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Quick Tip: Navigate and Sort Discussion Comments with Quick Filter and Sort by Functions 🔎

Hello Sellers,

While we understand the challenges of keeping up with discussions that have numerous nested replies and long comment threads, we want to remind you of two helpful functions available at the bottom of each discussion:

Quick Filter:

  • "All replies" displays every comment
  • "My replies" shows only your contributions
  • "Amazon replies" highlights responses from Amazon staff

Sort by:

  • "Oldest" lists comments from oldest to newest
  • "Newest" shows newest to oldest
  • "Most voted" ranks by number of upvotes


While not a perfect solution, taking advantage of these options can help both veteran and new sellers better navigate the conversations. We'll continue exploring ways to further improve your experience on the Forums.

See the Seller Forums FAQs for additional details about the Forums.

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Tags:Quick tips
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Quick Tip: Navigate and Sort Discussion Comments with Quick Filter and Sort by Functions 🔎

Hello Sellers,

While we understand the challenges of keeping up with discussions that have numerous nested replies and long comment threads, we want to remind you of two helpful functions available at the bottom of each discussion:

Quick Filter:

  • "All replies" displays every comment
  • "My replies" shows only your contributions
  • "Amazon replies" highlights responses from Amazon staff

Sort by:

  • "Oldest" lists comments from oldest to newest
  • "Newest" shows newest to oldest
  • "Most voted" ranks by number of upvotes


While not a perfect solution, taking advantage of these options can help both veteran and new sellers better navigate the conversations. We'll continue exploring ways to further improve your experience on the Forums.

See the Seller Forums FAQs for additional details about the Forums.

Tags:Quick tips
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4 replies
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Hello Sakura_Amazon_,

What would be really helpful to me is to be able to filter by a series of words e.g. "in a quote" so I don't get everything with the word in or the word a or the word quote

Is there a way of doing this?



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Quick Tip: Navigate and Sort Discussion Comments with Quick Filter and Sort by Functions 🔎

Hello Sellers,

While we understand the challenges of keeping up with discussions that have numerous nested replies and long comment threads, we want to remind you of two helpful functions available at the bottom of each discussion:

Quick Filter:

  • "All replies" displays every comment
  • "My replies" shows only your contributions
  • "Amazon replies" highlights responses from Amazon staff

Sort by:

  • "Oldest" lists comments from oldest to newest
  • "Newest" shows newest to oldest
  • "Most voted" ranks by number of upvotes


While not a perfect solution, taking advantage of these options can help both veteran and new sellers better navigate the conversations. We'll continue exploring ways to further improve your experience on the Forums.

See the Seller Forums FAQs for additional details about the Forums.

4 replies
Tags:Quick tips
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Quick Tip: Navigate and Sort Discussion Comments with Quick Filter and Sort by Functions 🔎

Hello Sellers,

While we understand the challenges of keeping up with discussions that have numerous nested replies and long comment threads, we want to remind you of two helpful functions available at the bottom of each discussion:

Quick Filter:

  • "All replies" displays every comment
  • "My replies" shows only your contributions
  • "Amazon replies" highlights responses from Amazon staff

Sort by:

  • "Oldest" lists comments from oldest to newest
  • "Newest" shows newest to oldest
  • "Most voted" ranks by number of upvotes


While not a perfect solution, taking advantage of these options can help both veteran and new sellers better navigate the conversations. We'll continue exploring ways to further improve your experience on the Forums.

See the Seller Forums FAQs for additional details about the Forums.

Tags:Quick tips
4 replies
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Quick Tip: Navigate and Sort Discussion Comments with Quick Filter and Sort by Functions 🔎

by Sakura_Amazon_

Hello Sellers,

While we understand the challenges of keeping up with discussions that have numerous nested replies and long comment threads, we want to remind you of two helpful functions available at the bottom of each discussion:

Quick Filter:

  • "All replies" displays every comment
  • "My replies" shows only your contributions
  • "Amazon replies" highlights responses from Amazon staff

Sort by:

  • "Oldest" lists comments from oldest to newest
  • "Newest" shows newest to oldest
  • "Most voted" ranks by number of upvotes


While not a perfect solution, taking advantage of these options can help both veteran and new sellers better navigate the conversations. We'll continue exploring ways to further improve your experience on the Forums.

See the Seller Forums FAQs for additional details about the Forums.

Tags:Quick tips
4 replies
4 replies
4 replies
Quick filters
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Hello Sakura_Amazon_,

What would be really helpful to me is to be able to filter by a series of words e.g. "in a quote" so I don't get everything with the word in or the word a or the word quote

Is there a way of doing this?



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Hello Sakura_Amazon_,

What would be really helpful to me is to be able to filter by a series of words e.g. "in a quote" so I don't get everything with the word in or the word a or the word quote

Is there a way of doing this?



user profile

Hello Sakura_Amazon_,

What would be really helpful to me is to be able to filter by a series of words e.g. "in a quote" so I don't get everything with the word in or the word a or the word quote

Is there a way of doing this?



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