Read onlyThe case ID 16410145011
I opened a case with the Amazon Seller Support Team that the FBA team has disposed some of my inventory without my authorization. They also charged disposal fees. For orders that were returned.
My settings for FBA are set to "return" not dispose. And, Automated unfulfillable settings: Enabled. Return Schedule: 2 times a month(on the 5th, 20th). These settings were like this when they dispose my products and they always been this way.
I am being denied reimbursement for these orders that were dispose without authorization. I need help getting reimbursement and to prevent from this happening again in the future.
Hello @Seller_Si0vWWdMp4S89,
Appreciate you posting here at the forums!
Based on the information you have shared it seems that our Seller Support team is actively working on Case ID 16410145011. Please post here if the case gets resolved with out addressing your issue.
For future reference I will share here the FBA disposal page.