Hello Sellers 👋
We understand the frustration that comes with encountering difficulties in updating your products and receiving requests from Seller Support to delete and then relist the listings. But why is this necessary? Let's dive into it. 💡
When you submit updates to your listings, you're adding new information to the attributes without removing any previous contributions. This can lead to errors, like conflicting contributions for the same ASIN from different SKUs. Simply editing the listing won't fix it because the old contributions stick around, causing conflicts and errors.
This is where deleting and relisting comes into play. By deleting the listing and waiting at least 24 hours, you allow Amazon's system to fully clear out the old contributions, eliminating any conflicting information causing errors. ⏳
The recommended method for deleting and relisting is by using a File Template and the EAN as the Product ID (if it has one). This ensures that your contributions are stored in a flat file, enabling bulk changes. 📝
While it can be frustrating, deleting and relisting is a powerful tool in managing your listings effectively, whether with or without Seller Support.
Have you had any success stories with deleting and relisting? What aspects of the experience do you think could be improved?
If you have specific questions about listing errors, please start a new thread with your most recent Seller Support Case.
Thank you for your attention and have a great day 🌟