at all.
@Maja_Amazon, @Julia_Amazon - As sellers, we want to give the best service to customers, but if Amazon doesn’t collect FBA return reasons on our behalf, how are we to know why returns are requested? It’s imperitive we learn this so that we can avoid repeating the problems and provide a better service!
Although welcome, it’s about as enlightning as ever!
Of our 56 returns in the last year, we have a return reason for just seven of them… all set to ‘Unknown Reason’.
Every other return - 49 of them(!) don’t have a return reason at all.
@Maja_Amazon, @Julia_Amazon - As sellers, we want to give the best service to customers, but if Amazon doesn’t collect FBA return reasons on our behalf, how are we to know why returns are requested? It’s imperitive we learn this so that we can avoid repeating the problems and provide a better service!
Heading Disposition
Status of the product (for example, sellable, defective, carrier damaged) if its carrier damaged or customer damaged it refunded to the seller in full or unsaleable due to damage by either?
Heading Disposition
Status of the product (for example, sellable, defective, carrier damaged) if its carrier damaged or customer damaged it refunded to the seller in full or unsaleable due to damage by either?
Just seen this page for the first time. I am astounded at the reasons etc
“I accidentally ordered the wrong item” - return authorised and refunded same day - return not expected
“Unwanted item” - return authorised and refunded same day - return not expected
“Jewellery - Too large/long” - return authorised and refunded same day - return not expected (its a badge)
“Product is missing parts/accessories” - return authorised and refunded same day - return not expected (its a badge - 1 part)
“The product is not compatible with my existing system” - return authorised and refunded same day - return not expected (its a badge)
Just seen this page for the first time. I am astounded at the reasons etc
“I accidentally ordered the wrong item” - return authorised and refunded same day - return not expected
“Unwanted item” - return authorised and refunded same day - return not expected
“Jewellery - Too large/long” - return authorised and refunded same day - return not expected (its a badge)
“Product is missing parts/accessories” - return authorised and refunded same day - return not expected (its a badge - 1 part)
“The product is not compatible with my existing system” - return authorised and refunded same day - return not expected (its a badge)
I have noticed a few of mine say “Return started” but when I click on it says the customer was refunded, which seems to happen before “unit received” so presumably they were supposed to send it back but didn’t, and I don’t seem to get reimbursed for them…
I have noticed a few of mine say “Return started” but when I click on it says the customer was refunded, which seems to happen before “unit received” so presumably they were supposed to send it back but didn’t, and I don’t seem to get reimbursed for them…
So many “Returns started” orders with “Customer refunded”, but the item was never received back.
Plenty of “To be auto-removed” items with “Customer Damaged” refunded from my funds.
Is it possible to apply for reimbursement for these orders?
I have tried to file Safe-T, but it says that orders are not eligible.
So many “Returns started” orders with “Customer refunded”, but the item was never received back.
Plenty of “To be auto-removed” items with “Customer Damaged” refunded from my funds.
Is it possible to apply for reimbursement for these orders?
I have tried to file Safe-T, but it says that orders are not eligible.