first off, I am completely new to selling on amazon, and this is me trying to make my first listing.
I bought some products from alibaba from one specific chinese brand, and am trying to sell them here.
In the listing creation tool I applied for approval to sell the brand, and I get an e-mail saying:
"UPC owner and Brand do not relate". After some googling around finding out what UPC means, I contact support to explain to me in a bit more detail what this means for me and my business plans, what I have to do etc.
I get an email in response just repeating the very same that was said earlier:
"UPC owner and Brand do not relate".
since they keep repeating the very thing I asked them to explain in more detail, I turn to you guys.
have any of you had this issue?
what does it mean for me and my plans?
I can't imagine a chinese brand that allows several distributors on alibaba to sell their stuff globally minds that it is sold by someone on amazon...... so what's the issue here?
to confuse things further, this is not my first attempt. an earlier application for the same product was denied and the email I got said " After investigation, we have identified that the brand you are attempting to list with is already registered or approved on Amazon.".........
any advice and help would be much appreciated, and with a lot of gratitude
kind regards
What the message 'UPC owner and Brand do not relate' means in practice is this...
Do they have a barcode on that you are creating the listing with? are the items branded?
You need to be really careful listing things from there as things can go wrong quite quickly. It isn't unheard of to buy items from there and the vendor is expecting you to brand the items yourself and if they see you on their main listing they get you kicked off.
Obviously can't say as i don't know what you're trying to list, but if it's a "random" brand name then be careful.
This is a thread that is worth reading as Amazon may request invoices from you at some point in the future (if you manage to overcome this current issue and get your products listed).
Do not do that here. You will be banned.
You need a Letter Of Authorisation (LOA) from the brand in order to list products on Amazon.
Google "verified by GS1" and check the barcode and owner detail of the one you are using.