Read onlyHi,
I'm a relatively new seller (2 months old). I have recently encountered issues where I have been perfectly fine adding products to existing listings until this week where I have had active listings made inactive. Amazon have not been clear why this is the case even after contacting seller support directly. I have just been informed that Amazon reserve the right to deactivate listings due to changes in the "Categories and Products Approval" policy. This I believe is telling me that there are either restrictions or they have limited my category access for some reason. The option to re-apply is not even available anymore and I am not sure not what to do.
This was the issue with one ASIN to begin with however, another one of my products has now been removed as well but strangely a variation of that same product is still active and selling.
More frustratingly, I have just realised that a product I had just sourced and purchased that was initially available to apply to sell under is now unavailable.
Can anyone with experience or any Amazon representative please tell help?
Kind regards
You don't mention what you were selling?
On the face of it this sounds like brand owners clamping down.
Hello @Seller_DX4aTTTBrwmeK!
Following up on this thread. My best advice as per peer seller mentioned, Amazon may ask you for documentation in order for you to get the approval. It will be expected for you to follow the steps provided on the performance notification, and make sure the documentation you provide on the available appeal process matches with the complaint. Here is a help page with more information
Categories and products that require approval
Sometimes some of these scenarios happen:
1. Invoice showing multiple products and not necessary the ASIN in question
2. Provide a recent invoice, meaning, is not matching with the time previous to the purchase or the investigation.
3. Provide documentation in picture format, sometimes this could affect the authenticity of the document, make sure the documentation is on a digital document format meaning PDF.
These are more general and common pitfalls. However, Unfortunately the team won't always provide a lot of information around these decisions as the processes in general are extremely confidential.
My advice for you to always kept the invoices and make sure the name on the invoice is the same name showing on your seller account.
Any assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support channel.