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Amazon Keyword Optimization 101

by Julia_Amzn

Hello everyone!

We have an important topic for you today: keywords.

The right keywords not only help increase your visibility but also improve relevance for potential customers.

We therefore have a few tips for you to find your perfect keyword mix.

Use Amazon-specific keywords: The tactics you use for Google don't necessarily work for Amazon, as the target group behaves differently on both platforms. Therefore, focus on your Amazon target group to optimize your keywords. For example, you can use the Amazon search bar to get ideas.

Use only relevant keywords: Select keywords that really match the product listing. Avoid irrelevant or subjective keywords, even if they have a high search query. Instead, focus on search terms that meet the exact demand and needs of your target customers to increase your relevance.

Integrate keywords strategically: You don't have to integrate the keywords multiple times. The most important keywords should already appear in the title, and you can also include other keywords in the product description.

Use backend keywords: Additional keywords that customers don't see can be placed in the backend. Be careful not to exceed the maximum number of 250 bytes. To make optimal use of the number of bytes, you can do without punctuation marks and filler words.

Monitor the keyword-performance: Check the performance of your keywords regularly and exchange them for new ones if they don't deliver good results.

I'm sure many of you have other strategies from your practical experience! Do you utilize any specialized tools (Amazon)-Tools to identify the most effective keywords?

Your insights are needed now! We look forward to your contributions and experiences on the topic!

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Tags: Keywords
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