Read onlyWe've introduced a new term financing from TradeBridge to support your business needs in the UK store.
Eligible sellers can now access funding up to £5 million with flexible repayment terms up to 18 months. Through the quick and easy online application process, you can find out if you qualify within two business days.
TradeBridge offers flexible, fair, and transparent business funding with no hidden fees or personal guarantees to help you scale your business.
To see if your business is eligible for a term financing with TradeBridge, go to Amazon Lending.
Dear Amazon,
Please can Amazon re-consider AMAZON lending, as this was a good choice for small businesses.
We have never heard of TRADEBRIDGE? please explain why Amazon loves them, and recommends them to Merchants.
How exactly, are they fair, and transparent funding, but you have not provided any information to support these claims?
another way for you to try and milk money out of your “partners”. Amazon is just a massive protection racket in effect.
They do not show up on the page you have linked. Perhaps because we already have one on-going with YouLend.
Personally, I had never heard of TradeBridge before. That's definitely a red flag. It's important to be cautious with financial services, especially when they lack transparency.
Hey @Seller_9fA2L82vl2c6V,
Here is the response from Amazon Lending team:
When a seller has an active loan, they will not see new loan offers until the existing loan is closed. When the account becomes eligible a loan invitation appears as a widget on the Seller Central homepage and remains available for 4 weeks.
All the best! Ezra
Hi @Ezra_Amazon
Thank you. I did contact TradeBridge directly a while ago and they told me this too. They said to check back once my loan with YouLend has finished.
Thanks for confirming.
Dear Amazon,
Please can Amazon re-consider AMAZON lending,