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Very unfair A-Z claim from buyer who didn't want to pick up his parcel after 4x delivery attempt by courier


We have buyer ordering multiple orders quite large sum, so we put signed parcel for protection as seller and royal mail has been trying to deliver to his address for 4x but no one home and buyer not bothered to update his delivery preferences when will suit him, then today he complained parcel not showing up and open A-Z claim, we already communicated to him 4x royal mail tried to deliver, with detailed tracking information everyday they tried but because no one at premises they can't leave parcel on the door, and of course at one point they are stop and sending notes parcel need to be collected, we communicate with buyer if he could pick up the parcel its just 3 minutes away from him, but instead he opened A-Z claim despite all the proof he got the money back, and we just cross our finger now he didn't go to post office and then pick up the parcel for free as well, we got penalty point for mistakes that is not our fault nor the courier fault and feel very upset how entitle are some people, if courier leave it not on safe place its wrong, if we send with signature mandatory and they must have someone to accept parcels also wrong, this is criminal what amazon allow, there is limit of how entitled buyer for everything and seller being punished for no reason and lost money too

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Tags:A to Z Claims
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Very unfair A-Z claim from buyer who didn't want to pick up his parcel after 4x delivery attempt by courier


We have buyer ordering multiple orders quite large sum, so we put signed parcel for protection as seller and royal mail has been trying to deliver to his address for 4x but no one home and buyer not bothered to update his delivery preferences when will suit him, then today he complained parcel not showing up and open A-Z claim, we already communicated to him 4x royal mail tried to deliver, with detailed tracking information everyday they tried but because no one at premises they can't leave parcel on the door, and of course at one point they are stop and sending notes parcel need to be collected, we communicate with buyer if he could pick up the parcel its just 3 minutes away from him, but instead he opened A-Z claim despite all the proof he got the money back, and we just cross our finger now he didn't go to post office and then pick up the parcel for free as well, we got penalty point for mistakes that is not our fault nor the courier fault and feel very upset how entitle are some people, if courier leave it not on safe place its wrong, if we send with signature mandatory and they must have someone to accept parcels also wrong, this is criminal what amazon allow, there is limit of how entitled buyer for everything and seller being punished for no reason and lost money too

Tags:A to Z Claims
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Hello @Seller_gpjzJh5R6MSF3,

Thank you for posting on Forums!

This is Sarah with Amazon.

Could you please share the Case ID raised with Seller Support so I can take a look?

Kind regards,


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Very unfair A-Z claim from buyer who didn't want to pick up his parcel after 4x delivery attempt by courier


We have buyer ordering multiple orders quite large sum, so we put signed parcel for protection as seller and royal mail has been trying to deliver to his address for 4x but no one home and buyer not bothered to update his delivery preferences when will suit him, then today he complained parcel not showing up and open A-Z claim, we already communicated to him 4x royal mail tried to deliver, with detailed tracking information everyday they tried but because no one at premises they can't leave parcel on the door, and of course at one point they are stop and sending notes parcel need to be collected, we communicate with buyer if he could pick up the parcel its just 3 minutes away from him, but instead he opened A-Z claim despite all the proof he got the money back, and we just cross our finger now he didn't go to post office and then pick up the parcel for free as well, we got penalty point for mistakes that is not our fault nor the courier fault and feel very upset how entitle are some people, if courier leave it not on safe place its wrong, if we send with signature mandatory and they must have someone to accept parcels also wrong, this is criminal what amazon allow, there is limit of how entitled buyer for everything and seller being punished for no reason and lost money too

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Tags:A to Z Claims
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Very unfair A-Z claim from buyer who didn't want to pick up his parcel after 4x delivery attempt by courier


We have buyer ordering multiple orders quite large sum, so we put signed parcel for protection as seller and royal mail has been trying to deliver to his address for 4x but no one home and buyer not bothered to update his delivery preferences when will suit him, then today he complained parcel not showing up and open A-Z claim, we already communicated to him 4x royal mail tried to deliver, with detailed tracking information everyday they tried but because no one at premises they can't leave parcel on the door, and of course at one point they are stop and sending notes parcel need to be collected, we communicate with buyer if he could pick up the parcel its just 3 minutes away from him, but instead he opened A-Z claim despite all the proof he got the money back, and we just cross our finger now he didn't go to post office and then pick up the parcel for free as well, we got penalty point for mistakes that is not our fault nor the courier fault and feel very upset how entitle are some people, if courier leave it not on safe place its wrong, if we send with signature mandatory and they must have someone to accept parcels also wrong, this is criminal what amazon allow, there is limit of how entitled buyer for everything and seller being punished for no reason and lost money too

Tags:A to Z Claims
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Very unfair A-Z claim from buyer who didn't want to pick up his parcel after 4x delivery attempt by courier

by Seller_gpjzJh5R6MSF3


We have buyer ordering multiple orders quite large sum, so we put signed parcel for protection as seller and royal mail has been trying to deliver to his address for 4x but no one home and buyer not bothered to update his delivery preferences when will suit him, then today he complained parcel not showing up and open A-Z claim, we already communicated to him 4x royal mail tried to deliver, with detailed tracking information everyday they tried but because no one at premises they can't leave parcel on the door, and of course at one point they are stop and sending notes parcel need to be collected, we communicate with buyer if he could pick up the parcel its just 3 minutes away from him, but instead he opened A-Z claim despite all the proof he got the money back, and we just cross our finger now he didn't go to post office and then pick up the parcel for free as well, we got penalty point for mistakes that is not our fault nor the courier fault and feel very upset how entitle are some people, if courier leave it not on safe place its wrong, if we send with signature mandatory and they must have someone to accept parcels also wrong, this is criminal what amazon allow, there is limit of how entitled buyer for everything and seller being punished for no reason and lost money too

Tags:A to Z Claims
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Hello @Seller_gpjzJh5R6MSF3,

Thank you for posting on Forums!

This is Sarah with Amazon.

Could you please share the Case ID raised with Seller Support so I can take a look?

Kind regards,


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Hello @Seller_gpjzJh5R6MSF3,

Thank you for posting on Forums!

This is Sarah with Amazon.

Could you please share the Case ID raised with Seller Support so I can take a look?

Kind regards,


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Hello @Seller_gpjzJh5R6MSF3,

Thank you for posting on Forums!

This is Sarah with Amazon.

Could you please share the Case ID raised with Seller Support so I can take a look?

Kind regards,


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