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Vine enrolment error: No eligible offers - 414

Hello, we've been recently registered to amazon brand registry and now are trying to enroll our ASIN's for Vine. However, we receive this error:

Vine enrolment error: No eligible offers - 414

We meet all the Vine eligibility requirements and I don't understand why is this happening. Amazon support is no help here, redirects us to email and it's been a couple of days now - no response. Has anybody had this issue and could share how they fixed it? I suspect that my ASINs are not linked to my brand, but also don't know how to fix it. The brand name in ASINs is the same as our registered brand name.

3 replies
Tags:Brand Registry, Vine
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Vine enrolment error: No eligible offers - 414

Hello, we've been recently registered to amazon brand registry and now are trying to enroll our ASIN's for Vine. However, we receive this error:

Vine enrolment error: No eligible offers - 414

We meet all the Vine eligibility requirements and I don't understand why is this happening. Amazon support is no help here, redirects us to email and it's been a couple of days now - no response. Has anybody had this issue and could share how they fixed it? I suspect that my ASINs are not linked to my brand, but also don't know how to fix it. The brand name in ASINs is the same as our registered brand name.

Tags:Brand Registry, Vine
3 replies
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Hello! @Seller_VLzCExzNZPUlS

This is Roberto. Thank you for using the Forums, this error 414 indeed relates to the ASINs not being connected to your brand registry.

I wanted to follow up here and ask if you still need support with this? If so, please share the case ID here.


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Vine enrolment error: No eligible offers - 414

Hello, we've been recently registered to amazon brand registry and now are trying to enroll our ASIN's for Vine. However, we receive this error:

Vine enrolment error: No eligible offers - 414

We meet all the Vine eligibility requirements and I don't understand why is this happening. Amazon support is no help here, redirects us to email and it's been a couple of days now - no response. Has anybody had this issue and could share how they fixed it? I suspect that my ASINs are not linked to my brand, but also don't know how to fix it. The brand name in ASINs is the same as our registered brand name.

3 replies
Tags:Brand Registry, Vine
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Vine enrolment error: No eligible offers - 414

Hello, we've been recently registered to amazon brand registry and now are trying to enroll our ASIN's for Vine. However, we receive this error:

Vine enrolment error: No eligible offers - 414

We meet all the Vine eligibility requirements and I don't understand why is this happening. Amazon support is no help here, redirects us to email and it's been a couple of days now - no response. Has anybody had this issue and could share how they fixed it? I suspect that my ASINs are not linked to my brand, but also don't know how to fix it. The brand name in ASINs is the same as our registered brand name.

Tags:Brand Registry, Vine
3 replies
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Vine enrolment error: No eligible offers - 414

by Seller_VLzCExzNZPUlS

Hello, we've been recently registered to amazon brand registry and now are trying to enroll our ASIN's for Vine. However, we receive this error:

Vine enrolment error: No eligible offers - 414

We meet all the Vine eligibility requirements and I don't understand why is this happening. Amazon support is no help here, redirects us to email and it's been a couple of days now - no response. Has anybody had this issue and could share how they fixed it? I suspect that my ASINs are not linked to my brand, but also don't know how to fix it. The brand name in ASINs is the same as our registered brand name.

Tags:Brand Registry, Vine
3 replies
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Hello! @Seller_VLzCExzNZPUlS

This is Roberto. Thank you for using the Forums, this error 414 indeed relates to the ASINs not being connected to your brand registry.

I wanted to follow up here and ask if you still need support with this? If so, please share the case ID here.


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Hello! @Seller_VLzCExzNZPUlS

This is Roberto. Thank you for using the Forums, this error 414 indeed relates to the ASINs not being connected to your brand registry.

I wanted to follow up here and ask if you still need support with this? If so, please share the case ID here.


user profile

Hello! @Seller_VLzCExzNZPUlS

This is Roberto. Thank you for using the Forums, this error 414 indeed relates to the ASINs not being connected to your brand registry.

I wanted to follow up here and ask if you still need support with this? If so, please share the case ID here.


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