Read onlyI had received an email stating that my listing has been blocked in the catalog because it is missing the ingredients. No matter how much I contact the support team, I am not getting a response on how to update the ingredients. The listing is for a food supplement.
Below is the reply what I am getting from Amazon team
"We received your appeal, but we are unable to reactivate your ASINs at this time.
Why did this happen?
The product detail page for the ASINs indicated in the next paragraph is not compliant with our policies.
What actions do I need to take?
To reactivate your ASINs, remove the prohibited content indicated below from your product detail page or provide additional evidence of compliance:
Title: Minadex Multivitamin Liquid for Adults & Kids (Delicious Orange Flavour), 150 ml - Omega-3 & Vitamins A, B2, B3, C, D, E for Reduction of Tiredness and Fatique
Recommended changes to be done: Kindly update ingredient information in the 'ingredients' attribute field for further review.
This product has been identified as a food supplement that does not contain ingredient information in the ingredients attribute field. The sale of such products is prohibited on In order to reinstate ASINs that have been suspended, please complete the ingredient information in the ingredient field. Once completed, you do not need to contact Seller Support for reinstatement as your ASIN will be reinstated within Two business days after the ingredients field is populated with the required information. If you are unable to make these change, please contact SPS for assistance".
No matter what We do Call, Msg or email Amazon I get the same response. We are ready to comply with Amazon but we will need Amazon to respond us for once and help us to sort this matter.
We are hoping that we have solution to this matter. If some one can advise us what shall be done that would be great.
Hello @Seller_VryCgVbeLP9QD
Following on your post. Did you try updating the ASIN information using a sheet (inventory file)?
Any assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support channel.
Dear JiAlex,
Thank you for your response and support. Unfortunately, we are encountering difficulties with the ASIN reinstatement process, and we would greatly appreciate your guidance to resolve this matter.
While we have followed the instructions provided, including submitting the ingredient information, the system response has been the same, without clear resolution. We are uncertain if we need to reupload the ASIN as a new listing, as it no longer appears active on Amazon. If this is the correct approach, kindly confirm or provide instructions.
We have no issue reaching out to the Support team, but despite our repeated efforts since the beginning of the year, we have not received effective assistance for this specific case. This ASIN has strong demand in the UK and performs well on other channels. Expanding globally through Amazon is a critical part of our growth strategy, making this issue a top priority for us to resolve.
Could you please advise on the best course of action to reinstate this listing and ensure compliance with Amazon’s requirements? Any additional support or escalation channels would be immensely helpful.
Thank you for your time and understanding. We are committed to resolving this and look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Dhrun Ltd