I’m the lawful owner of -----COSMETICS, trademark #------, as documented by USPTO records. By law, the Brand Registry must be associated with my account. However, the trademark is enrolled under an account that I can’t access because the individual has passed away. WHAT TO DO HELP ME
Hi @Seller_KsZgolMXqwjGB,
I'm very sorry to hear about the passing of the previous account holder. This must be a challenging situation to navigate.
According to the Brand Registry FAQ help page (https://sellercentral.amazon.com/help/hub/reference/G7XU99JWVLB645MU), under "When trying to enroll my brand, I was notified that the trademark is already enrolled. What can I do?", here are the steps:
Since you have USPTO documentation proving your ownership, you'll be able to use this process to submit your appeal.
Best regards, Michael
Hi @Seller_KsZgolMXqwjGB
One thing I think you should try is to reach out to Brand Registry Support, supplying them with all the proper documentation showing that you are now the trademark owner and explain what has happened. They may ask for specific information to verify but that is going to be your starting point!