Read onlyI clicked on Transfer Legal Entity and it came up with an agreement page, but I have not click agree as I do not want to do this. (and there were no buttons at all )
I can't go back to my account, there is no back or cancel button.
if I click on anything on the page like help or setting anything it keeps bringing me back to the page I have attached.
It is a malfunction,I need to cancel this transfer request (even though I didn't agree to it).
Finding out that you have meet the same problem before, may I ask how did you do to got your account back to normal? Would you please give me some suggestions?
Hi @Seller_x8XVW13xVVMLO,
welcome to the German Seller Forums.
Your post was already a while ago. Were you able to solve your issue in the meantime? If no, were you able to reach out to Seller Support or the Account verification Team for help?
Hi @Seller_x8XVW13xVVMLOdid you resolve this issue, I have just run into same issue and looking for guidance or someone to compare notes with?