Read onlyFBA Remote Fulfillment from EU (DE, IT, FR, ES) no longer works to allow available offers in the UK. This has worked for a long time but recently stopped.
After working with Seller Support, they informed me that under the setting menu, Fulfillment by Amazon, under "Shipping programmes and export settings", you select Edit for each country to see the "Shipping restrictions". In my case, it says "United Kingdom" is a restricted country. This is the case for all of the EU countries. (Note: Yes I have the shipping program toggled to "Worldwide", not disabled)
A requirement of Remote Fulfillment is to have FBA Export enabled, so in order to fix it, this FBA Export setting must not restrict the UK.
I've been unable to get any help from Seller Support to remove this restriction. I am not able to remove UK from this restricted menu myself by editing the setting, as it's grayed out for me.
Has anyone else experienced this issue and found a resolution? Your help and insights are much appreciated.
Hello @Seller_gcyrWeX0mhAMj
Have you enrolled already? Here is the Help page related to this topic Remote Fulfilment with FBA
I wanted to follow up on your post. In order for me to have a look, could you please provide me the case ID related to this restriction?