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Review Extortion

Customer has stated item is damaged/defective/not as described. Appears to cycle the reasons. I have asked them to open a return request to return for free for a full refund. Customer has refused to return and demands a full refund but keeps goods free of charge or they will leave a 1* review if we do not give them a refund.

We have told them this is against Amazon policy, as is review extortion as a means of obtaining free goods, however we will be more than happy to accept return for a full refund etc.

How can we deal with this to avoid the customer going ahead with posting a neg or having the neg removed under ground of review extortion?

Has anyone had experience with this? Getting illegitimate or simply incorrect reviews removed from Amazon is practically impossible. I have sent a copy of the conversation in a case I have just opened, knowing this probably won’t help.

Has anyone successfully managed to block/avoid a neg from a buyer who tries extortion using a neg to get a free product?

7 replies
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Review Extortion

Customer has stated item is damaged/defective/not as described. Appears to cycle the reasons. I have asked them to open a return request to return for free for a full refund. Customer has refused to return and demands a full refund but keeps goods free of charge or they will leave a 1* review if we do not give them a refund.

We have told them this is against Amazon policy, as is review extortion as a means of obtaining free goods, however we will be more than happy to accept return for a full refund etc.

How can we deal with this to avoid the customer going ahead with posting a neg or having the neg removed under ground of review extortion?

Has anyone had experience with this? Getting illegitimate or simply incorrect reviews removed from Amazon is practically impossible. I have sent a copy of the conversation in a case I have just opened, knowing this probably won’t help.

Has anyone successfully managed to block/avoid a neg from a buyer who tries extortion using a neg to get a free product?

7 replies
7 replies
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It’s a difficult situation considering Amazon do not often side with the Seller, despite the clear evidence laid in front of them sometimes.

I would stick your ground, no refund without return, because I feel in this situation the buyer will leave a negative regardless. Either stating you were being difficult regarding the refund, or a negative regarding the item being broken in the first place.

I would contact live support, making them aware of the issue and stick to the policy.

I personally would rather have a negative and not lose the money, instead of losing the item, money and having a negative as well.

I would be hopeful that the review is removed based on the threat made.

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Before (If ) you get the goods back… Give Seller Support the heads up, showing that you have already confirmed and agreed to refund upon return.
Pre empt the situation, so if an A-Z arrives you have covered your back!

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i recently have a customer contacted me about one star review, here is the thing, they will post the bad review anyway. so prepare for that. you can show your conversation to amazon service, i did, it might not help in this one, but with more case like this, they need to act, paypal changed their rules, right?

my own case is slightly different, the client used very rude words, and made things up, i present all those evidence to amazon, which helps, don’t give up!!!

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Buyers are within their rights to give you a negative seller feedback or write a bad product review if they are dissatisfied with their purchase.

Your buyer telling you about his intention to leave you a bad rating if you don’t refund him in full without a return isn’t review extortion.

If I were you, I would insist on a return, regardless of what feedback/review will be left.

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This is extortion and the Amazon market place should up hold the law in which ever country the sell/buyer is in.

Extortion = the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.

This is a threat plain and simple. Report to Amazon and explain this issue if they are not being helpful state you will contact the police .

Us seller need to stand up to these horrid people

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Review Extortion

Customer has stated item is damaged/defective/not as described. Appears to cycle the reasons. I have asked them to open a return request to return for free for a full refund. Customer has refused to return and demands a full refund but keeps goods free of charge or they will leave a 1* review if we do not give them a refund.

We have told them this is against Amazon policy, as is review extortion as a means of obtaining free goods, however we will be more than happy to accept return for a full refund etc.

How can we deal with this to avoid the customer going ahead with posting a neg or having the neg removed under ground of review extortion?

Has anyone had experience with this? Getting illegitimate or simply incorrect reviews removed from Amazon is practically impossible. I have sent a copy of the conversation in a case I have just opened, knowing this probably won’t help.

Has anyone successfully managed to block/avoid a neg from a buyer who tries extortion using a neg to get a free product?

7 replies
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Review Extortion

Customer has stated item is damaged/defective/not as described. Appears to cycle the reasons. I have asked them to open a return request to return for free for a full refund. Customer has refused to return and demands a full refund but keeps goods free of charge or they will leave a 1* review if we do not give them a refund.

We have told them this is against Amazon policy, as is review extortion as a means of obtaining free goods, however we will be more than happy to accept return for a full refund etc.

How can we deal with this to avoid the customer going ahead with posting a neg or having the neg removed under ground of review extortion?

Has anyone had experience with this? Getting illegitimate or simply incorrect reviews removed from Amazon is practically impossible. I have sent a copy of the conversation in a case I have just opened, knowing this probably won’t help.

Has anyone successfully managed to block/avoid a neg from a buyer who tries extortion using a neg to get a free product?

7 replies
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Review Extortion

by Seller_toP3nL5zuCfTz

Customer has stated item is damaged/defective/not as described. Appears to cycle the reasons. I have asked them to open a return request to return for free for a full refund. Customer has refused to return and demands a full refund but keeps goods free of charge or they will leave a 1* review if we do not give them a refund.

We have told them this is against Amazon policy, as is review extortion as a means of obtaining free goods, however we will be more than happy to accept return for a full refund etc.

How can we deal with this to avoid the customer going ahead with posting a neg or having the neg removed under ground of review extortion?

Has anyone had experience with this? Getting illegitimate or simply incorrect reviews removed from Amazon is practically impossible. I have sent a copy of the conversation in a case I have just opened, knowing this probably won’t help.

Has anyone successfully managed to block/avoid a neg from a buyer who tries extortion using a neg to get a free product?

7 replies
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It’s a difficult situation considering Amazon do not often side with the Seller, despite the clear evidence laid in front of them sometimes.

I would stick your ground, no refund without return, because I feel in this situation the buyer will leave a negative regardless. Either stating you were being difficult regarding the refund, or a negative regarding the item being broken in the first place.

I would contact live support, making them aware of the issue and stick to the policy.

I personally would rather have a negative and not lose the money, instead of losing the item, money and having a negative as well.

I would be hopeful that the review is removed based on the threat made.

user profile

Before (If ) you get the goods back… Give Seller Support the heads up, showing that you have already confirmed and agreed to refund upon return.
Pre empt the situation, so if an A-Z arrives you have covered your back!

user profile

i recently have a customer contacted me about one star review, here is the thing, they will post the bad review anyway. so prepare for that. you can show your conversation to amazon service, i did, it might not help in this one, but with more case like this, they need to act, paypal changed their rules, right?

my own case is slightly different, the client used very rude words, and made things up, i present all those evidence to amazon, which helps, don’t give up!!!

user profile

Buyers are within their rights to give you a negative seller feedback or write a bad product review if they are dissatisfied with their purchase.

Your buyer telling you about his intention to leave you a bad rating if you don’t refund him in full without a return isn’t review extortion.

If I were you, I would insist on a return, regardless of what feedback/review will be left.

user profile

This is extortion and the Amazon market place should up hold the law in which ever country the sell/buyer is in.

Extortion = the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.

This is a threat plain and simple. Report to Amazon and explain this issue if they are not being helpful state you will contact the police .

Us seller need to stand up to these horrid people

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It’s a difficult situation considering Amazon do not often side with the Seller, despite the clear evidence laid in front of them sometimes.

I would stick your ground, no refund without return, because I feel in this situation the buyer will leave a negative regardless. Either stating you were being difficult regarding the refund, or a negative regarding the item being broken in the first place.

I would contact live support, making them aware of the issue and stick to the policy.

I personally would rather have a negative and not lose the money, instead of losing the item, money and having a negative as well.

I would be hopeful that the review is removed based on the threat made.

user profile

It’s a difficult situation considering Amazon do not often side with the Seller, despite the clear evidence laid in front of them sometimes.

I would stick your ground, no refund without return, because I feel in this situation the buyer will leave a negative regardless. Either stating you were being difficult regarding the refund, or a negative regarding the item being broken in the first place.

I would contact live support, making them aware of the issue and stick to the policy.

I personally would rather have a negative and not lose the money, instead of losing the item, money and having a negative as well.

I would be hopeful that the review is removed based on the threat made.

user profile

Before (If ) you get the goods back… Give Seller Support the heads up, showing that you have already confirmed and agreed to refund upon return.
Pre empt the situation, so if an A-Z arrives you have covered your back!

user profile

Before (If ) you get the goods back… Give Seller Support the heads up, showing that you have already confirmed and agreed to refund upon return.
Pre empt the situation, so if an A-Z arrives you have covered your back!

user profile

i recently have a customer contacted me about one star review, here is the thing, they will post the bad review anyway. so prepare for that. you can show your conversation to amazon service, i did, it might not help in this one, but with more case like this, they need to act, paypal changed their rules, right?

my own case is slightly different, the client used very rude words, and made things up, i present all those evidence to amazon, which helps, don’t give up!!!

user profile

i recently have a customer contacted me about one star review, here is the thing, they will post the bad review anyway. so prepare for that. you can show your conversation to amazon service, i did, it might not help in this one, but with more case like this, they need to act, paypal changed their rules, right?

my own case is slightly different, the client used very rude words, and made things up, i present all those evidence to amazon, which helps, don’t give up!!!

user profile

Buyers are within their rights to give you a negative seller feedback or write a bad product review if they are dissatisfied with their purchase.

Your buyer telling you about his intention to leave you a bad rating if you don’t refund him in full without a return isn’t review extortion.

If I were you, I would insist on a return, regardless of what feedback/review will be left.

user profile

Buyers are within their rights to give you a negative seller feedback or write a bad product review if they are dissatisfied with their purchase.

Your buyer telling you about his intention to leave you a bad rating if you don’t refund him in full without a return isn’t review extortion.

If I were you, I would insist on a return, regardless of what feedback/review will be left.

user profile

This is extortion and the Amazon market place should up hold the law in which ever country the sell/buyer is in.

Extortion = the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.

This is a threat plain and simple. Report to Amazon and explain this issue if they are not being helpful state you will contact the police .

Us seller need to stand up to these horrid people

user profile

This is extortion and the Amazon market place should up hold the law in which ever country the sell/buyer is in.

Extortion = the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.

This is a threat plain and simple. Report to Amazon and explain this issue if they are not being helpful state you will contact the police .

Us seller need to stand up to these horrid people

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