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Dimensional weight changes for FBA products

Starting March 1, 2023, we’ll use your packaged product’s dimensions and unit weight to determine its size tier for Pan-European FBA, European fulfilment network, Multi-Channel fulfilment fees, and customer returns processing fees. This is done to better align our fees with fulfilment costs for all parcels size bands excluding Small and Light items.

To determine your product’s weight tier, we’ll use the greater of the unit weight or the dimensional weight in kilograms, calculated as (length x width x height cm3) divided by 5,000.

Loose packaging is counted towards your item package dimensions for fee calculations. We recommend that you minimize the dimensions of deformable packaging by using tight-fitting or vacuum-sealed poly bags or taped flaps.

Note: We’ll continue to use unit weight only to determine the shipping weight of envelopes, Small and Light items, and special oversize items.

For more information, go to these help pages:

Dimensional weight

Understanding item package weight and dimensions

63 replies
Tags:News and announcements
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Dimensional weight changes for FBA products

Starting March 1, 2023, we’ll use your packaged product’s dimensions and unit weight to determine its size tier for Pan-European FBA, European fulfilment network, Multi-Channel fulfilment fees, and customer returns processing fees. This is done to better align our fees with fulfilment costs for all parcels size bands excluding Small and Light items.

To determine your product’s weight tier, we’ll use the greater of the unit weight or the dimensional weight in kilograms, calculated as (length x width x height cm3) divided by 5,000.

Loose packaging is counted towards your item package dimensions for fee calculations. We recommend that you minimize the dimensions of deformable packaging by using tight-fitting or vacuum-sealed poly bags or taped flaps.

Note: We’ll continue to use unit weight only to determine the shipping weight of envelopes, Small and Light items, and special oversize items.

For more information, go to these help pages:

Dimensional weight

Understanding item package weight and dimensions

Tags:News and announcements
63 replies
63 replies
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Did you send either an email out to everyone containing a list of their SKU’s with the pre March 1st charges against the post March 1st charges, or at least give a link to a report that can be run to see the old/new charges side by side?

Or are you going to make all of the sellers go through every single one of their products to establish which ones this affects?

user profile

Is this the reason why small envelope S&L yesterday was 65p now jumped to £1.71 with absolutely no seller support to explain what has happened or whether this is a permanent thing?

user profile

I saw it on here in the forums first. (I’d appreciate the date and title of that email as I still can’t locate one in my inbox)
The issues I see with the way it’s been rolled out are:

  1. They could have put it far more prominently in the actual FBA inventory interface or put some sort of banner on the the create/inbound shipments interface to get the information in front of all sellers as promptly as possible that the FBA charges were changing and how.
  2. If you have a lot of SKU’s, it’s impractical to go through them 1 by 1. Ideally they would email a list of affected SKU’s prior to the change to each seller (easy job, script run over FBA SKU list and csv/txt file generate) or give clear instructions as to how to generate this report and then extract the details.
    Even after running the report is wasn’t entirely intuitive as to how to get the info out of the excel file.

The proof will be in how many sellers are sat there today, blissfully unaware of any changes and now paying higher fees and not realising it.

Many, I would say the majority, do not visit the forums and I know also a lot of people rarely pay much attention to the “News” section.

If my bank put my mortgage rates up via a news notice on it’s website, I wouldn’t see that as sufficient notice and of course it’s regulated to actually send me a very clear personalised communication in such cases.

user profile

Just putting this out there

One of my items has just had an overnight 133 % fee increase due to the dimensional weight changes.

last year - 2.50 per item ( FBA fee ) Actual weight of item - 790g


this year - 5.84 per item ( FBA fee ) New dimensional weight - 4300 g

Im sure you’ll agree that absolutely outrageous.

user profile

My worry about this whole dimensional weight thing, is that Amazon have proven themselves completely incapable of measuring things :rofl:

At least they can’t measure a greeting card, not sure how they get on with larger items.

user profile

I didnt get either of those emails, just searched to make 100% sure as well

user profile

Seller fulfilled prime may be the only way out of this one, unfortunately, if you are able to do so.

user profile

Ditto same problem here, always measure the depth around 0.5-1cm more than its actual depth, which by chance, takes it into a higher fee category. Ramdom unrequested remeasurements by Amazon taking products into next tier, completely unannounced since joining S&L. Amazon remeasure back to the correct depth and state no refund due, when we were owed over £800 in over charged fees. They do not recognise S&L when assessing if a rebate is due

user profile

Top Tips…

  1. Don’t rely on getting a sensible email from Amazon (or any at all).
  2. Watch the ‘News’ feeds on Seller Central
  3. Read the top posts in these forums daily to see what others are complaining about. Chances are ‘someone’ got an email so you know what to look in to.
  4. Around here, don’t assume that Amazon will always tell you when things are about to change. Or remind you about it if they quietly mentioned it months ago.
user profile

@Amazon you guys have increased FBA fee by over 100% for every single SKU we are selling. We understand the increasing prices of everything but you guys were already charging that price under fuel adjustment.
this price increase is going to strangle the business. most likely last nail in the coffin.

please rethink about this.


user profile

Dimensional weight changes for FBA products

Starting March 1, 2023, we’ll use your packaged product’s dimensions and unit weight to determine its size tier for Pan-European FBA, European fulfilment network, Multi-Channel fulfilment fees, and customer returns processing fees. This is done to better align our fees with fulfilment costs for all parcels size bands excluding Small and Light items.

To determine your product’s weight tier, we’ll use the greater of the unit weight or the dimensional weight in kilograms, calculated as (length x width x height cm3) divided by 5,000.

Loose packaging is counted towards your item package dimensions for fee calculations. We recommend that you minimize the dimensions of deformable packaging by using tight-fitting or vacuum-sealed poly bags or taped flaps.

Note: We’ll continue to use unit weight only to determine the shipping weight of envelopes, Small and Light items, and special oversize items.

For more information, go to these help pages:

Dimensional weight

Understanding item package weight and dimensions

63 replies
Tags:News and announcements
user profile

Dimensional weight changes for FBA products

Starting March 1, 2023, we’ll use your packaged product’s dimensions and unit weight to determine its size tier for Pan-European FBA, European fulfilment network, Multi-Channel fulfilment fees, and customer returns processing fees. This is done to better align our fees with fulfilment costs for all parcels size bands excluding Small and Light items.

To determine your product’s weight tier, we’ll use the greater of the unit weight or the dimensional weight in kilograms, calculated as (length x width x height cm3) divided by 5,000.

Loose packaging is counted towards your item package dimensions for fee calculations. We recommend that you minimize the dimensions of deformable packaging by using tight-fitting or vacuum-sealed poly bags or taped flaps.

Note: We’ll continue to use unit weight only to determine the shipping weight of envelopes, Small and Light items, and special oversize items.

For more information, go to these help pages:

Dimensional weight

Understanding item package weight and dimensions

Tags:News and announcements
63 replies
user profile

Dimensional weight changes for FBA products

by News_Amazon

Starting March 1, 2023, we’ll use your packaged product’s dimensions and unit weight to determine its size tier for Pan-European FBA, European fulfilment network, Multi-Channel fulfilment fees, and customer returns processing fees. This is done to better align our fees with fulfilment costs for all parcels size bands excluding Small and Light items.

To determine your product’s weight tier, we’ll use the greater of the unit weight or the dimensional weight in kilograms, calculated as (length x width x height cm3) divided by 5,000.

Loose packaging is counted towards your item package dimensions for fee calculations. We recommend that you minimize the dimensions of deformable packaging by using tight-fitting or vacuum-sealed poly bags or taped flaps.

Note: We’ll continue to use unit weight only to determine the shipping weight of envelopes, Small and Light items, and special oversize items.

For more information, go to these help pages:

Dimensional weight

Understanding item package weight and dimensions

Tags:News and announcements
63 replies
63 replies
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Did you send either an email out to everyone containing a list of their SKU’s with the pre March 1st charges against the post March 1st charges, or at least give a link to a report that can be run to see the old/new charges side by side?

Or are you going to make all of the sellers go through every single one of their products to establish which ones this affects?

user profile

Is this the reason why small envelope S&L yesterday was 65p now jumped to £1.71 with absolutely no seller support to explain what has happened or whether this is a permanent thing?

user profile

I saw it on here in the forums first. (I’d appreciate the date and title of that email as I still can’t locate one in my inbox)
The issues I see with the way it’s been rolled out are:

  1. They could have put it far more prominently in the actual FBA inventory interface or put some sort of banner on the the create/inbound shipments interface to get the information in front of all sellers as promptly as possible that the FBA charges were changing and how.
  2. If you have a lot of SKU’s, it’s impractical to go through them 1 by 1. Ideally they would email a list of affected SKU’s prior to the change to each seller (easy job, script run over FBA SKU list and csv/txt file generate) or give clear instructions as to how to generate this report and then extract the details.
    Even after running the report is wasn’t entirely intuitive as to how to get the info out of the excel file.

The proof will be in how many sellers are sat there today, blissfully unaware of any changes and now paying higher fees and not realising it.

Many, I would say the majority, do not visit the forums and I know also a lot of people rarely pay much attention to the “News” section.

If my bank put my mortgage rates up via a news notice on it’s website, I wouldn’t see that as sufficient notice and of course it’s regulated to actually send me a very clear personalised communication in such cases.

user profile

Just putting this out there

One of my items has just had an overnight 133 % fee increase due to the dimensional weight changes.

last year - 2.50 per item ( FBA fee ) Actual weight of item - 790g


this year - 5.84 per item ( FBA fee ) New dimensional weight - 4300 g

Im sure you’ll agree that absolutely outrageous.

user profile

My worry about this whole dimensional weight thing, is that Amazon have proven themselves completely incapable of measuring things :rofl:

At least they can’t measure a greeting card, not sure how they get on with larger items.

user profile

I didnt get either of those emails, just searched to make 100% sure as well

user profile

Seller fulfilled prime may be the only way out of this one, unfortunately, if you are able to do so.

user profile

Ditto same problem here, always measure the depth around 0.5-1cm more than its actual depth, which by chance, takes it into a higher fee category. Ramdom unrequested remeasurements by Amazon taking products into next tier, completely unannounced since joining S&L. Amazon remeasure back to the correct depth and state no refund due, when we were owed over £800 in over charged fees. They do not recognise S&L when assessing if a rebate is due

user profile

Top Tips…

  1. Don’t rely on getting a sensible email from Amazon (or any at all).
  2. Watch the ‘News’ feeds on Seller Central
  3. Read the top posts in these forums daily to see what others are complaining about. Chances are ‘someone’ got an email so you know what to look in to.
  4. Around here, don’t assume that Amazon will always tell you when things are about to change. Or remind you about it if they quietly mentioned it months ago.
user profile

@Amazon you guys have increased FBA fee by over 100% for every single SKU we are selling. We understand the increasing prices of everything but you guys were already charging that price under fuel adjustment.
this price increase is going to strangle the business. most likely last nail in the coffin.

please rethink about this.


user profile

Did you send either an email out to everyone containing a list of their SKU’s with the pre March 1st charges against the post March 1st charges, or at least give a link to a report that can be run to see the old/new charges side by side?

Or are you going to make all of the sellers go through every single one of their products to establish which ones this affects?

user profile

Did you send either an email out to everyone containing a list of their SKU’s with the pre March 1st charges against the post March 1st charges, or at least give a link to a report that can be run to see the old/new charges side by side?

Or are you going to make all of the sellers go through every single one of their products to establish which ones this affects?

user profile

Is this the reason why small envelope S&L yesterday was 65p now jumped to £1.71 with absolutely no seller support to explain what has happened or whether this is a permanent thing?

user profile

Is this the reason why small envelope S&L yesterday was 65p now jumped to £1.71 with absolutely no seller support to explain what has happened or whether this is a permanent thing?

user profile

I saw it on here in the forums first. (I’d appreciate the date and title of that email as I still can’t locate one in my inbox)
The issues I see with the way it’s been rolled out are:

  1. They could have put it far more prominently in the actual FBA inventory interface or put some sort of banner on the the create/inbound shipments interface to get the information in front of all sellers as promptly as possible that the FBA charges were changing and how.
  2. If you have a lot of SKU’s, it’s impractical to go through them 1 by 1. Ideally they would email a list of affected SKU’s prior to the change to each seller (easy job, script run over FBA SKU list and csv/txt file generate) or give clear instructions as to how to generate this report and then extract the details.
    Even after running the report is wasn’t entirely intuitive as to how to get the info out of the excel file.

The proof will be in how many sellers are sat there today, blissfully unaware of any changes and now paying higher fees and not realising it.

Many, I would say the majority, do not visit the forums and I know also a lot of people rarely pay much attention to the “News” section.

If my bank put my mortgage rates up via a news notice on it’s website, I wouldn’t see that as sufficient notice and of course it’s regulated to actually send me a very clear personalised communication in such cases.

user profile

I saw it on here in the forums first. (I’d appreciate the date and title of that email as I still can’t locate one in my inbox)
The issues I see with the way it’s been rolled out are:

  1. They could have put it far more prominently in the actual FBA inventory interface or put some sort of banner on the the create/inbound shipments interface to get the information in front of all sellers as promptly as possible that the FBA charges were changing and how.
  2. If you have a lot of SKU’s, it’s impractical to go through them 1 by 1. Ideally they would email a list of affected SKU’s prior to the change to each seller (easy job, script run over FBA SKU list and csv/txt file generate) or give clear instructions as to how to generate this report and then extract the details.
    Even after running the report is wasn’t entirely intuitive as to how to get the info out of the excel file.

The proof will be in how many sellers are sat there today, blissfully unaware of any changes and now paying higher fees and not realising it.

Many, I would say the majority, do not visit the forums and I know also a lot of people rarely pay much attention to the “News” section.

If my bank put my mortgage rates up via a news notice on it’s website, I wouldn’t see that as sufficient notice and of course it’s regulated to actually send me a very clear personalised communication in such cases.

user profile

Just putting this out there

One of my items has just had an overnight 133 % fee increase due to the dimensional weight changes.

last year - 2.50 per item ( FBA fee ) Actual weight of item - 790g


this year - 5.84 per item ( FBA fee ) New dimensional weight - 4300 g

Im sure you’ll agree that absolutely outrageous.

user profile

Just putting this out there

One of my items has just had an overnight 133 % fee increase due to the dimensional weight changes.

last year - 2.50 per item ( FBA fee ) Actual weight of item - 790g


this year - 5.84 per item ( FBA fee ) New dimensional weight - 4300 g

Im sure you’ll agree that absolutely outrageous.

user profile

My worry about this whole dimensional weight thing, is that Amazon have proven themselves completely incapable of measuring things :rofl:

At least they can’t measure a greeting card, not sure how they get on with larger items.

user profile

My worry about this whole dimensional weight thing, is that Amazon have proven themselves completely incapable of measuring things :rofl:

At least they can’t measure a greeting card, not sure how they get on with larger items.

user profile

I didnt get either of those emails, just searched to make 100% sure as well

user profile

I didnt get either of those emails, just searched to make 100% sure as well

user profile

Seller fulfilled prime may be the only way out of this one, unfortunately, if you are able to do so.

user profile

Seller fulfilled prime may be the only way out of this one, unfortunately, if you are able to do so.

user profile

Ditto same problem here, always measure the depth around 0.5-1cm more than its actual depth, which by chance, takes it into a higher fee category. Ramdom unrequested remeasurements by Amazon taking products into next tier, completely unannounced since joining S&L. Amazon remeasure back to the correct depth and state no refund due, when we were owed over £800 in over charged fees. They do not recognise S&L when assessing if a rebate is due

user profile

Ditto same problem here, always measure the depth around 0.5-1cm more than its actual depth, which by chance, takes it into a higher fee category. Ramdom unrequested remeasurements by Amazon taking products into next tier, completely unannounced since joining S&L. Amazon remeasure back to the correct depth and state no refund due, when we were owed over £800 in over charged fees. They do not recognise S&L when assessing if a rebate is due

user profile

Top Tips…

  1. Don’t rely on getting a sensible email from Amazon (or any at all).
  2. Watch the ‘News’ feeds on Seller Central
  3. Read the top posts in these forums daily to see what others are complaining about. Chances are ‘someone’ got an email so you know what to look in to.
  4. Around here, don’t assume that Amazon will always tell you when things are about to change. Or remind you about it if they quietly mentioned it months ago.
user profile

Top Tips…

  1. Don’t rely on getting a sensible email from Amazon (or any at all).
  2. Watch the ‘News’ feeds on Seller Central
  3. Read the top posts in these forums daily to see what others are complaining about. Chances are ‘someone’ got an email so you know what to look in to.
  4. Around here, don’t assume that Amazon will always tell you when things are about to change. Or remind you about it if they quietly mentioned it months ago.
user profile

@Amazon you guys have increased FBA fee by over 100% for every single SKU we are selling. We understand the increasing prices of everything but you guys were already charging that price under fuel adjustment.
this price increase is going to strangle the business. most likely last nail in the coffin.

please rethink about this.


user profile

@Amazon you guys have increased FBA fee by over 100% for every single SKU we are selling. We understand the increasing prices of everything but you guys were already charging that price under fuel adjustment.
this price increase is going to strangle the business. most likely last nail in the coffin.

please rethink about this.



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