We are not accepting applications to sell:
Other rp_3p_offer in New, Used, Refurbished, Collectible condition(s)
Other Kitchen category in Refurbished condition(s)
Other Kitchen category in Collectible condition(s)
My ASIN got INACTIVE after no selling for 2 weeks. I am the only one selling the product. It's not refurbished or collectibles . I had no issues selling it until it got inactivated. My Account Health is good. There are no Compliance Requests or Policy Violations as well as being the brand owner and having brand registry. I have added this attribute "uk_18_knife" which is required as well as selling under FBA which is also required.
I've opened quite a lot of cases. I talked over phone calls. I did everything they told me. Nothing worked. I keep being told I need to add age verification/ sell under FBA which I have shown multiple times.
Please help!!
Here is my case ID : CASE 10530086812
@Danny_Amazon @Steve_Amazon @Micah_Amazon @Yokie_Amazon @Wyatt_Amazon
@Atlas_Amazon @Sonny_Amazon @Glenn_Amazon @Rose_Amazon @Michelle_Amazon
All of those names you have tagged will not be seen by forum moderators, as they are not highlighted in blue, and to be honest, I do not recognise any of the names as being those of mods - they are probably just other sellers who have used the word amazon in their name. I will tag a couple for you correctly
@Julia_Amazon, @Ezra_Amazon
They did the exact same thing to me. Absolutely crazy. If you want to see my in-dept thread on this see here:
Hi Altos Commerce,
I refer you to the last bullet point
The product has selling restrictions due to a performance issue, such as a product safety or customer complaint.
Your seller feedback on 5th December shows a customer has made a complaint to Amazon with photos as the wooden knife sheath has cracked and splintered.
I hope this helps explain your issue.
It doesn't help that Amazon own help pages and policies are contradictory. Im sure when you contact Seller Support and they lookup what may be the reason your ASIN was made inactive it will all depend on which policy page they find first as to the response they give.
For example here:
It specifically says bladed items CANNOT be sold via FBA
Then here
It says they can ONLY be sold via FBA
"It specifically says bladed items CANNOT be sold via FBA"
I wonder if that is a typo on the part of Amazon, and should read FBM ? Needs to be alerted to that, if that is the case.
Hello @Seller_tRuvBEHDedp4q,
Thank you for sharing your feedback. Could you please specify which part of the policy is contradictory in the help pages you have shared?
The FBA prohibited products Help Page mentioned 4 exceptions:
The following products cannot be sold through Fulfilment by Amazon:
Machetes, kukris, knives, knife blades, razor blades, swords, daggers, axes and any other articles with a blade or which is sharply pointed and is made or adapted for use for causing injury to persons; with the exception of the following products, which can be sold without age verification:
- Razor blades permanently enclosed in a cartridge or housing with less than 2 mm of the blade exposed (can be sold without age verification)
- Table knives included in ordinary cutlery sets with spoons and forks (can be sold without age verification)
- Folding pocket-knives with a blade no longer than three inches.
The Listing guidelines for bladed products also mentioned exceptions when bladed products can be sold via FBA.
Well it specifically says knives CANNOT BE SOLD VIA FBA - the exception list makes no mention of kitchen or chefs knives. The excepted list says Razors, pocket knives and Table knives included in cutlery sets with spoons and forks are the only items excepted.
Kitchen/chefs knives used to prepare food in kitchen such as carving knives, chef knives, filleting knives etc are just that - to be used in kitchen and are NOT a table knife and they certainly are not cutlery sold in sets with spoons and forks, neither are they razors or pocket knives. As such (according to this page) they are not excepted and so CANNOT BE SOLD VIA FBA.
Then on the other page where it lists what can be sold via FBA and specifically says kitchen and chefs knives CAN ONLY be sold via FBA
I think that is clear - the 2 pages are completely contradictory
No they do mean FBA - its just the pages are contradictory. Knives (that require age verification) cannot be sold via FBM at all, even if you agree to send such items using an age verification service.
@Seller_tRuvBEHDedp4q, thank you for the detailed explanation. We will address the need for more transparent communication of this policy.
Hello @Seller_y9FONMXxCMSkm,
Thank you for reaching out.
Does it mean that your application to sell ASIN: B0DHJBSVLL has been approved?