Read onlyWe have recently graduated from the Seller Fulfilled Prime trial, and I've set a "Prime Order Volume" limit on our account, when the limit was hit, the prime badge was disabled, but the orders are instead coming through as "Premium Shipping", so they still have a same day dispatch and next day delivery promise. Effectively no different to the prime orders just without the badge.
I thought once we hit the limit the orders would revert to standard shipping, or at move onto the next day as the dispatch by date?
Does anyone know how we can disable the premium shipping once the daily prime order volume has been hit? In the SFP shipping template, Standard Shipping, Two-Day Premium Shipping (Order by 2:00 p.m) and One-Day Premium Shipping (Order by 2:00 p.m) are all preselected and greyed out so none of the options can be turned off.
Hello @Seller_OIsMndROkW2LI
When you update the shipping template under Shipping Settings, are you clearing the One-Day Delivery and Two-Day Delivery option before submitting?
Help page reference: Premium Shipping
OK thank you I understand that, the issue I am having is there is no option to disable premium shipping without also disabling SFP.
So whilst I agree they are separate, there is no way to disable premium shipping in the shipping settings without also disabling SFP.