Read onlyHi,
My fba orders on 6-7 asins seem to be selling for 70-90% cheaper- we immediately changed the price manually but many business customers have swooped all my stock leaving me with hefty losses
Support have said to wait 24hrs but what if they ship, can we still cancel?
Can we still cancel right now?
Any assistance would be helpful.
same thing happened to me today which repricer are you using?
same here , we use (used to be repricer express)
There blaming amazon. on the app it showing the price + shipping like a FMB template but online its free delivery like it should be but with a 4.49 reduction. have around 10 affected lines
Same is happening to me. Amazon seem to have added a £4.49 postage charge to fba items resulting in repricer taking £4.49 off offer price.
Anyone had any luck with amazon as to whether its a bug or whats going on?
Anyone affected should report immediately their issues with Amazon. This is going to be costly if not acted upon by Amazon with utmost urgency, already costly for some.
You cant cancel FBA orders so your only option is to find its an amazon glitch
This is an Amazon fault from the looks of it. I have had a discussion with someone from our 3rd party repricer and, as @Seller_TX7yhVegrfOrA has shared, Amazon API is misreporting or mishandling its reporting of FBA pricing, including a shipping figure in it -- £4.49 in some cases, £2.99 in others -- that was never there before, this being FBA. Sellers would never have set any of those figures, nor the 3rd party repricers, as, again, there would've been no reason nor even the capability to do those from our end, as we cannot set shipping cost for our FBA listings.
This is serious and should be treated as an emergency by Amazon.
Can someone tag one of the admins please? I’m not familiar with any of them or how to do it.
Just to add that this is happening to us as well. Using, they've confirmed that their developers have raised it with Amazon, no timeframe on a fix yet.
@Julia_Amazon@Ezra_Amazon Can you help get this escalated ASAP?? It's clearly an issue affecting a lot of sellers who are now losing a lot of money with items selling for far less than they should be.
I would ask if Amazon will compensate sellers for their error... but I think we all know the answer to that!
The same happening to us - we use informed - I have just reuploaded adding £4.49 to all my minimum prices - which put us way over price in lots of places but it is better than a loss
Not happening to all of ours - there seem to be certain FBA sizes -but no oversize has been hit
Now I have some FBA showing no shipping fee, but the business price showing the £4.49 makes no sense
Same thing happened to me. Close to 25% of my products have been repriced blow profitability with huge losses not only in profit but inventory qty and potential profit. Have made a case with Amazon but they are closed currently. I went the route of closing all my listings first to prevent further damage