OK well I have about 100 products which I alone sell but never seem to get sales so i thought why not.
I see that amazon start you off on 0.50p default bid
you must be joking.
I also do sponsored listings on ebay and know that it takes 30 clicks to get 1 sale. So I would need to spend £15 to sell a £10 item?
That’s clever.
I have now set my default bid to 5p
probably wont get any sales but will try for a few days.
what are your experiences with sponsored ads?
OK well I have about 100 products which I alone sell but never seem to get sales so i thought why not.
I see that amazon start you off on 0.50p default bid
you must be joking.
I also do sponsored listings on ebay and know that it takes 30 clicks to get 1 sale. So I would need to spend £15 to sell a £10 item?
That’s clever.
I have now set my default bid to 5p
probably wont get any sales but will try for a few days.
what are your experiences with sponsored ads?
The default bid is just a maximum. In reality the cost per click will probably be much lower. Mine is set to £0.50 but the average is £0.30 with the lowest being £0.13. Also, in my experience it only takes 8 clicks per sale on average.
50p is just an arbitrary amount set as default. Once you set your keywords or product targeting (if you are not using automated campaign) then a more realistic cost per click will appear against each keyword or product.
Automatic campaigns will work out very expensive and have lower conversion rates though it is easy to set up and will give you a wide range of targeted traffic - hence low conversions.
I can pay anything between 3p and £1.29 a click it all depends on what I’m targeting. My average sale is £7.00
If I don’t get sales within 6 click throughs I turn off the keyword or product targeting because it then starts to eat too much into profit. But that can vary depending on the cost of the clicks.
You have to be tough. It’s easy to think that because your are getting impressions and clicks that eventually you will get sales. you can eat up a lot of money that way.
My campaign ACOS ranges between 0.4% and 12% I don’t run any campaign where the ACOS breaches 15% for more than 3 days.
You have to control your finances or it is easy to be left with a sponsored products bill bigger than you sales let alone profits.
My campaigns are all set at 2p & run continuously & my average ACOS is 2.8% over 3 years.The last campaign I started has generated about 100 sales at an ACOS of 0.8%
One thing to bear in mind is that Amazon will only display your ads if the product you are promoting has the buy box, regardless of how much you set your bid price for.
Another point to note is that your products do not automatically get the buy box if they are your own products with only you selling them.
Hope this helps.
As above you can play around with the figures after ad has been running a few days. You can also switch between manual and automatic.
Amazon ads are quite effective, especially in comparison to Ebay’s.
I would have thought that if the products are unique to you alone, you shouldn’t need Sponsored Ads, natural search results would surely suffice if the products are actually being search for?
Keep an eye on the spending, I was not to clued up and ended up with a spend of over 400 pounds after Christmas, the funds were taken against my balance and took me over 4 days of sales until my account was back in credit (and my items are only 5.99!) Totally my fault for not fully understanding the ad campaign settings. However, now that I do understand what I am doing it is well worth it, I found it really complicated within the ad campaign settings, but that’s probably me!
If you don’t monitor it closely, on an hourly basis - you will end up getting ripped off in fees.
You get charged even if no sales.
Also - be careful - its open to abuse by your competitors (clicking and not buying).
Start with automatic ones, then filter the golden keywords and do the manual ones monitoring them once a day to see if there is no keywords that cost more than you want (check ACoS vs your profit - ACoS should be lower than your profit obviously)
I use sponsored ads quite a lot. It can take a lot of time to get your ad campaigns to be cost effective, but worth it if you put the time in. I’m sure you have a good idea what your potential customers search for when they are looking to buy your products. But there will also be lots of good search terms that you won’t know.
A good way to discover good search terms is to run an auto campaign for each product for a short period (24-48 hrs eg) and then run an ad report and see what people have searched for. Then create another manual campign for the product and place the useful search terms into an exact or phrase ad group for the product.
Keep repeating this process and you should end up with lots of profitable search terms and filter out the non profitable ones. Once you have your search terms in the manual campigns you will pay less for them (than you would in an auto campaign) and should also find some new cheap search terms with little competition.
Don’t forget Amazon knows what customers want and what they search for, so let Amazon tell you by running the ads and checking out the search term reports. A bonus is that when you find profitable search terms you could then go back and use them in your product titles, descriptions etc and get ‘organic’ / free traffic for them.
Its a pain at first but potentially very worthwhile if you can put the time in. Definitely worth it if the products you think you could be selling the same products for a long period.
Hope this helps.
OK well I have about 100 products which I alone sell but never seem to get sales so i thought why not.
I see that amazon start you off on 0.50p default bid
you must be joking.
I also do sponsored listings on ebay and know that it takes 30 clicks to get 1 sale. So I would need to spend £15 to sell a £10 item?
That’s clever.
I have now set my default bid to 5p
probably wont get any sales but will try for a few days.
what are your experiences with sponsored ads?
OK well I have about 100 products which I alone sell but never seem to get sales so i thought why not.
I see that amazon start you off on 0.50p default bid
you must be joking.
I also do sponsored listings on ebay and know that it takes 30 clicks to get 1 sale. So I would need to spend £15 to sell a £10 item?
That’s clever.
I have now set my default bid to 5p
probably wont get any sales but will try for a few days.
what are your experiences with sponsored ads?
OK well I have about 100 products which I alone sell but never seem to get sales so i thought why not.
I see that amazon start you off on 0.50p default bid
you must be joking.
I also do sponsored listings on ebay and know that it takes 30 clicks to get 1 sale. So I would need to spend £15 to sell a £10 item?
That’s clever.
I have now set my default bid to 5p
probably wont get any sales but will try for a few days.
what are your experiences with sponsored ads?
The default bid is just a maximum. In reality the cost per click will probably be much lower. Mine is set to £0.50 but the average is £0.30 with the lowest being £0.13. Also, in my experience it only takes 8 clicks per sale on average.
50p is just an arbitrary amount set as default. Once you set your keywords or product targeting (if you are not using automated campaign) then a more realistic cost per click will appear against each keyword or product.
Automatic campaigns will work out very expensive and have lower conversion rates though it is easy to set up and will give you a wide range of targeted traffic - hence low conversions.
I can pay anything between 3p and £1.29 a click it all depends on what I’m targeting. My average sale is £7.00
If I don’t get sales within 6 click throughs I turn off the keyword or product targeting because it then starts to eat too much into profit. But that can vary depending on the cost of the clicks.
You have to be tough. It’s easy to think that because your are getting impressions and clicks that eventually you will get sales. you can eat up a lot of money that way.
My campaign ACOS ranges between 0.4% and 12% I don’t run any campaign where the ACOS breaches 15% for more than 3 days.
You have to control your finances or it is easy to be left with a sponsored products bill bigger than you sales let alone profits.
My campaigns are all set at 2p & run continuously & my average ACOS is 2.8% over 3 years.The last campaign I started has generated about 100 sales at an ACOS of 0.8%
One thing to bear in mind is that Amazon will only display your ads if the product you are promoting has the buy box, regardless of how much you set your bid price for.
Another point to note is that your products do not automatically get the buy box if they are your own products with only you selling them.
Hope this helps.
As above you can play around with the figures after ad has been running a few days. You can also switch between manual and automatic.
Amazon ads are quite effective, especially in comparison to Ebay’s.
I would have thought that if the products are unique to you alone, you shouldn’t need Sponsored Ads, natural search results would surely suffice if the products are actually being search for?
Keep an eye on the spending, I was not to clued up and ended up with a spend of over 400 pounds after Christmas, the funds were taken against my balance and took me over 4 days of sales until my account was back in credit (and my items are only 5.99!) Totally my fault for not fully understanding the ad campaign settings. However, now that I do understand what I am doing it is well worth it, I found it really complicated within the ad campaign settings, but that’s probably me!
If you don’t monitor it closely, on an hourly basis - you will end up getting ripped off in fees.
You get charged even if no sales.
Also - be careful - its open to abuse by your competitors (clicking and not buying).
Start with automatic ones, then filter the golden keywords and do the manual ones monitoring them once a day to see if there is no keywords that cost more than you want (check ACoS vs your profit - ACoS should be lower than your profit obviously)
I use sponsored ads quite a lot. It can take a lot of time to get your ad campaigns to be cost effective, but worth it if you put the time in. I’m sure you have a good idea what your potential customers search for when they are looking to buy your products. But there will also be lots of good search terms that you won’t know.
A good way to discover good search terms is to run an auto campaign for each product for a short period (24-48 hrs eg) and then run an ad report and see what people have searched for. Then create another manual campign for the product and place the useful search terms into an exact or phrase ad group for the product.
Keep repeating this process and you should end up with lots of profitable search terms and filter out the non profitable ones. Once you have your search terms in the manual campigns you will pay less for them (than you would in an auto campaign) and should also find some new cheap search terms with little competition.
Don’t forget Amazon knows what customers want and what they search for, so let Amazon tell you by running the ads and checking out the search term reports. A bonus is that when you find profitable search terms you could then go back and use them in your product titles, descriptions etc and get ‘organic’ / free traffic for them.
Its a pain at first but potentially very worthwhile if you can put the time in. Definitely worth it if the products you think you could be selling the same products for a long period.
Hope this helps.
The default bid is just a maximum. In reality the cost per click will probably be much lower. Mine is set to £0.50 but the average is £0.30 with the lowest being £0.13. Also, in my experience it only takes 8 clicks per sale on average.
The default bid is just a maximum. In reality the cost per click will probably be much lower. Mine is set to £0.50 but the average is £0.30 with the lowest being £0.13. Also, in my experience it only takes 8 clicks per sale on average.
50p is just an arbitrary amount set as default. Once you set your keywords or product targeting (if you are not using automated campaign) then a more realistic cost per click will appear against each keyword or product.
Automatic campaigns will work out very expensive and have lower conversion rates though it is easy to set up and will give you a wide range of targeted traffic - hence low conversions.
I can pay anything between 3p and £1.29 a click it all depends on what I’m targeting. My average sale is £7.00
If I don’t get sales within 6 click throughs I turn off the keyword or product targeting because it then starts to eat too much into profit. But that can vary depending on the cost of the clicks.
You have to be tough. It’s easy to think that because your are getting impressions and clicks that eventually you will get sales. you can eat up a lot of money that way.
My campaign ACOS ranges between 0.4% and 12% I don’t run any campaign where the ACOS breaches 15% for more than 3 days.
You have to control your finances or it is easy to be left with a sponsored products bill bigger than you sales let alone profits.
50p is just an arbitrary amount set as default. Once you set your keywords or product targeting (if you are not using automated campaign) then a more realistic cost per click will appear against each keyword or product.
Automatic campaigns will work out very expensive and have lower conversion rates though it is easy to set up and will give you a wide range of targeted traffic - hence low conversions.
I can pay anything between 3p and £1.29 a click it all depends on what I’m targeting. My average sale is £7.00
If I don’t get sales within 6 click throughs I turn off the keyword or product targeting because it then starts to eat too much into profit. But that can vary depending on the cost of the clicks.
You have to be tough. It’s easy to think that because your are getting impressions and clicks that eventually you will get sales. you can eat up a lot of money that way.
My campaign ACOS ranges between 0.4% and 12% I don’t run any campaign where the ACOS breaches 15% for more than 3 days.
You have to control your finances or it is easy to be left with a sponsored products bill bigger than you sales let alone profits.
My campaigns are all set at 2p & run continuously & my average ACOS is 2.8% over 3 years.The last campaign I started has generated about 100 sales at an ACOS of 0.8%
My campaigns are all set at 2p & run continuously & my average ACOS is 2.8% over 3 years.The last campaign I started has generated about 100 sales at an ACOS of 0.8%
One thing to bear in mind is that Amazon will only display your ads if the product you are promoting has the buy box, regardless of how much you set your bid price for.
Another point to note is that your products do not automatically get the buy box if they are your own products with only you selling them.
Hope this helps.
One thing to bear in mind is that Amazon will only display your ads if the product you are promoting has the buy box, regardless of how much you set your bid price for.
Another point to note is that your products do not automatically get the buy box if they are your own products with only you selling them.
Hope this helps.
As above you can play around with the figures after ad has been running a few days. You can also switch between manual and automatic.
Amazon ads are quite effective, especially in comparison to Ebay’s.
As above you can play around with the figures after ad has been running a few days. You can also switch between manual and automatic.
Amazon ads are quite effective, especially in comparison to Ebay’s.
I would have thought that if the products are unique to you alone, you shouldn’t need Sponsored Ads, natural search results would surely suffice if the products are actually being search for?
I would have thought that if the products are unique to you alone, you shouldn’t need Sponsored Ads, natural search results would surely suffice if the products are actually being search for?
Keep an eye on the spending, I was not to clued up and ended up with a spend of over 400 pounds after Christmas, the funds were taken against my balance and took me over 4 days of sales until my account was back in credit (and my items are only 5.99!) Totally my fault for not fully understanding the ad campaign settings. However, now that I do understand what I am doing it is well worth it, I found it really complicated within the ad campaign settings, but that’s probably me!
Keep an eye on the spending, I was not to clued up and ended up with a spend of over 400 pounds after Christmas, the funds were taken against my balance and took me over 4 days of sales until my account was back in credit (and my items are only 5.99!) Totally my fault for not fully understanding the ad campaign settings. However, now that I do understand what I am doing it is well worth it, I found it really complicated within the ad campaign settings, but that’s probably me!
If you don’t monitor it closely, on an hourly basis - you will end up getting ripped off in fees.
You get charged even if no sales.
Also - be careful - its open to abuse by your competitors (clicking and not buying).
If you don’t monitor it closely, on an hourly basis - you will end up getting ripped off in fees.
You get charged even if no sales.
Also - be careful - its open to abuse by your competitors (clicking and not buying).
Start with automatic ones, then filter the golden keywords and do the manual ones monitoring them once a day to see if there is no keywords that cost more than you want (check ACoS vs your profit - ACoS should be lower than your profit obviously)
Start with automatic ones, then filter the golden keywords and do the manual ones monitoring them once a day to see if there is no keywords that cost more than you want (check ACoS vs your profit - ACoS should be lower than your profit obviously)
I use sponsored ads quite a lot. It can take a lot of time to get your ad campaigns to be cost effective, but worth it if you put the time in. I’m sure you have a good idea what your potential customers search for when they are looking to buy your products. But there will also be lots of good search terms that you won’t know.
A good way to discover good search terms is to run an auto campaign for each product for a short period (24-48 hrs eg) and then run an ad report and see what people have searched for. Then create another manual campign for the product and place the useful search terms into an exact or phrase ad group for the product.
Keep repeating this process and you should end up with lots of profitable search terms and filter out the non profitable ones. Once you have your search terms in the manual campigns you will pay less for them (than you would in an auto campaign) and should also find some new cheap search terms with little competition.
Don’t forget Amazon knows what customers want and what they search for, so let Amazon tell you by running the ads and checking out the search term reports. A bonus is that when you find profitable search terms you could then go back and use them in your product titles, descriptions etc and get ‘organic’ / free traffic for them.
Its a pain at first but potentially very worthwhile if you can put the time in. Definitely worth it if the products you think you could be selling the same products for a long period.
Hope this helps.
I use sponsored ads quite a lot. It can take a lot of time to get your ad campaigns to be cost effective, but worth it if you put the time in. I’m sure you have a good idea what your potential customers search for when they are looking to buy your products. But there will also be lots of good search terms that you won’t know.
A good way to discover good search terms is to run an auto campaign for each product for a short period (24-48 hrs eg) and then run an ad report and see what people have searched for. Then create another manual campign for the product and place the useful search terms into an exact or phrase ad group for the product.
Keep repeating this process and you should end up with lots of profitable search terms and filter out the non profitable ones. Once you have your search terms in the manual campigns you will pay less for them (than you would in an auto campaign) and should also find some new cheap search terms with little competition.
Don’t forget Amazon knows what customers want and what they search for, so let Amazon tell you by running the ads and checking out the search term reports. A bonus is that when you find profitable search terms you could then go back and use them in your product titles, descriptions etc and get ‘organic’ / free traffic for them.
Its a pain at first but potentially very worthwhile if you can put the time in. Definitely worth it if the products you think you could be selling the same products for a long period.
Hope this helps.