Read onlyHi all, I am opening this topic to warn every seller not to ever work with VAT agent company called Singularity. After Amazon ceased Amazon VAT services, we transitioned from TBA to Singularity and Singularity has not been filing our returns for multiple EU countries including Germany, Italy, France and Czech Republic. My correspondent Sagar Manjal has ceased communication all together and they stopped responding back to my emails. Even when they did, there was such a high turn over, each of my emails used to be answered by someone else as the previous suport agent had already quited the company. I am not sure how this company is still in Amazon partnered network. We are likely to receive fines from tax authorities and this is all because Singularity's fault. I appreciate if fellow sellers come here and share their own stories with VAT agents. Thank you.
Hi there, we are a german company and similar experience : thought it would be nice to sign up taxwise in PL and CZ to save on FBA fees and sign up IT,ES,UK,FR to store products closer to customers. Sofar we received CZ, PL, FR and UK VAT certificates and rely on Singularity filing VAT, even NULL every month/quarter. But in march we received a penalty point in UK for missing filing Q4/2024 and no response from singularity.... I filed the UK taxes myself now before something happens. To add company sales other than AMZ to singularity's supposed filing we got served an excel sheet for UK and returned that to with a couple of sales on other platforms. But no dashboard or protocol of theirs or information if/how VAT-filing in CZ, PL, FR or UK has even happened. Disappointed and this can be jeopardising for our company if continued. Why did Amazon partner up with this company, they over-comitted and under-delivered in our case...